Some women have “thick breasts”. What does it mean? [WE EXPLAIN]

Women’s breasts may differ in shape, size and structure, among other things. It is for this reason that we distinguish the concept of “thick breasts”. What exactly is behind this name and what are the dangers of having “thick breasts”?

  1. The “dense breast” is made almost entirely of glandular tissue
  2. “Dense breasts” are not only harder, the glandular lobules in them can imitate unwanted lumps
  3. Patients with “dense breasts” have a higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women with breasts with less glandular tissue.
  4. Therefore, breast self-examination is especially important in this case
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Regardless of the density of your breasts, regular self-examination, ultrasound or mammograms are essential to keep your breasts healthy.

Self-examination is recommended for women of all ages, but after the age of 20 it should be a regular practice. This examination allows you to get to know the shape and structure of the breast in detail, so that in the event of any abnormalities, we will notice the changes much faster. Breast self-examination should be performed once a month (preferably on the same day of the cycle) while standing and lying down. However, in the case of women with “thick breasts”, the test may be more difficult to perform. The breast is not only harder, but also the glandular lobules present in it can imitate unwanted lumps. However, with regular self-examination, we are able to learn how to build our breasts.

Further part below the video.

Breast structure

The breasts are made of three tissues: glandular tissue, adipose tissue and fibrous tissue. Their percentage, however, may differ depending on the person and his genetic background. According to the “Center for Prophylaxis and Epidemiology of Cancer” (OPEN) – on the basis of mammographic images, the “American Radiological Society” distinguishes four types of breast structure (from A to D).

Are you at risk of cancer?

Make a genetic mail-order test for breast and ovarian cancer – analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes

Type A is a breast made almost entirely of adipose tissue, while type B additionally contains distinct areas of glandular tissue. In type C, we observe significantly greater amounts of glandular tissue, but with the preservation of adipose tissue. The last type, that is type D, is the “dense breast” – it is practically entirely made of glandular tissue.

Regardless of the type, your breasts become less firm with age. In order to prevent them from falling, it is worth reaching for the Anka Dziedzic Breast Serum, which helps restore their elasticity and tension.

What determines breast density?

The density of our breasts is genetically determined. Therefore, we have no influence on reducing their density. Nevertheless, breasts change throughout life. Therefore, over the years, they can automatically reduce the content of glandular tissue.

As a rule, the content of glandular tissue decreases with age, so it happens that a woman who had “dense breasts” at the age of 40 may have more fatty breasts by the age of 50.

– we read on the OPEN website

  1. Comforting news for women with thick breasts

«Thick breasts» – mammography

In the mammogram, the adipose tissue has a dark shade similar to the background of the photo, while the glandular tissue is very light. The problem with this type of examination in the case of “dense breasts” is the fact that any suspicious changes in the breast are white in color. In a breast made of more adipose tissue, it is easier to find any irregularities in it, because a single white point is much more visible.

It is worth emphasizing, however, that although in the case of “dense breasts” finding changes in them is much more difficult, it is not impossible. Kristi Funk, American oncologist surgeon specializing in breast surgery and author of the book “Breasts. A guide for every woman », in an interview with Dorota Tomaszewicz (« The Mirror ») emphasizes that in the case of women with« dense breasts »mammography detects changes in 85-90 percent.

However, please note that in patients with “dense breasts” the risk of developing breast cancer compared to women with breasts with less glandular tissue jest definitely higher. That is why breast self-examination is especially important in this case.

If you want to assess the risk of cancer, buy the e-cancer package for women – extended genetic tests, which can be performed for various types of cancer: ovary, breast, pancreas, thyroid gland, lung or melanoma.

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