Solarium, benefits and harms

Solarium, benefits and harms

Cancer develops from tanning beds or, on the contrary, does it save you from depression? Do stikini protect the mammary glands or does the menstrual cycle fail due to frequent visits to the tanning salon? Woman’s Day editorial office and dermatocosmetologist, otorhinolaryngologist, Ph.D. The European Center for Aesthetic Medicine EAC Ksenia Kirillova will reveal the whole truth about the dangers and benefits of a solarium.

Solarium visits cause skin cancer

By sunbathing in the sun, we can observe the surface of our skin and, in case of redness, stop sunbathing in time.

A visit to a solarium poses a threat to the fact that we do not see the negative effect on the surface of the skin and we continue the procedures, and at this time UVA rays actually burn out the deep layers of the skin, contributing to the development of a dangerous disease.

Ultraviolet rays contribute to the appearance of wrinkles

Lying on the beach, using a tanning bed, or even going outside without sunscreen can cause wrinkles to appear.

Every time you are exposed to any of these factors, you are exposing your skin to harmful UV rays. Thus, the breakdown of collagen and elastin is accelerated, which leads to the fact that wrinkles and a decrease in skin tone develop ahead of time.

Ultraviolet rays contribute to the production in our body of vitamin D and the hormone of joy serotonin.

However, the complete safety of the solarium is guaranteed only to absolutely healthy people, subject to the rules of tanning in the solarium.

Frequent visits to the tanning salon can help get rid of acne and blackheads.

It must be remembered that after a while after the procedures, a kind of aggravation often occurs. Many have noticed new acne after tanning. What is the reason for this?

When ultraviolet light affects our skin, it coarsens, its top layer dies off. Dead cells, in turn, clog the pores. This is the reason for some new acne and blackheads.

Stikini – prevention of breast cancer

Of course not! This serious disease develops from the general effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, so the “small circle” can only save a delicate area from local burns.

A vertical solarium is much more useful than a horizontal one

Only in terms of possible contact with infection. The vertical solarium is non-contact, which means that there is no risk of picking up foreign bacteria in case of poor cleaning.

Ventilation in the solarium reduces the tanning effect

Ventilation is needed only so that the solarium does not overheat and does not break down, so it does not in any way affect the effect.

Failure in the menstrual cycle occurs due to frequent visits to the solarium

No, but there is an opinion that due to hormonal changes during this period, there is a decrease in the production of melanin.

This means that these days the tan will go badly or even become spots. Therefore, you should not expose your body to such stress, besides, the result from visiting the solarium on critical days is very doubtful.

Going to the solarium in summer is much healthier than in winter

A shortened sunny day in the autumn-winter period does not have the best effect on the physical and mental state of a person. The seasonal depression caused by the lack of light has even received the special name “fall blues syndrome”.

Additional problems are depression, drowsiness, apathy. There are also physiological disorders: lack of vitamin D, slow metabolism, weakening of the immune system. The body does not have enough light, but there is only one way to replenish it – to maintain a light tan in the winter in a solarium. However, you can sunbathe no more than 5-7 minutes once a month!

Fat deposits are broken down by ultraviolet rays

Both processes are in no way connected with each other, so you should not be under any illusion about this.

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