Some Tapas with Tuna in Zahara

In the south of the peninsula and in the Mediterranean, tuna were fished in traditional traps since time immemorial …

The Cadiz town of Zahara de los Atunes will celebrate some interesting gastronomic around the town’s star product “the tuna”.

We are in the middle of the XNUMXth centenary of the death of D. Miguel de Cervantes, and as a mention of one of the characters of his literary work, not as famous as Don Quixote, known as Carriazo, we want to pay tribute to him from the blog, since he graduated as rogue in one of the most famous almadabras of our coast, that of Zahara.

Today we will not talk about The Illustrious Mop of D. Miguel, but about the Route of TApas that in this edition of 2016, will once again have bluefin tuna as the true protagonist of the culinary art of the local hospitality industry.

On other occasions, we have named the municipality with different gastronomic not so seaworthy, like the days of the Retinto, which makes the culinary offer of the place very diverse, not only looking at the sea to provide their kitchens.

A total of 39 establishments will participate in the gastronomic event, which from next May 10 to 15, will give content and especially recipes in this seventh edition of the Leisure event.

The initiative is led by the Zahara de los Atunes Merchants Association (ACOZA), and serves as the launch of a very special brand, that of “Zahara … denomination of origin”.

The VII Zahara Tuna Route

For the occasion, the hospitality establishments that have already registered to participate in the party, prepare delicious preparations with tuna, raw or cooked, in their kitchens, but all of them well accompanied by the best vegetables from the garden and above all creativity and ingenuity from local chefs.

The model of the Route has a bankruptcy purpose, where a professional jury will taste and deliberate on which bite is the main champion of the award for the best Tapa del Gastronomic Contest this year.

Among its ranks will be the accredited culinary producers, Carlos Galván Abad from the La Chalota Restaurant, Javier Muñoz Soto from the La Carbona restaurant in Jerez, and the gastronomy experts Fernando Sainz de la Maza from the VORS Restaurant in Santander, Alfonso Marín Caffarena, Founder of the Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and currently Secretary General of the Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy, together with Mar Varela, expert in creative pastry and collaborator of Canal Cocina.

All the content of the gastronomic contest, the participating restaurants and bars with their recipes presented can be seen in its entirety on the Zahara Tuna Route website.

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