Sorrel before winter: planting

Sorrel before winter: planting

Planting sorrel before winter is not the most popular technique among gardeners, although it also has its advantages. But in order for the plant to sprout in the spring, it is important to carry out all planting work correctly.

When to plant sorrel before winter?

There are many advantages to planting sorrel in the fall. First of all, if you plant a plant before winter, then it will yield a harvest in early spring. In addition, the autumn sowing saves the gardener from stratification and hardening of seeds, because all these processes the material takes place in the natural environment. Another advantage of such planting is the saving of time in the spring, which can be spent on planting other crops.

Planting sorrel before winter makes it possible to harvest in early spring

When planting in autumn, plant slightly more seeds than when planting in spring.

Sowing sorrel before winter is recommended from late October to mid-November. In this case, one should be guided by the weather conditions. It is desirable that the soil is already slightly frozen, and the air temperature fluctuates from 0 to -5 ° C. If you sow sorrel earlier, then it will have time to sprout before the cold weather, and they will be destroyed by the first frost.

For a perennial culture, you should choose the most illuminated area with light fertile soil. Give preference to sandy loams and loams, as well as soils with a high content of peat, and then the plant will thank you with a good harvest of greenery.

Before planting, it is advisable to dig up the soil well and add about 5-7 kg of manure mixed with 30-35 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride per square meter

There is no need to prepare seed before work. But it is worth remembering that sorrel seeds must be completely dry. Otherwise, they may germinate before the onset of frost. Therefore, it is better to keep them in a warm place for several days to dry. For the plant, grooves are dug up to a depth of 3-4 cm. A distance of 20-25 cm should be kept between the rows.

A thin layer of sand should be poured into the prepared recesses, after which the seeds are laid out on it. They are covered with soil and mulched with dry foliage or any organic material. In addition, it is recommended to “insulate” the beds well with the first snowfall.

Planting sorrel in the winter is not such a difficult process. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of sowing, and then tasty and fragrant leaves will appear on your table in early spring.

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