- General information
- Possible causes of sore throat in children
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- How to cure a baby’s throat
- Recipes for treating a sore throat in an infant
- What not to do if your child is sick
- Treatment of a sore throat in children
- What to do with a sore throat in a child at home?
- Prevention
- Doctor’s opinion
- Question answer
- Bibliography
Caring for a child is not always just a joy and sheer pleasure. There are situations when you have to puzzle over how to carry out the procedure so as not to harm the baby’s health. One of these is a sore throat in a baby. After all, it is simply impossible to treat with most drugs, and leaving it unattended means further complicating the situation.
Almost no acute respiratory disease in childhood is complete without inflammation of the mucous tissues of the pharynx. The condition is accompanied by severe discomfort, soreness, perspiration and difficulty swallowing, while often the baby’s voice becomes hoarse and deaf. For effective treatment of throat in children, including at home, parents need to know the mechanism for the development of pathology and methods that can help the child without harm to his health.
Specialists of the medical center “SM-Clinic” today will tell you how to properly help children with a sore throat, when you need to quickly seek treatment from doctors, and help you figure out other important issues.
General information
The pharynx, which experts divide into three parts (nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx), is the front line of local immunity. It is she who first meets external blows from pathogens: viruses, bacteria, allergens, fungi. There are many nerve endings on the mucous membranes of the pharynx, which is why any, even a minor inflammatory process, leads to the appearance of a variety of unpleasant symptoms.
If the inflammation has gone further and affected neighboring organs, then in such situations, in addition to complaints of soreness and sore throat, the baby has a temperature, lethargy, cough, runny nose, or other manifestations of a respiratory infection. At the same time, the “red throat”, which many mothers have repeatedly heard from the observing pediatrician, may mean nothing and not require treatment at all, especially if the child himself has no complaints, and the redness worries only the parents.
Important: a sick, red throat in a child is not a diagnosis, but only a symptom of a specific infection, which must be determined before starting treatment. Doctors should deal with the diagnosis and prescribing appropriate therapy.
Possible causes of sore throat in children
The most common culprit of malaise in childhood is acute viral respiratory infections or SARS. The most common among them are:
- flu;
- adenovirus infection;
- coronavirus infection;
- herpetic infection;
- Infectious mononucleosis.
There are many potentially dangerous pathogens that can provoke:
- pharyngitis – an inflammatory process affecting the tonsils of the pharynx;
- laryngitis – inflammation of the mucous tissues of the larynx and vocal cords;
- tracheitis – an infectious lesion of the trachea;
- adenoiditis – inflammation of the pathological growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
All conditions are accompanied by soreness and soreness in the throat of varying degrees of intensity. In the vast majority of cases in childhood, these diseases are of a viral nature.
The most dangerous are bacterial infections in a child: they are accompanied by severe sore throat and require competent professional treatment. These include:
- angina or acute tonsillitis – inflammation of the palatine tonsils;
- diphtheria is a serious infectious disease that affects the mucous tissues of the nose and oropharynx against the background of general severe intoxication;
- scarlet fever is a pathology characterized by a rash, high fever, extensive inflammatory processes on the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.
Other possible causes of sore throat and redness of the throat in children are:
- allergic reactions;
- prolonged stay in a room with dry, hot, dusty air;
- colds caused by general or local hypothermia of the body;
- mechanical damage to the mucous membranes resulting from the ingestion of sharp, poorly chewed pieces of food, foreign objects.
Sometimes pain is the result of parental attempts to carefully examine the sore throat of a child with the help of improvised means or a consequence of home treatments with folk recipes and inappropriate medications.
To understand that the child really has a sore throat, and the baby needs real treatment, the following symptoms will help:
- refusal to eat and drink;
- obvious reddening of the pharynx, the appearance of white, yellowish spots on the arches of the sky;
- swelling and an increase in the size of visible areas of the tonsils;
- hoarseness of voice, hoarseness;
- sore throat.
Associated symptoms of the disease may include:
- increase in body temperature;
- weakness, drowsiness;
- runny nose;
- headaches and joint pains;
- loss of appetite;
- increased salivation;
- cough.
