Sorting in Excel

In Excel, you can sort data by one or more columns. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order.

One column

To sort data by one column, do the following:

  1. Select any cell in the column you want to sort by.
  2. To sort in ascending order, open the tab Data (Data) and click on the icons AND I (THE).Sorting in ExcelThe final result:Sorting in Excel

Note: To sort in descending order, click the icon ЯА (FOR).

Multiple columns

To sort data by multiple columns, follow these steps:

  1. On the Advanced tab Data (Data) click Sorting (Sort).Sorting in ExcelA dialog box will open Sorting (Sort).
  2. In the dropdown list Sort by (Sort by) select the column to sort by (in our example it is Last Name).Sorting in Excel
  3. Нажмите кнопку Add level (Add Level).
  4. In the dropdown list Then by (Then by) select the next column to sort (we choose Sales).Sorting in Excel
  5. Press OK.Result: Records are sorted by column first Last Name, then by column Sales.Sorting in Excel

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