Solarium harm. The benefits of sunburn. Video

Solarium harm. The benefits of sunburn. Video

In most of the territory of Russia, summers are short and moderately warm, while winters, on the contrary, are long and harsh. It is not surprising that many Russians try, at the first opportunity, to travel to regions with a hot climate, where there is eternal summer, sun and warm sea. If this is not possible, they visit tanning salons to get a tan.

Visiting a solarium often is harmful. Learn the norms

It is widely believed that artificial tanning is not only beautiful, but also useful, that it promotes the production of vitamin D, preparing the skin for the summer season. Is it really?

What are the benefits of visiting a solarium

Indeed, with artificial irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet light, the production of vitamin D increases. It would seem that this fact alone testifies to the unconditional benefits of a tanning bed. However, this increase is quite insignificant. The fact is that ultraviolet radiation is different. The sun’s rays are one thing, and artificial ones quite another.

With natural tanning, the human body receives approximately equal shares of short-wave UVB radiation (wavelengths in the range from 280 to 315 nanometers) and long-wave UVA (from 315 to 400 nanometers). UVB waves cause the formation of promelanin in the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin), that is, a substance that prepares the skin for irradiation with UVA waves, which stimulate the production of the dark pigment melanin.

UVB waves protect the skin from sunburn and also stimulate the production of vitamin D

When artificially tanning in a solarium, the body is exposed to UVA waves, which make up almost 99% of the ultraviolet spectrum. There are only about 1% of “useful” UVB waves, so the increase in vitamin D production is insignificant. Inhabitants of areas with a cold climate and insufficient natural solar radiation, it is better not to rely on the benefits of tanning salons, but to introduce foods rich in vitamin D into their diet.

These products include:

  • seafood
  • fish fat
  • vegetable oil
  • mushrooms
  • greenery
  • potatoes

You can also take a multivitamin that contains this vitamin. But watch the dosage, do not exceed the required daily allowance.

It is easy to understand that the situation is exactly the same with the “preparation” of the skin for the holiday season. The benefits of artificial tanning are very small here. But in the treatment of certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis, artificial tanning, on the contrary, can be very useful.

However, in this case, a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. It is the specialist who must determine the number of artificial tanning sessions and their duration.

What harm can be from a solarium

As already mentioned, due to the fact that almost all UV radiation from solarium lamps is long-wave, artificial light in a solarium is much more powerful than natural sunlight. Therefore, if the procedures are too long or when using low-quality equipment, there is a risk of skin burns, allergies, pigmentation and even the development of such a dangerous disease as skin cancer (melanoma).

This risk increases markedly for people with sensitive skin, fair hair, as well as in the presence of a large number of moles, freckles.

A disservice to young girls and women with a good figure was the fashion for “resort” tanning, prompting them to visit the solarium almost all year round. Medical statistics show that such women of fashion are much more likely to develop melanoma. For example, experts from the International Center for the Study of Cancer claim that women under the age of 30 who frequent tanning salons have a 75% higher risk of skin cancer compared to their peers who receive an artificial tan only occasionally. Especially if they sunbathe fully nude or topless.

Women should never sunbathe with bare breasts! At a minimum, you should cover your nipples with special patches.

You should also refrain from visiting the solarium for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The benefits of a solarium

In addition, artificial UV radiation, penetrating deep into the layer of the skin, causes the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers – substances that help to maintain elasticity of the human skin. As a result, there is a thinning of the skin layer, the appearance of wrinkles. As a result, many people who visit a tanning salon in order to look more beautiful, attractive, achieve exactly the opposite results.

Finally, it must be remembered that long-wave ultraviolet irradiation negatively affects the immune system, which can provoke the development of a number of diseases, including activating the activity of many pathogenic microbes and viruses, for the time being dormant in the human body

Therefore, you should visit the solarium with caution, having previously consulted with your doctor. If you have contraindications, give up the tanning bed altogether, for example, this applies to people with diseases such as rosacea, eczema. It is better to be left without a beautiful bronze tan than to harm your health.

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