
For a good rest, a person needs a healthy sleep. Sleep disturbances affect not only mood and performance, but can also negatively affect health. There is a separate branch of medicine that deals with the study of sleep – its disorders, problems, health effects – somnology. A specialist in this field is called a somnologist.

Such a doctor is considered a very narrow specialist; you cannot make an appointment with him in a regular clinic. Although, according to recent studies, about a third of the world’s population have one or another sleep disorder. In total, somnologists today have identified about 90 various sleep disorders and more than 50 ailments, which provoke partial or complete insomnia. These data indicate that somnology is a necessary and useful science that is relevant for the modern generation.

The specifics of the activity of a somnologist

The main task of a somnologist is to identify, identify and treat sleep pathologies. To eliminate any violation, it is necessary to find the cause that provokes it. Surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, psychotherapists, endocrinologists and other doctors come to the aid of these specialists. Insomnia is far from the most common case of contacting a somnologist. For example, many patients suffer from severe snoring – it interferes with themselves, brings discomfort to their loved ones and, most sadly, poses a threat to life.

To determine the true cause of a sleep disorder, it is necessary to collect the most complete information about the patient – his lifestyle, habits, close circle, general health, heredity, and so on. For example, the quality and duration of sleep can be affected by stress, problems in your personal life, or the presence of certain diseases. With diabetes or hormonal failure, insomnia often occurs.

During a night’s rest, brain cells are restored, the nervous system rests, and regenerative processes are accelerated. Small children sleep a lot – indeed, they grow and mature during sleep. An adult body also needs rest and conditions for the production of substances necessary for life. The brain does not turn off during sleep, during this period the active processing of information received during the day begins.

A qualified somnologist knows the nature of sleep, distinguishes and identifies various pathologies and disorders, and has the skills to work with special equipment designed for complete diagnosis.

What diseases does a somnologist treat?

Today, more than 80 different sleep disorders are known to medicine. In other words, the list of ailments treated by a somnologist is extremely wide. Consider the most common diseases of the modern generation:

  • sleep disorders – this category includes sleepwalking, and talking, and gnashing of teeth, nocturnal enuresis and much more;
  • insomnia;
  • respiratory disorders, snoring, apnea;
  • nightmares;
  • insomnia on the background of addictions – drug, alcohol or gaming;
  • paralysis, spasm and other negative factors during sleep;
  • hypersomnia is a phenomenon that provokes constant drowsiness in a patient.

Sometimes insomnia can be a symptom of a disease developing in the body or indicate psychological problems. A sleep doctor will be able to find the cause of the negative phenomenon and develop an effective therapy method that will help restore healthy sleep and excellent well-being.

What symptoms require an appointment with a somnologist?

A somnologist is one of the rare specialists, and not all patients fully understand the specifics of his activities, as well as the symptoms for which an appointment should be made.

The help of a sleep specialist is required in the following cases:

  • even after a normal night’s sleep (about 8 hours), the patient experiences weakness, drowsiness, apathy. The state of constant fatigue is noted every day and lasts more than 7-10 days;
  • sudden onset of severe nighttime snoring. Snoring can be unreasonable or provoked by endocrine or cardiovascular diseases;
  • sleepwalking, nocturnal panic attacks, constant nightmares, teeth grinding;
  • sleep problems caused by the specifics of work activity or a change in time zone;
  • insomnia that occurs against the background of drug therapy;
  • feeling of falling during sleep, pain in muscles and joints that occurs precisely in sleep;
  • spontaneous nocturnal awakenings.

Often a person gets used to the peculiarities of his sleep, ceasing to notice violations. But chronic fatigue accelerates the aging of the body and reduces immunity, so do not neglect a visit to a somnologist.

Diagnostic features

A somnologist conducts an appointment in specialized medical centers or scientific laboratories. This specialist necessarily has general medical knowledge, because any physical or psychological problem can be the cause of a sleep disorder.

Reception begins with a conversation. The doctor needs to assess the general psychological state of the patient, get acquainted with his lifestyle, problems and troubles. All this information is extremely important for diagnosis, so the patient must be as honest and open as possible. If there is a suspicion of ailments of internal organs and systems, the somnologist refers the patient to another specialist.

For an objective assessment of the patient’s state of health and the identification of existing pathologies, a somnologist can prescribe a number of examinations. Polysomnography – determination of a person’s brain activity during a night’s sleep. To fix the indicators, special sensors are attached to the head of the subject, which transmit signals to the computer. It is also often indicated for a patient to undergo an electroencephalogram, an electrocardiogram, an electrooculogram, and the like.

As for the tests, their set is standard – a general blood and urine test. In some cases, an additional blood test for infections and consultation with an infectious disease specialist is required.

You should properly prepare for a visit to a somnologist – this will greatly facilitate the correct diagnosis and allow you to quickly get rid of the problem. At least a day before the visit, heavy fatty foods should be excluded from the menu. The ban also includes alcohol, nicotine, coffee and strong tea – each of the factors affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system, so examinations can give a false result.

If you managed to make an appointment with this specialist in advance, you should keep a diary all the days before meeting with him, in which you will note current problems and complaints. Pay special attention to sleep disorders – the more detailed each situation is described, the easier it is for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.


The treatment regimen is determined for each patient individually. The somnologist uses in his work the following methods of treatment – drug exposure; physiotherapy; psychotherapy; operable intervention; acupuncture. Depending on the diagnosis and the general condition of the patient, the method of treatment is determined. In most cases, complex therapy is used, which includes several methods at once.

Today, the effectiveness of the use of CPAP therapy in the treatment of patients suffering from disturbances in the rhythm of breathing during sleep, snoring has already been proven. Due to artificial ventilation of the lungs, the body does not suffer from a lack of oxygen during sleep, all systems and organs begin to function optimally. Inpatient treatment is recommended to monitor the patient’s condition and timely correction of therapy methods.

Advice from a specialist

There are general tips from a somnologist that will be useful for absolutely every person. Following them will relieve many sleep disorders.

Develop and observe the optimal daily routine – night sleep should not be short, but its excessive duration can also negatively affect your well-being. If you really want to sleep in the evening, then do not wait for a certain time of “lights out” – go to bed as soon as the opportunity arises.

Give up daytime sleep – it misleads the body, it is better to spend this time on a walk in the fresh air.

Develop nightly habits – chamomile tea, reading, a warm bath, or any other option. After a certain period of time, the brain will understand the relationship between action and sleep.

Evening sports training takes away physical strength, but activates the activity of the brain. The gym should be visited at least 6 hours before bedtime. Tea and coffee are not evening drinks, caffeine excites the nervous system. Replace them with chamomile tea or warm milk.

Do not abuse sleeping pills and do not take such drugs without consulting a specialist – they cause a persistent addiction, which is quite problematic to get rid of.

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