In most cases, with such symptoms, we are talking about banal SARS, but there are conditions that require urgent medical advice. It is necessary to immediately show the child to a specialist if there are:
- high temperature against the background of sore throat and lack of a runny nose;
- any rash on the skin with high fever or headache;
- shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
- complete refusal to eat, the inability to drink the baby;
- a thin film covering the tonsils and palate;
- small elements of the rash and pinpoint hemorrhages that have arisen on the walls of the pharynx;
- difficulty swallowing and speaking.
Such signs may indicate the development of serious diseases, for example, streptococcal tonsillitis, diphtheria, which in the future can give complications to the heart, liver and other important body systems.
Pediatricians and specialized specialists are engaged in the examination and treatment of throat diseases in children: otorhinolaryngologists, infectious disease specialists, allergists.
Diagnosis begins with an examination of the oral cavity, pharynx and tonsils. For this, doctors use special devices: a nasopharyngeal and laryngeal mirror, a pharyngoscope, etc. In parallel with the visual assessment of clinical symptoms, the doctor interviews the young patient and his parents for contact with infectious patients, finds out the characteristics of the health and lifestyle of the baby, clarifies previous diseases and the level of vaccination.
To clarify the diagnosis, specialists may prescribe:
- video endoscopy of the larynx and nasopharynx;
- laboratory blood tests;
- a smear on the microflora from the larynx;
- determination of bacterial resistance to certain antibacterial components;
- allergic tests;
- radiography of the nasopharynx.
In difficult cases, additional specific studies may be required, as well as CT or MRI.
How to cure a baby’s throat
Doctors have made their recommendations on how to treat a child’s throat. And you need to listen to them very carefully, because health is at stake, and in some cases even the life of a child.
Recipes for treating a sore throat in an infant
Most often, situations occur when a child is diagnosed with a red throat. As a rule, this occurs along with the appearance of snot and is a consequence of the accumulation of excess mucus in the nasopharynx. Therefore, complex treatment is necessary, which further complicates the situation.
The main actions in the treatment of the throat are:
- clear mucus from the nose
- moisturize mucous membranes
- apply light topical antibacterial agents
- strengthen immunity
Standard guidelines usually include the following scheme. In case of reddening of the neck, you need to bury chamomile in the baby’s mouth, drip drops of sea water solution into the nose (the dosage should be determined by the attending physician), in the presence of snot, it is recommended to use drying agents, such as protorgol. Sometimes it is advised to drip down the throat and miramistin, which will help get rid of bacteria in the nasopharynx.
The medicine can be given to the baby only in the form of drops. This is due to the fact that the structure of the nasopharynx in babies is special: everything is very close. Therefore, injections can easily cause otitis media, laryngospasm and other problems.
In addition, a generous warm drink must be added. If the child is already on complementary foods, give him regular drinking water, warm tea, compote or fruit juice. If a baby’s throat is sore before the age of six months, you can only give him water. And, of course, apply to the chest more often.
At the same time, do the prevention of air in the room where the baby is. Humidity and clean fresh air are the key to successful treatment of red throat and baby. Remember that the following parameters are considered optimal: the air temperature in the room is from 18 to 22 degrees, the humidity is about 50-70%. Therefore, frequent wet cleaning and regular airing of the room are recommended.
The drinking temperature should be equal to the baby’s body temperature. This is due to the fact that it is such a liquid that is absorbed faster in the child’s body.
Often, doctors recommend adding various immunomodulators to the treatment of a red throat in a child, such as viferon, interferon or anaferon. In fact, this theory also has opponents who believe that the use of such means leads to the fact that the body stops working on its own immunity.
Of course, you need to call a doctor. And even if there is no temperature. In such young children, diseases develop with lightning speed. Therefore, you need to immediately contact a specialist who can take control of the situation and prescribe the correct and timely treatment. On average, the duration of treatment is about a week.
What not to do if your child is sick
In no case should you self-medicate. The maximum that you can do on your own is to carry out preventive measures: rinse and moisten the child’s nose, clean the room and ventilate. Further, a specialist should be responsible for the treatment.
It often happens that pediatricians prescribe medications that are absolutely inappropriate for a child under one year old. If you don’t trust your doctor, try asking another reputable doctor for you about safer and more approved alternatives.
However, remember that it is necessary to treat the child’s throat immediately in order to prevent the development of severe complications.
The same rules apply to traditional medicine. Doctors generally have their own norm, according to which, before 7 years of age, a child should not be given any means from the category of non-traditional at all.
