Solofit and other sewage pumps for forced sewerage

What if the sewer outlet is higher than the plumbing outlet? How then to organize the removal of wastewater? In private houses, a pit was made into which drains were collected, from there they were pumped with a submersible pump into a sewer or septic tank. Today there is another solution – a sewage pump. In many cases, its installation is cheaper, and even easier – that’s for sure. 

Device and purpose

A pump with a chopper is a surface sewer pumping unit that allows you to organize the removal of wastewater where it is not possible to do this using a gravity system. This is a small plastic container with a powerful built-in pump that pumps wastewater into the sewer. Drainage can be moved both vertically and horizontally. There are installations with a grinder that can be connected to toilets, there are without a grinder – for “gray” drains from sinks, showers, bidets, etc.

The sewage pump for the toilet and other plumbing is small

Application area

A sewer pump is used in cases where it is impossible to make a gravity sewer system. In most cases, when a plumbing fixture, washing machine or dishwasher is installed below the sewer inlet. For this, forced sewage pumps were invented. This solution allows you to transfer bathrooms and technical rooms to the basement or semi-basement.

You can connect sanitary pumps in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, laundry. In any room where water drainage is required, and the sewer drain is far away

Another pump with a chopper is installed if it is decided to make the bathroom after the repair is completed and the sewerage system has not been connected to the place of the proposed installation of plumbing. In this case, the installed equipment is connected to a compact sewer pump, and it is connected to the sewer. What is the difference? In the following:

  • the diameter of the outlet pipes for the sewer pump is much smaller than for the gravity system (28-40 mm);
  • drains can rise up to a height of up to 9 meters;
  • horizontal sewage disposal is possible up to 100 meters (requires a minimum slope of 1-4%).

All this allows you to organize a connection to an existing sewerage almost anywhere at minimal cost.

The device and the principle of operation

The sewer pump consists of a storage plastic container and a pump. Some models that can be connected to the toilet have a chopper. The filling level is monitored by a sensor. When it works, the chopper and pump turn on, the waste is pumped into the sewer system. Shutdown controls the second sensor – it turns off the power when the level of drains falls below a certain level. This is a simplified algorithm for the action of a pressure sewer.

Sewer pump with chopper: device

There are sewer pumping stations designed to connect devices of various types and quantities. The simplest one is designed to connect one or two devices, the most productive one has three additional pipes (and one main one). Accordingly, the container has one or more inlets (depending on the model) and one outlet. Pipes coming from plumbing are connected to the inlets, and the outlet is connected to the sewer.

For pumping out high-temperature effluents from washing machines, dishwashers, bathrooms, there are special models made of heat-resistant materials. A conventional sewer pump cannot cope with such a load. Therefore, to connect such equipment, you need to look for certain models.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of compact individual sewer installations is that they allow you to equip the sewer without carrying out large-scale construction or repair work. With their help, complex tasks are solved:

  • Drainage device when plumbing fixtures are located below the entry point to the sewer system.
  • Equipping a bathroom without carrying out large-scale civil works.

Another positive point is the use of small diameter pipes. Most toilet pumps are connected to the sewer using plastic pipes with a diameter of 28 mm – 32 mm – 40 mm. Only high capacity installations require 50mm pipes. Such plumbing networks are easier to hide. Even if it was not possible to hide them, they do not attract as much attention as the standard one hundred millimeters.

Examples of sewage pumps for toilets and bathrooms

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Dependence on electricity. No power – sewer does not work. A redundant source is required for uninterrupted operation.
  • The pumps are noisy. Manufacturers improve their products, install pumps with less noise, but they are still present.
  • Requires compliance with certain rules of operation. For example, it is undesirable to get fibrous materials into the shredder. Modern shredders do well with toilet paper, but with fibrous components and hair – a problem. They are wound on a screw, reducing the quality of grinding. Sooner or later the screw is blocked. The installed overheating sensor will not allow the equipment to burn out – it will turn it off earlier. But the installation will have to be disassembled and cleaned, and this is not the most pleasant experience.
    There are compact models for installation in niches

Well, the main drawback is that the pumps burn out. If the power and performance are selected correctly, unsuitable items do not get into the sewer, they can work for years. But with a selection error, when the equipment is operated at its limit, the pumps often fail. Therefore, when choosing a sewer pump for a toilet, it is better to take it with a margin of performance. It will cost more, but such an installation will work longer.

