Some children die in their sleep. We know what could be the cause

The results of research published in «The Lancet» show that SIDS is also caused by a genetic mutation that has a significant impact on the work of the respiratory muscles.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – is the sudden death of an apparently healthy baby during sleep. The doctor is not able to provide the cause of death on the basis of post-mortem examinations. SIDS is the most important cause of infant mortality. Infants aged 2-4 months are most at risk of cot death. The causes are not clear-cut, but the reasons include insufficient amounts of serotonin, prolonged apnea, infections and drug reactions, compression of the vertebral artery, and heart defects. The latest research confirms earlier hypotheses that SIDS may be genetic in some cases.

Scientists led by prof. Michael Hanny of University College London conducted studies that show that in some cases sudden infant death occurs due to mutations in the sodium channel.

The genome of 278 US and UK children who died from SIDS was compared with 729 ethnically matched controls. Research has shown that among the four children who died from SIDS, a rare mutation in a gene called SCN4A had developed that played an important role in coding for the sodium channel. This mutation has a huge impact on the function of the respiratory muscles and can be fatal. However, it was not found in any control sample. This means that SIDS may be genetic, but in most cases other factors may be decisive. What? Perhaps Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is responsible for mutations in other ion channels. However, more research is needed.

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