Soon a bloody eclipse called Flower Moon. How to watch them safely?

Soon, a very rare astronomical phenomenon awaits us: the total lunar eclipse (the first Blood Moon in 2022). From Poland it will be visible as a partial eclipse. When exactly this happens, is it safe to see a lunar eclipse with the naked eye and what is a Blood Moon anyway? We explain.

  1. On May 15-16 (depending on the time zone) you will be able to observe the first total lunar eclipse in 2022
  2. It will be an eclipse during the so-called The Full Flower Moon, or the May Full Moon
  3. In Poland, the phenomenon will be visible in a partial phase. It will start on May 16 at 4.15
  4. How to safely observe a lunar eclipse? Is it then necessary to protect the eyes as during a solar eclipse? There are two good news
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Bloody Eclipse of the Flower Moon

From Sunday evening, May 15 to the morning of May 16 (depending on the time zone), the world will be able to observe the first total lunar eclipse in 2022 (the next one will take place on November 7-8). The eclipse will occur during the so-called Full Flower Moon (this is how the May Full Moon is called).

How does a lunar eclipse happen?

A lunar eclipse occurs when The Earth, the Sun and the Moon are in line, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, and the Moon is in its full phase and is in the shadow cast by the Earth.

We speak of a total lunar eclipse when it is located in a shadow area from which the sun is completely invisible (if the moon is in a shadow area from which part of the sun is visible, then there is a partial solar eclipse).


And why the intriguing and disturbing term “Blood Moon”? It all boils down to the fact that during an eclipse the natural satellite of the Earth turns red (this is not an unusual event). Why is this happening? “It is actually the same phenomenon that we observe every day, during sunsets, where the blue sky turns red” – we read on the technology portal «(…) in the event of an eclipse, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, and it is reached by light from the Sun. The star’s light does not reach the satellite directly, so shorter wavelength light waves diffuse and red refracts to form a glow around the Earth. The light reflects and falls on the surface of the moon, causing the so-called bloody moon »- explains NASA reminds that the more dust or clouds there are in the Earth’s atmosphere during an eclipse, the redder the Moon appears.

The rest of the text is below the video.

When will we see the Eclipse of the Flower Moon?

In the Total Phase, the lunar eclipse will be visible from parts of the Americas, Antarctica, parts of Western Europe, Africa and the Eastern Pacific. Partial eclipse (where the edge of the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon) will be seen by residents of New Zealand, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. From Poland, we will notice them in the partial phase.

The phenomenon of the eclipse will begin on May 16 at sunset of the Moon at 4.15:XNUMX a.m. According to, we will notice the actual eclipse only at 5.29, where its peak will be at 6.11 ». The red moon should stay until 6.54. The best conditions for observation are in places where there is little or no artificial light, i.e. outside urban centers.

How to safely view a lunar eclipse?

And here we have good news, two in fact. You don’t need any special equipment to observe a lunar eclipse, although of course binoculars or a telescope will improve the view. It also means that, unlike a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is safe to see with the naked eyeeven if it’s a partial eclipse (weather permitting, of course). All because we are not looking directly at the Sun (we are actually watching the Sun’s reflection on the Moon).

Recall that in the event of a solar eclipse, it is imperative to protect your eyes. As in the interview for MedTvoiLokony, the ophthalmologist prof. Jakub Kałużny, we can do it only with the help of special glasses intended for the welder or special filters resembling aluminum foil. “On the other hand, all home methods, in the form of smoked glass or even the best sunglasses, do not provide full protection and observation with such incomplete protective measures may damage the eyesight” – warns the specialist (the entire conversation with Prof. Kałużny).

You can make an appointment for an ophthalmologist through Medonet Market. Remember to check your eyesight regularly. People working in front of a computer monitor or exposed to eye diseases for genetic reasons should visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to epigenetics. What is? How can we influence our genes? Do our elderly grandparents give us a chance for a long and healthy life? What is trauma inheritance and is it possible to somehow oppose this phenomenon? Listen:

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