Classification and species

There is no single classification of forced sewage installations, but they can be divided according to several parameters:

  • The presence of a grinder. It is needed if the sewer pump is connected to the toilet.
  • Performance. This is the volume of wastewater that can be pumped out per unit of time. There are installations with a small capacity and with a very solid one. The choice depends on the number and type of connected devices.
  • The temperature of the pumped medium is from 40°С to 90°С. Everything is clear here – drains from the dishwasher and washing machine, bathtubs require sewer pumping stations capable of pumping wastewater with high temperatures.
  • Duration of work. There are installations that can only be turned on for a short time (they are installed on one or two devices), and there are more “long-playing” ones (they can be used to drain the whole house). This is usually indicated in the characteristics as the duration of the work. The percentage can be 50%. This means that the unit works for 30 seconds, “rests” for 30 seconds. The run/cool down interval can be specified in seconds or minutes.
    Sewage shower pump – under-sump installation

When choosing a pump for forced sewage, it is worth remembering that they are not designed to connect a bath. The bathrooms contain too much water, pumping out which the pump will overheat and block. As a result, it will take a long time to drain the water from the bathroom. There are only a few models of forced sewage that can handle this task – SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3. These sewer pumps do an excellent job with a large amount of warm water discharged.

Other companies offer to make an intermediate pit for forced pumping out of the bathroom, into which to drain the water. From it, pump it into the sewer with any suitable device. Given that the pit must be below the level of the drain, this method is not always acceptable. And, despite the high cost of SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3, it is more profitable to install it than to carry out a huge amount of excavation.

To prevent overfilling of the tank, there is an additional alarm device. In some companies, it simply beeps when the tank is full, in others it also turns off the device connected through it (washing machine or dishwasher).

Installation and connection rules

Installation and connection of pumps for toilet bowls and forced pumping of drains from different manufacturers occurs according to very similar rules. But before installation, you should read the instructions for a specific product – there may be features.

A sewage pump can stand in the kitchen – to drain drains from the sink and / or dishwasher


The installation location must be chosen so that the pump can be reached. It does not require special maintenance, but periodically there is a need for cleaning. If a dishwasher and a washing machine are connected to the pump, it is better to regularly check whether the sewer installation is clogged with grease, dirt, and salt deposits. If necessary, cleaning with mild detergents is possible. Aggressive chemicals should not be used, as they can damage the plastic and rubber parts of the unit.

If the sewer inlet is higher than necessary

So here are the general rules:

  • The individual sewer installation must be grounded. Therefore, the outlet must be three-wire with a working ground. (We read about the device of a ground loop in a private house here).
  • For safety, a circuit breaker and RCD must be installed on the power line.
  • During installation, the block is fixed to the floor. To reduce the noise level, installation on a vibration-damping base (rubber gasket) is desirable. It is undesirable to press the housing against the wall – so that vibration from the pump is not transmitted. These measures are needed to reduce the noise level.
    A sewage pump can stand in the kitchen – to drain drains from the sink and / or dishwasher
  • The exhaust pipeline is made of rigid plumbing pipes. There are two recommended options – plastic sewer and copper pipes. Fittings are recommended rigid, one-piece.
  • Pipelines must be permanently fixed (to walls, floors, etc.).

In general, installing and connecting a sewer pump for a kitchen or toilet is not a very difficult undertaking. But provided that you already have some idea about working with plumbing. In this case, you can do everything yourself.

Outlet pipeline features

Compact plumbing toilet pumps can pump drains not only vertically, but can also lift them up. If there is a vertical section in its lower part, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of draining – if you have to clear the pipeline from blockage, it is better if the drains are drained in a certain place, and do not start pouring out during work.

The height of the vertical section of the outlet pipeline is determined taking into account the minimum slope of the horizontal section. Each manufacturer (sometimes each model) has its own minimum slope, but in most cases it is 1-4% (1-4 cm per 1 meter).

