SOS pizzas for bees prepared in the USA

American pizza chain Papa John’s is seriously concerned about the decline in the population of bees. But bees pollinate tomatoes, which is the most important ingredient in pizza!

To draw public attention to this problem, the pizzeria has prepared special pizzas for bees. Their diameter is less than 2,5 cm. And this original pizza is called Beezza (“bee” – bee, “pizza” – pizza).

Pizzas are made from real dough and covered with wildflowers (forget-me-nots and geraniums), herbs (rosemary and thyme), and sprinkled with pollen. According to experts, these are all bees’ favorite scents.


Unfortunately, you can’t buy tiny pizzas, but in this way the pizzeria wants to emphasize that the bees are in danger and that this problem can no longer be ignored. 

Also in support of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Papa John’s pizzeria is distributing wildflower seeds on social media so people can grow the plants that bees love. 

We will remind, earlier we talked about the purpose of opening mini-restaurants for bees, as well as how bee pollen helps to preserve the beauty of Victoria Beckham. 

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