Sore soreness after training – why do they arise, how to prevent and deal with them?

Almost everyone knows that daily physical effort is very important to keep the body in proper condition, but also to properly oxygenate its tissues. More and more people are actually aware of the need for daily physical activity, which is why they include training, intense walking or jogging, swimming and many other activities in their daily schedule. However, regardless of what sport we decide on, the next day we may experience an unpleasant ailment, which is soreness after training. What are sourdoughs? Why do they sometimes appear after training? How can we prevent them and how to deal with them when they catch us?

What are soreness and why do they arise?

Soreness is also known as delayed muscle pain syndrome. For many years, the source of this ailment was found in the lactic acid accumulating in the muscles. Today, however, we know that it is not the cause of the specific pain that we call soreness. So what should be considered the cause of the soreness after training? Muscle pain usually appearing on the second day, although it may also occur later, even on the third day, is due to microdamages in the muscles that are persistent during intense physical exertion. Pain of this kind can last up to a week, so it is worth counteracting soreness, as well as regularly practicing sports to strengthen the muscles.

How to avoid soreness after training?

We know many different ways to avoid soreness, but it is worth remembering that none of them work XNUMX%. Much depends simply on the condition of our body and the condition of the muscles. We should remember that the less we exercise or play sports, the greater the chance that muscle soreness will occur after physical activity. Therefore, the best way to sore muscles is regular exercise, adjusted to our abilities, which will engage as many muscles as possible. If we want to avoid soreness after training, we should take care of daily physical activity.

To accelerate the regeneration of the body after training and support the building of muscle mass, we recommend the BCAA supplement – L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine YANGO.

Don’t forget to warm up

If you are afraid that you will get sore after training, make sure that the training is properly arranged and adapted to your abilities. One of the best ways to avoid soreness after training is to warm up properly. Regardless of the sport we play, preliminary exercises are very important, as they will give our muscles a sign to prepare for a more intense effort. Thanks to the exercises performed at the beginning of the training, the body temperature rises and the muscles become more flexible. Thanks to this, our muscles are less prone to microdamages, which are the actual cause of soreness. The type and time of the warm-up should be adapted to the further training and our abilities. Usually, the simplest exercises, running in place, jumps and stretching exercises are sufficient.

From simple exercises to more advanced

In order to avoid soreness after training, it is also necessary to gradually load the muscles and joints. This means that we should perform simple and light exercises first, and only then those that put more strain on muscles and joints. This applies to both a single training session and the entire training program. People who are just starting to train should not try to exercise for advanced people on the first day. The muscles should have time to prepare for the work that is planned for them. Otherwise, we can not only get sore muscles after training, but also a serious injury that we can struggle with for years.

After exercise, you can use Anka Dziedzic soothing muscle and anti-soreness regeneration cream. A good solution for active people can also be a softening and moisturizing abrasion cream, suitable for athletes and manual workers.

How does diet affect soreness after training?

Although, unfortunately, many people in training still do not care about the proper diet, proper nutrition plays a very important role. It turns out that what we eat can also affect the soreness that appears after training. There are products that work for the muscles and some that do not have the best effect on it. The most important thing in preventing soreness after training is to drink enough water a day. It is said that a healthy adult should drink at least 2 liters of it. A properly hydrated body is much less likely to develop leaven. There are also products that should be included in your diet if the problem of sourdough affects us. First of all, let’s reach for juices and raw fruit containing large amounts of vitamin C. Tomato juice and self-made isotonic drinks will also prove helpful.

In order for the body to recover faster after training, use Sport Formula – the YANGO Multivitamin in liquid regularly.

The best ways to sore after training

There are many proven ways to help you get over the muscle pain called soreness faster. One of them is the sauna. It turns out that high temperature can have a beneficial effect in this case, as it helps to relax muscles and improve circulation. Many people also recommend swimming, because despite the fact that it requires the muscles to work, it also relaxes them. The combination of these two methods is simply a relaxing, hot bath or shower, preferably alternating between pouring cold and hot water on each other.

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