Some variants of the coronavirus can cause disease in people, even when fully vaccinated. CDC warns
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Some fully vaccinated people may become ill if exposed to certain variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned. The agency tracks, among others Delta variant and is alerting that fully vaccinated people may become infected with it, reports CNN.

  1. There is increasing concern about new variants of the coronavirus emerging around the world
  2. They are more contagious and some are even vaccine resistant
  3. Delta variant, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, by the end of August, will account for 90 percent. new COVID-19 infections in the European Union
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

«Obecne dane sugerują, że szczepionki COVID-19 dopuszczone do stosowania w Stanach Zjednoczonych zapewniają ochronę przed większością wariantów rozprzestrzeniających się w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Jednak some variants can cause disease in people, even when fully vaccinated«. Spokesman for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jade Fulce, told CNN.

While the COVID-19 vaccines are effective, Fulce said żadna szczepionka nie jest «w 100 proc. skuteczna w zapobieganiu chorobom». Experts are particularly concerned about people who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine.

  1. Which vaccines protect against the Delta variant? [WE CHECK]

Ponad 53 proc. populacji USA otrzymało co najmniej jedną dawkę szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19, a ponad 45 proc. jest w pełni zaszczepionych.

Disinformation Still Threats – There is so much misinformation about the vaccine coming through so many channels, many of which are disseminated on social media. It makes people afraid. Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN.

Więcej niż 1 na 10 osób w USA, które otrzymały jedną dawkę szczepionki Pfizer/BioNTech lub Moderna, nie przyszła na drugą dawkę. And studies have shown that vaccines are more effective against the Delta variant after completing the two-dose series.

  1. Are you threatened by the Delta variant? The degree of risk depends on several factors. What kind?

Uważa się, że wariant Delta jest bardziej zakaźny i powoduje cięższy przebieg choroby niż inne szczepy. Almost all COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Los Angeles County occur among unvaccinated people. “The virus is still with us,” Los Angeles County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer said at a press conference. Even now, we have to be careful, wear masks and keep our distance, especially with unvaccinated people.

Research on smell and taste

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has good news. Scientists reported that those who have not regained their sense of taste and smell after recovering from COVID-19 infection should regain them after one year. An ongoing experiment with around 100 people who lost their sense of smell in early 2020 showed that it can take up to months to regain their sense of smell and taste.

“After eight months, an objective olfactory assessment confirmed full recovery in 49 out of 51 patients (96,1%),” they wrote.

  1. COVID-19 causes loss of brain tissue. Why do patients lose their sense of smell?

«Nasze odkrycia sugerują, że po 12 miesiącach można spodziewać się dodatkowego 10 proc. wzrostu powrotu do zdrowia, w porównaniu z badaniami z 6-miesięcznym okresem obserwacji, w których wykryto tylko 85,9 proc. pacjentów z powrotem do zdrowia» – napisali.

See also:

  1. Delta mutation dangerous for vaccinated. Disturbing data from Israel
  2. “I am one of the unvaccinated”. The MedTvoiLokony reader describes why he did not report for the second dose
  3. The number of infections in Israel is increasing. Will the restrictions come back a week after they are lifted?

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