SOS signal: how to save your skin from trouble

Pimple? Redness? Dullness? tightness? Each of these unexpected problems has a solution – targeted means. They are able to quickly correct the situation and return the skin to comfort and a healthy look.

What do we do if we have a headache, a cut or a bruise? That’s right, we open a first-aid kit. Regardless of its size, a number of products are present there by default: painkillers, plasters, antipyretics and drugs that regulate digestion.

And what to do if the skin is suddenly capricious? A pimple jumped up, a nose peeled off, cheeks itch unbearably? Or does the face just look tired, haggard, and there is a long, and besides, an important evening ahead? For such situations in cosmetics, there are a number of SOS products, from which it makes sense to make up your own, alternative beauty kit, so as not to get upset over trifles.

No extra shine

“Even if you’re dying, you don’t have to have a shiny nose” – this old adage can become the motto of instant matte products. These include blotting wipes, serums, primers and a recently emerging category of mattifying sprays. The composition of such products includes absorbent powder made of talc, zinc and fine clay.

Serums additionally contain fat-regulating complexes with a cumulative effect. With their continued use, the luster of the skin will decrease. Spray wipes are great because they can be used over makeup. And the primers, prudently applied under it, narrow the pores and fix the makeup pigments.

Do not try to replace these products with ordinary powder: firstly, it “bans” fat and bacteria in the skin, clogging pores and provoking inflammation. And secondly, the sebum on the sponge will become a fertile breeding ground for microorganisms. Once on the powder, it will stick together its pigments and shorten the shelf life.

Dry and forget

A sudden jumping pimple can ruin both your mood and plans for the evening. Especially if you are not 16 and the entire arsenal of anti-acne agents has been eliminated for several years. Squeeze out and cauterize with spirits – this seditious thought must be discarded immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk in a couple of days to really remember youth with a scattering of acne on the cheeks and chin.

You can defeat the insidious pimple only with patience and clever camouflage. Local drying concealers with zinc, sulfur, salicylic acid and a bouquet of astringent plant extracts are in the arsenal of many brands. They will quickly stop inflammation and itching, prevent the appearance of post-acne and the spread of rashes. There are colorless and tinted correctors. They can be applied one on top of the other. Or divided into day and night.

Red is dangerous

Redness of the skin can occur for various reasons, they are permanent and temporary. To prevent these problems, there are entire lines of products for those who have blood vessels close to the skin. If the redness happened unexpectedly and was caused by inflammation, stress, sunburn, wind, or something else, an SOS serum or mask is best to eliminate. They most often add allantoin, witch hazel, chamomile, panthenol and other substances that can quickly narrow blood vessels and soothe the skin. And a tonal base or concealer of green or purple color will help to purely visually level the crimson on the cheeks.

Dehydration, dryness, peeling and tightness can occur at any time and at any time of the year. Especially in the off-season due to wind, temperature changes, heating or weakened immunity. A sure sign of skin problems is a feeling of tightness and discomfort by the middle of the day, which occurs despite the fact that the morning ritual has remained the same.

In such a case, ultra-moisturizing serums and masks should always be present in the beauty kit. The first tool should be included in the care in addition, and not instead of your favorite concentrate. Apply masks every day.

If such funds are not at hand, then ordinary make-up remover milk will help relieve discomfort. Apply it in a thick layer on problem areas, massage gently and remove with lotion. The skin will instantly smooth out, and the peeling will disappear.

In conclusion, use the usual night cream, but in a double, “mask” concentration, blotting the excess before going to bed.

Turn on the light

Funds for instant “enlightenment” and skin tightening are another mandatory component of an emergency beauty kit. Most of them have both instant and prolonged action. With continued use, complexion and skin quality are noticeably improved. But in youth it is better to use them from time to time.

For example, when you need to bring your skin back to life after a stressful day, a sleepless night, etc. The main secret of such products is reflective particles, scattering spheres and filmy polymers. Thanks to them, the product covers the face like an invisible veil, lifting, modeling, playing with light, refracting and scattering it.

After all, the main signs of fatigue and age are the shadows that cast the walls of fine wrinkles, creases at the nose, swelling and bags under the eyes. The less irregularities on the skin, the more evenly it emits light, the younger you look.

At first glance,

A computer, contact lenses, driving a car, hanging in gadgets for many hours – is it worth being surprised by crow’s feet, blue under the eyes and an extinct look? To relieve tension from the eyelids, there are both folk and professional ways. From sleeping tea bags and grated raw potatoes to expensive patches and special massagers for the paraorbital zone. Not to mention the different types of drops.

A good eyelid cleanser with soothing ingredients can be a first hand. Saturate two cotton pads with it and press it over your eyes for a few minutes. The tool will soften the mascara and soothe the eyes. Repeat a couple more times and leave these “compresses” for five minutes. Then blot your eyelids with tonic and proceed to further care.

As for patches, they must be glued to dry skin so that the film of cream or oil does not interfere with the penetration of active agents. The advice about keeping eye products in the fridge never goes out of style. As well as the old trick of makeup artists with teaspoons: before the shows, they were applied to the eyes of the models, alternately holding in hot and cold water. So highly professional means get along well with folk methods.

Choose what suits you, because the main thing is the result.

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