Solcoseryl – composition, action, indications, contraindications, dosage

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Solcoseryl is an over-the-counter medication whose main ingredient is antigen-free and also protein-free calf blood dialysate. It has properties in the treatment of dry wounds as well as those with still oozing secretions. It is also rich in substances that help to regenerate the skin and prevent scarring. Currently, the drug is very difficult to obtain in pharmacies.

Characteristics of the drug Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl is a preparation that is used to treat wounds. This drug accelerates regenerative processes and prevents the formation of unsightly scars. Currently, Solcoseryl is available over the counter as an ointment, gel or paste for use in the mouth. Solcoseryl is a medicine that can also be obtained with a prescription, including solution for injection and eye gel.

A characteristic feature of Solcoseryl is its main component, i.e. protein-free calf blood dialysate. It is this ingredient that accelerates the renewal of damaged or torn tissues.

The manufacturer of Solcoseryl is the pharmaceutical concern MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, which is based in Germany.

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Solcoseryl – composition and action of the drug

Solcoseryl is a drug whose basic ingredient is a protein-free calf blood dialysate, containing numerous low molecular weight components and a number of inorganic substances. They come from the serum and blood cells of the calves.

Calf blood extract has a strong effect on cellular metabolism and various repair processes. This means that, among other things, it supports cellular metabolism, stimulates oxidative phosphorylation, and also produces high-energy phosphates in cells. In addition, this component increases the use of oxygen by tissues by accelerating the transport of glucose to hypoxic and deprived of energy reserves of tissues.

It is also indicated that the active substance of Solcoseryl improves repair and regenerative processes in tissues that have been damaged by ischemia. This component prevents secondary degenerative changes and reduces the intensity of these changes by stabilizing cell membranes and maintaining proper osmotic and ion homeostasis. The property of protein-free dialysate from the blood of calves also affects the synthesis of collagen and stimulates the migration and proliferation of cells.

Thanks to this characteristic active substance, Solcoseryl protects tissues at risk of hypoxia and lack of nutrients. Thanks to the action of this drug, cells resume their activity, regenerating themselves. As a result, it can be concluded that the drug Solcoseryl accelerates and improves the quality of the healing process of wounds and damaged tissues.

In addition to the protein-free dialysate, the ingredients of Solcoseryl include: sodium carmellose, propylene glycol, calcium lactate pentahydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218), propyl parahydroxybenzoate and water for injections.

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Solcoseryl – indications for use

Solcoseryl has many healing properties. This drug can be used to treat people suffering from autoimmune diseases with wounds such as RA or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It can also be administered to people who have permanent inflammation caused, for example, by diabetes (diabetic foot) or insulin resistance.

Above all, however, Solcoseryl has soothing and healing properties, especially in the case of wounds such as bedsores, frostbite, burns or maceration. It can also be used for erosions of mucous membranes, and even after plastic surgeries or limb transplants.

Solcoseryl also has neuromodulatory and neurotrophic properties, thanks to which it regenerates damaged tissues, and also supports the nervous system. Therefore, it can be used even in brain injuries as well as after a stroke.

Solcoseryl is recommended for people suffering from acne and in the case of eye keratitis. Solcoseryl has radioprotective properties, which is why it is administered to radioactively or chemically contaminated people.

Indications for the use of Solcoseryl depend on the form of the drug used:

  1. Solcoseryl for injection – recommended in cases of acute and chronic vascular damage to the nervous system, peripheral arterial occlusive atherosclerosis, diabetic foot, wound healing disorders, burns, radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes and after skin transplants;
  2. Solcoseryl in an ointment or gel – it is recommended in the auxiliary treatment of small wounds, ulcers, burns, scars, frostbites, trophic changes, bedsores, skin donation sites and radiation skin damage;
  3. Solcoseryl paste for use in the oral cavity – it is recommended in cases of painful and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, gums and lips. It treats conditions such as aphthas, cold sores, gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis. The paste is also helpful in pressure pains caused by dentures or pains related to the eruption of wisdom teeth. Solcoseryl paste is also used as a dressing after such procedures as: curettage and tooth extraction, crown application or prosthesis placement
  4. Solcoseryl in a gel applied to the eyes – it is recommended to use the drug primarily in diseases of the cornea. These include: corneal cuts, burns with alkalis or acids, damage to the cornea as a result of wearing contact lenses, inflammation or ulceration of the cornea. Solcoseryl in the gel works against all bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

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Solcoseryl – how to dose the drug?

Solcoseryl contains 1 mg of dialysate from calf blood (protein-free) per 2,07 gram of ointment. In addition, it also contains methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetyl alcohol, white petroleum jelly, cholesterol, water and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The drug in the form of an ointment is intended for application to the skin. Adults and children over 11 years of age may apply a thin layer of ointment (2 g) twice a day to the cleansed wound. The ointment is recommended for dry wounds, while Solcoseryl in the form of a gel is better for oozing wounds.