Sewage pump installation rules

Be careful. The description of the sewage pumps indicates the maximum lifting height of the sewage and the maximum horizontal transport distance. For example: 8 m up, and 80 m horizontally. But this does not mean that by lifting the pipe 4 meters up, it will be possible to transport another 80 meters horizontally. In this case, after a four-meter rise, the length of the horizontal section will be no more than 40 meters. Just climbing 1 meter up “takes away” about 10 meters of horizontal transportation. This is important and worth remembering.

Manufacturers and models

Not many companies produce individual sewer installations. However, the price range is quite wide. Traditionally, European manufacturers are distinguished by good quality, but high prices. No one will be surprised if we say that Chinese sewage pumps cost less, but their quality is worse. In general, the choice, as usual, is expensive and high quality, or cheaper and…

Forced sewage installations Grundfos (Grundfos) – Sololift (Sololift)

The well-known plumbing manufacturer Grundfos (Grundfos) produces pumps for forced sewerage Sololift (Sololift). At the moment, a modified Sololift2 line has been launched. It has no moving parts in contact with drains. The exception is the chopper, but its drive is also “dry”. This makes the renovation less of a hassle. There are several Sololift models for different occasions:

  • WC1 – with grinder, one main and one additional input. Suitable for connecting toilet and washbasin.
  • WC3 – pump with chopper for toilet connection and three additional inlets.
  • CWC3 – the same as WC3, only for connecting hanging toilets.
    Main characteristics of sewage pumps Sololift
  • C3 is a high-capacity fecal pump, it can pump wastewater with a temperature of up to +90°C, pump wastewater from a bathtub, from a washing machine and/or dishwasher.
  • D2 – pump for hot waste water (with temperatures up to +90°C) without solid impurities. It can be connected to the shower, washbasin, washing machines and dishwashers.

Sololift sewer pumps are not the cheapest equipment, but they work reliably and correspond to the declared characteristics. The firm also supports warranty repairs.

Pumps for toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and technical rooms SFA

This company specializes in the production of sanitary pumps. There are several lines for solving different problems, connecting various devices:

  • Saniaccess is a household toilet chopper pump with the ability to connect a washbasin and a shower (modifications with numbers 2 and 3, respectively). Has little performance.
  • Sanibest is a high capacity toilet and sewer pump. Suitable for private houses with high intensity of use and for public places.
  • SANIBROYEUR is a silent toilet pump with a grinder that can transport wastewater 4 m up or 100 m to the side.
    Dimensions SFA SANIBEST Pro
  • Sanipack is a compact sewer pump that can be connected to a wall hung toilet and shower/sink/bidet. It can be built into the partition due to its small size.
  • Saniplus Silence is a powerful pump that can drain water from multiple plumbing fixtures. It features low noise operation and high performance. Can handle bathroom drain.
  • Sanipro XR Silence is the quietest model for pumping sewage from a full bathroom (without a bathtub).
  • SaniTop – installation of forced sewage to connect the toilet and sink. This newer model is quieter and has a more powerful pump than the Saniaccess.

SFA products work reliably and cost a little less than Grundfus. You can choose a model for any combination of plumbing. In general, the SFA sewage pump is a good option. Installation of equipment is standard – put in any convenient place. There is only one limitation – it is better that the branch pipeline starts from a vertical section, if there is one on your route. If this is not possible, the length of the horizontal section should be no more than 30 cm.

The height of the vertical section is calculated taking into account the fact that the horizontal section must have a slope towards the inlet of at least 1% (1 cm per 1 meter of pipe).

Aquatik CompactLift fecal pumps

Toilet pumps Compact Elevator is manufactured by the Chinese company Aquatik. This is a more budget option for individual sewer installations. Differ in low level of noise.

At the moment there are only three modifications:

  • Compact LIFT 250. Installation for pumping gray waste (without faeces and toilet paper). A small power of 250 W and a flow rate of 119 liters / min allows you to connect a shower and a sink. 
    Sewage pump Aquatik Compact LIFT
  • aquatic Compact LIFT 400. Compact fecal pump with the ability to connect a direct outlet toilet and three additional plumbing fixtures. Power – 400 W, productivity 149 liters / min.
  • aquatic Compact LIFT 400 A. For connecting wall hung toilets. Specifications are similar. series 

Aquatik guarantees its bathroom and toilet pumps for 1 year from the date of sale. Violation of operation (the presence of fibrous inclusions in drains) may cause a denial of warranty repairs.

