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Ultrasound examination is one of the basic methods of soft tissue imaging for diagnostic purposes. Ultrasonography allows for a safe and painless image of subcutaneous structures and muscles. Performing an ultrasound of soft tissues is recommended in the case of injuries, pain or tissue changes of unknown nature.

Diagnostics of changes in soft tissues

The diagnosis of changes under the skin, swelling and muscle pain is performed by a doctor on the basis of an interview and palpation. Imaging tests may be indicated if the information obtained at this stage of diagnosis is insufficient.

Soft tissues are connective, muscular, epithelial and nervous tissues. High efficiency in evaluation of soft tissues shows an ultrasound examination (USG). Ultrasonic waves reflect from the examined structures without causing any negative effect. For this reason, it is also safe for pregnant women (ultrasound of pregnancy) as well as children and newborns (ultrasound of pre-periodontal disease).

Lack contraindications for ultrasound of soft tissues (except for skin wounds and burns at the test site) and its easy accessibility make the test frequent. For a detailed diagnosis of a specific lesion, the doctor may refer you to magnetic resonance imaging, which, however, is more difficult to access and, in the case of financing from the National Health Fund, requires waiting in a queue.

Indications for ultrasound of soft tissues

Imaging diagnostics is useful both in the assessment of visible changes and swelling on the skin, as well as in identifying the source of pain in orthopedic treatment. On the basis of ultrasound examination, the doctor is able to identify soft tissue neoplasms, including sarcomas. If necessary, ultrasound guided fine- or core-needle biopsy is performed.

Based on ultrasound examination of soft tissues a number of different pathological changes can be detected, including hematomas, cysts, abscesses, benign and malignant tumors, inflammatory infiltrates. It is recommended in the diagnosis of joints, the condition of tendons, muscles, ligaments, fascia, synovial bursae, as well as to determine the nature of a thickening or other lesion.

  1. Read more about Tendon Ultrasound.

Common indications for ultrasound of soft tissues are:

  1. muscle injuries;
  2. suspicion of orthopedic trauma within the joint;
  3. bumps or lumps visible under the skin (abscesses, cysts, nodules, inflammation);
  4. enlarged lymph nodes;
  5. swelling of the limbs;
  6. hernia, primarily abdominal and inguinal;
  7. pain of unknown origin.
  1. See also: Ultrasound of lymph nodes – when to test and how to prepare?

The course of ultrasound examination of soft tissues

We can receive a medical referral for an ultrasound examination of soft tissues, but we will also do it privately. You do not need to prepare for the test, because it does not burden the body in any way. However, you should have with you other tests that were previously carried out in the process of diagnosis or treatment of a given ailment. From imaging studies, it may be an X-ray, a result of computed tomography, magnetic resonance or previous ultrasound.

At the doctor’s office, the patient presents the problem and answers questions about the ailment. He then lays down on the couch and exposes the part of the body to be examined. The skin of this area is covered with a gel, which improves the propagation of ultrasound. The doctor performs a soft tissue examination ultrasound probe and observes the image on the monitor. It will inform the patient on an ongoing basis about any changes or lack thereof. After the procedure is completed, the test person removes the gel residue from the skin and the physician makes a description that is attached to the results. The visit may last from a few to several minutes.

Ultrasound examination of soft tissues may be an indication for further clinical consultations.

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