The child’s illness must be treated with attention, but without fanaticism. To cure a baby’s throat, you need to turn on a sober head, treat everything without panic and try to follow the doctor’s recommendations. And, of course, it should be borne in mind that this is far from the last illness of the child.
Treatment of a sore throat in children
Therapy is selected taking into account the causes of the disease and the current state of the small patient at the time of contacting the clinic. Mostly conservative tactics are used, surgery is rarely required for certain indications, for example, with grade 3 and 4 adenoids, as well as for opening and draining large abscesses.
In order for the treatment of a child’s throat to be as quick and effective as possible, experts prescribe:
- various medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the infectious agent, stopping the allergic reaction, pain relief, etc .;
- physiotherapy procedures;
- rinsing and gargling with special solutions.
Medicines for treating a sore throat may include:
- painkillers;
- antipyretics;
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- hormones;
- antihistamines;
- vitamin and mineral complexes.
An important role in the treatment is also played by a full-fledged, but gentle nutrition, the organization of the right microclimate in the baby’s room, and parental measures of symptomatic care.
What to do with a sore throat in a child at home?
The key point: children, especially those of younger preschool age, should not be given any medicines without the permission of a doctor, and in no case should traditional medicine methods be used on babies, even if they are considered effective.
To relieve sore throat and normalize the general condition of the child, it is desirable:
- limit the child’s physical activity (outdoor games, sports, etc.);
- normalize the air parameters in the room where the baby lives, maintaining the temperature not higher than +22 degrees and humidity not lower than 40%;
- regularly ventilate the room;
- do not force to eat, especially fatty, fried, spicy and pickled dishes;
- give plenty of water with any age-appropriate warm drinks (tea, compote, still water);
- gargle with saline solutions or decoctions of medicinal herbs (provided that the child knows how to do this);
- dissolve any lozenges in the mouth.
Absolutely not:
- lubricate the throat with alcohol-containing solutions or make alcohol compresses;
- irrigate the pharynx with drugs in the form of sprays for babies under 3 years old;
- put into practice “grandmother’s” methods of treatment: treatment of mucous membranes with kerosene, iodine, and similar dubious advice;
- try to remove the film and plaque using improvised methods.
Such measures are obviously harmful and can not only aggravate the situation of the baby, but also lead to other, no less unpleasant and dangerous conditions, from burns of the mucous membranes to an acute allergic reaction.
To reduce the risk of sore throat, doctors recommend:
- hardening, adequate physical development, good nutrition and timely vaccination;
- do not abuse drugs, especially antibiotics, as self-medication;
- take more walks with children in the fresh air;
- teach children to a healthy lifestyle and physical education;
- timely seek medical help for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases;
- avoid prolonged hypothermia;
- do not overheat children;
- limit communication with other children and relatives during seasonal outbreaks of SARS and influenza.
You can learn more about the scheme for treating throat diseases and get qualified help from pediatric specialists in the children’s department of the SM-Clinic. Reception is daily. You can sign up by phone, on the website and through a personal appeal to the registration center of the center.
Doctor’s opinion
Most diseases do not affect the oropharynx or nasopharynx in isolation, but affect all mucous tissues, also moving to other nearby structures.
Unfortunately, in recent years, some long-forgotten diseases have returned, due to a surge in the anti-vaccination movement and the massive refusal of parents to routinely vaccinate their children. Measles outbreaks, isolated cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever have already been recorded.
Question answer
The husband insists that a child with angina can be given ice cream, but I’m afraid. Who is right?
Both are right. The ice cream chill can act as a pain reliever, and a happy baby will recover faster. However, if before a sore throat the child did not eat ice cream, did not drink cold drinks, then the contact of the mucous membranes of the pharynx with cold can aggravate the condition and cause an additional inflammatory process.
What is the connection between the throat and teeth? The pediatrician referred us to the dentist.
Straight. Caries and other dental diseases not only weaken the protection of local immunity, but are also a source of bacteria. With frequently recurring SARS and other diseases affecting the nasopharynx, one of the recommendations of a competent pediatrician will definitely be a referral to the dentist.
- Baranov A.A. Diseases of young children / A.A. Baranov and others – A guide for doctors and students. – Ivanovo, 1995.
- Propaedeutics of childhood diseases // edited by N.A. Geppe, N.S. Podchernyaeva. – Textbook. – M., 2008.
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