Willo sewage pumps

The German company Willo is known for making reliable devices. Toilet pumps are no exception. Good quality plastic, thick tank walls, reliable pump. There are the following models:

  • HiDrainlift 3-24 – for maintenance of clean drains without faeces and toilet paper (shower, washbasin, urinal). Power 300 W, consumption 58 litres/min.
  • HiDrainlift 3-25 is a direct outlet WC pump with 400 additional connections for showers, washbasins etc. Power 100 W, maximum capacity XNUMX liters/min.
  • HiSewlift 3-15 – for connecting one floor-standing toilet. Plus, it has one additional input for connecting a washbasin / shower / urinal / bidet. Power 450 W, maximum flow 75 liters/min.
    Dimensions of one Willo bathroom pump model
  • HiSewlift 3-35 – one inlet for pumping toilet drains and three inlets for connecting devices with gray drains – washbasin / bidet / urinal / shower. Power consumption 450 W, productivity 75 liters/min.
  • HiSewlift 3-I35. More compact unit with parameters similar to HiSewlift 3-35.
  • DrainLift KH 32. For connecting a wall-hung toilet, it is equipped with three additional pipes for connecting plumbing fixtures with clean drains. Power consumption 450 W, can pump out no more than 75 liters / min.
  • DrainLift XS-F – similar to DrainLift KH 32, but smaller, for installation in a wall niche.
  • DrainLift TMP 32. For connecting gray drains – without faeces and toilet paper. There are two outlets to which washing machines or dishwashers can be connected.
    Characteristics of the three models of Willo sewage pumps
  • DrainLift TMP 40. For pumping domestic wastewater (without faeces). It can be connected to the kitchen – it is possible to bring drains from the sink, dishwasher. It differs from all models in its standard configuration – it has a float switch that will turn off the dishwasher pump when the tank overflows.

The range of Willo sewage pumping units allows you to solve any problem when it comes to equipping bathrooms and toilets in private homes. For commercial or more intensive use, Willo has other solutions.

Pressure sewer pumps STP (Jemix)

These customized sewer units are made in China. The price category is average. Reviews, as usual, are different – someone is completely satisfied, someone absolutely does not like it.

So, here are the sewer pumps Jemix offers:

  • STP-100 Lux. For connecting a toilet bowl with two additional inputs (washbasin, urinal, shower). Power 600 W, capacity 200 liters/min, vertical lift height 9 m, horizontal lift 90 m, maximum temperature +90°С.
  • STP-400 Lux. Toilet pump with similar connection possibilities. Only the temperature of the wastewater is not higher than +40°C, the power is 400 W, the productivity is 100 liters / min, the height of the wastewater is up to 8 meters, horizontal transportation is up to 80 m.
    Approximate prices for sewage pumps STP (Jemix)
  • STP-800. You can also connect one floor-standing toilet + two additional inputs. But the power is 800 W, the pressure is 150 liters / min, the rise is 9 m, horizontally – 90 m. Only warm drains can be transported – up to + 40 ° С.
  • STP-200. With one entrance for connecting the toilet and two additional ones. Lower power – 400 W, can pump out 100 liters / min, maximum height – 8 m, horizontal transportation – 80 m, temperature of the transported medium is not higher than +40 ° С.
  • STP-250. For removal of gray drains (without solid inclusions). It has two entrances (shower, washbasin, bidet). Power 250 W, sewage lifting height – up to 5 m, horizontal transportation no further than 50 m, can pump out no more than 80 liters / min.
  • STP-500 Lux. This pump is for toilet use only. No additional exits

It differs from those described above by increased power – some models raise drains by 9 meters. Most of the sewer pressure pumps described above can lift up drains by 4-5 meters. So this is where the Jamixes win. In this parameter, they have only one competitor – Sololift Grundfos with its lifting height of 8 meters. But his price category is completely different (as is the quality, however).

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