In the case of dental paste, a small amount of it should be applied in a thin layer on a dry, diseased surface. The paste should not be rubbed into a sick and sore place. It is recommended to use the dental paste at bedtime.

Using an ophthalmic gel, one gel unit is instilled into the conjunctival sac about 3-4 times a day.

Dosage of Solcoseryl injection depends on the disease being treated. In the case of peripheral arterial occlusive disease, 850 mg of the drug is administered daily, usually not longer than 4 weeks. In the treatment of a wound-healing disorder, 425 mg of the drug is administered three times a week, usually for about 4 weeks. However, it should be remembered that local healing of the wound is in progress at the same time.

In the treatment of acute and chronic vascular damage to the nervous system, psycho-organic syndrome, diabetic foot, burns, radiation damage to the skin, mucous membranes and skin grafts, the usual dose is 85 mg once a day or 425-850 mg a day. Treatment usually takes about 6 weeks.

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Solcoseryl – contraindications

Like any drug, Solcoseryl also has contraindications. First of all, a contraindication is an allergy to non-protein calf blood dialysate or other components of the drug, such as parahydroxybenzoasan or propyl.

The drug should not be used in children younger than 12 years of age. Pregnant women and people undergoing long-term treatment under the supervision of a specialist doctor must consult a physician before using the drug.

Solcoseryl does not interact with other medications, but may cause side effects. It may be hypersensitivity in the form of allergy, pain at the site of application of the ointment or a skin allergic reaction. In order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to perform an allergic test before administering the drug by injection by administering a small dose of Solcoseryl, i.e. about 0,5 ml of the drug.

Solcoseryl for injection contains potassium, therefore the contraindication to the use of this drug is hyperkalemia, renal failure or arrhythmias.

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Solcoseryl – when to exercise extreme caution?

In some cases, special precautions should be taken when using Solcoseryl. Solcoseryl in dental paste should not be applied inside wounds to be treated with sutures. This applies to the removal of molars and wisdom, or after apical resection of the tooth root.

Solcoseryl contains benzalkonium chloride, which can cause punctate keratitis and toxic ulcerative keratitis. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of patients who use this drug for a long time or who struggle with dry eye syndrome or damaged cornea.

People who wear contact lenses should also be especially careful. You should not wear lenses while using Solcoseryl. If necessary, contact lenses can be put on 15 minutes after instillation in the eye.

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Solcoseryl – pregnancy and breastfeeding

Solcoseryl is a drug that is in category C. This category includes drugs in which animal studies have shown harmfulness to the fetus, or it means the lack of reliable research and observations on the use of this drug in humans.

Therefore, in the case of pregnant or breastfeeding women, caution should be exercised when using Solcoseryl. If injections are required, women should stop breastfeeding.

Each use of Solcoseryl during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor.

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Solcoseryl – possible side effects

The use of Solcoseryl can cause side effects. Side effects may be very common, common, uncommon, rare or very rare.

The use of Solcoseryl may disturb the immune system. Hypersensitivity to the drug is very rare.

General disorders and conditions at the injection site may also occur. It is indicated, among others, pain at the site of gel application or allergic reactions.

The adverse reactions also included dysgeusia, laryngospasm, edema, erythema, paraesthesia, burning sensation, and very rarely dyspnoea or bronchospasm.

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How much does Solcoseryl cost?

Solcoseryl leku dinner depends on the form of the preparation we supply:

  1. Solcoseryl in ointment; 2,07 mg / g (1 g contains 2,07 mg calf protein-free dialysate); 20 g – about PLN 17-20;
  2. Solcoseryl paste for use in the oral cavity; 1 g contains: 2,125 mg of protein-free calf blood dialysate, 10 mg of polidocanol; 5 g – about PLN 40-45;
  3. Solcoseryl in a solution for injection; 42,5 mg / ml (1 ml contains 42,5 mg of calf protein-free dialysate); 25 ampoules, 2 ml each – about PLN 150-160;
  4. Solcoseryl in a gel; 4,15 mg / g (1 g contains 4,15 mg of protein-free calf blood dialysate); 20 g – about PLN 18-20;
  5. Solcoseryl in eye gel; 8,3 mg / g (1 g contains 8,3 mg of protein-free calf blood dialysate); 5 g – about PLN 20-25.

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Solcoseryl – opinion

Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment has a very good opinion, because it stimulates processes deeply in the cells and thus regeneration is faster, and even more thorough than just on the surface of the affected skin. It works very well on small wounds, but also effectively heals ulcers and even XNUMXst and XNUMXnd degree burns. A lot of people attest to its effectiveness in the treatment of pressure ulcers, which, unfortunately, are common in immobilized patients. People struggling with acne leading to wounds and scars have very good results. Treatment with this drug reduces the appearance of wounds and creates fewer scars on the skin.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home. Now you can use e-consultation also free of charge under the National Health Fund.

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