Solar plexus – anatomical structure, functions, ailments

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The solar plexus (plexusus solaris), also known as the visceral plexus (plexus coeliacus), is one of the main nerve plexuses in the human body. In anatomical terms, these are left and right fused visceral plexuses.

Anatomical structure of the solar plexus

Solar plexus it is made of the visceral ganglia. They can have the shape of a crescent, through increasingly fuller forms, up to a fused sphere from which nerve branches radiate. In the bottom part solar plexus a separate cluster of nervous tissue can be distinguished, which forms an even aorto-renal ganglion and an odd upper mesenteric ganglion.

Do solar plexus there is a paired greater visceral nerve and a paired minor visceral nerve, visceral branches of the vagus nerve and branches from the last thoracic ganglion and from the upper lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic trunk.

Od solar plexus there are: diaphragmatic plexus, adrenal plexus, renal plexus and ovarian plexus in women or nuclear plexus in men, as well as: upper gastric plexus, inferior gastric plexus, hepatic plexus, splenic plexus, upper mesenteric plexus and ventral aortic plexus.

Solar plexus is referred to as abdominal brain.

It is located at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, in front of the spine, in the back of the epigastrium. It is limited at the top by the diaphragm, at the sides it is limited by the adrenal glands, and by the renal arteries at the back. In front of solar plexus there is an abdominal aorta.

Solar plexus functions

Solar plexus it is part of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system, its task is to innervate internal organs. It is responsible for how the body reacts independently of the will, for example, intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of gastric juices.

Solar plexus is a cluster of neurons (nerve cells) whose primary function is to carry stimuli to internal organs such as the liver, diaphragm, spleen, stomach, duodenum, intestines, adrenal glands and kidneys, genitals and large blood vessels. Neurons clustered in solar plexus regulate metabolism, secretion of bile and pancreatic juice as well as peristalsis of the duodenum, stomach, small and large intestine. In addition, they regulate the work of the heart, blood pressure, the tone of the urinary bladder and anus sphincters, respiration, the work of the reproductive organs, the secretion of hormones into the blood and ensure proper thermoregulation. Solar plexus it is therefore the place where the nerve cells responsible for the work of the most important organs in the human body concentrate. They ensure the so-called homeostasis, i.e. the balance of physiological processes necessary for life.

Ailments from the solar plexus

Solar plexus as such it is not prone to disease. However, diseases of various internal organs may affect him and disrupt his work. Especially adversely affect solar plexus atherosclerotic changes that result in ischemia and hypoxia of the brain, and any inflammation, especially meningitis. Also, neoplastic diseases have a negative impact on functioning solar plexus.

Functional disturbances solar plexus they also cause diseases of the surrounding organs, for example abdominal aortic aneurysm, kidney and adrenal cysts, abscesses or enlarged lymph nodes. Not without impact on work solar plexus what remains is the use of certain drugs and psychoactive substances.

It is especially dangerous to hit solar plexus. Due to the fact that this is where there is a large cluster of neurons supplying the main internal organs, a blow to solar plexus can cause great pain, not being able to catch your breath. Internal organs can also be damaged.

Proponents of theories related to spiritual development maintain that functioning solar plexus can be disturbed by negative emotions (such as jealousy, anger or hatred). Long-term exposure to negative emotions may, in their opinion, lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammation, as well as stomach ulcers and catarrh.

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