Soft windows for gazebos: stretch, PVC roll sheets, silicone films, do-it-yourself installation of flexible panels

Soft windows for gazebos are an excellent alternative to traditional glazing, as well as fiberglass and polycarbonate sheets. Their key advantage is quick installation, low cost, the ability to dismantle at any time without changing the design of the gazebo itself. They are flexible, soft, so they are great for irregularly shaped buildings.

Benefits of soft windows

Soft windows for gazebos have the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • high coefficient of light transmission;
  • suitable for glazing structures of irregular shape;
  • high operational properties;
  • easy to install and dismantle, although most variations of soft windows provide a ventilation mode.

Soft windows for gazebos: stretch, PVC roll sheets, silicone films, do-it-yourself installation of flexible panels

These windows are mainly made of PVC. This material is resistant to the adverse effects of the environment, easy to clean with ordinary household chemicals. Such glazing is perfect for the veranda.

Video “Soft PVC windows for gazebos”

From this video you will learn how to install soft PVC windows for gazebos.

Soft pvc windows for gazebos from the ABC Windows (KAZAN) company: installation, operation, price. LOBODA!


The following types of soft windows can be distinguished:

  1. Transparent. Represent a PVC film up to 1 mm thick. The most popular option, in terms of light transmission, is inferior to traditional glass by a few percent.
  2. Opaque. They are a variation of PVC film, but with the addition of a dye and a special additive that gives the material the property of retaining ultraviolet rays. Such windows are suitable for summer open gazebos located in sunny places.
  3. Silicone. Such a film has a large thickness and wind resistance, has a high thermal insulation coefficient. It is recommended to use it in gazebos during their active use in the cold season. They have a significant drawback – they “burn out” with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Accordingly, they should not be exploited in the summer – they quickly acquire a cloudy yellowish tint.

Roll-up and tension soft windows are also conventionally distinguished. In fact, this is the same material, they differ only in the method of installation. Tension is recommended to be mounted with subsequent processing with a heat gun, with the help of which the material is independently smoothed.

Mounting methods

Soft windows are supplied in the form of a film with a soft frame, which is made of either dense rubberized fabric or foam rubber. According to most, the first option is more durable.

To fix the film with your own hands are used:

  • metal locks;
  • braces with silicone straps.

In principle, you can use any of the proposed options – the mount will turn out to be reliable and durable. Fasteners are initially installed around the perimeter of wooden frames, where it is planned to fix the same film windows. It is recommended to install locks and staples every 20-30 cm. If you make more gaps, then there is a possibility that part of the rubberized frame will stretch over time due to wind exposure. In most soft windows, holes for locks are prepared in advance in the frame, you should only carefully study the instructions that come with them.

Further, everything is simple: the rolled material is stretched onto the prepared frames and fixed to the locks. This work is recommended to be done by two: while one pulls the material itself, the other clamps the locks. Thus, in just 2-3 hours you can “glaze” about 20-30 square meters. m.

The last stage is the treatment with a heat gun, if the material was mounted, implying such a procedure (again, it should be specified in the instructions).

Tips for care and use

Soft PVC windows are not demanding in terms of maintenance. It is enough to wash them periodically with a damp sponge and soap or dishwashing detergent. You can also use liquid mixtures for washing ordinary windows – alcohol is mainly added to them, which in no way harms such material. It is not necessary to dismantle them for the winter – PVC is resistant to low ambient temperatures and high humidity. Moreover, the most popular plastic window frames are made from this material. The only thing he is afraid of is high temperatures and open fire.

You need to be a little more careful with silicone. With some variations of household chemicals, the material enters into a chemical reaction. It is recommended to wipe them with a soft sponge with laundry soap without dyes and fragrances.

Summing up, we can say that soft windows are a cheap and durable alternative to traditional glazing, they will provide comfortable conditions for outdoor recreation.

The materials used in their production are environmentally friendly and do not react with wood structures.

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