Sodium nitrate (E251)

We are talking about an additive, a preservative, which is used to extend the shelf life of products. It has been proven that the substance actively prevents the spread and existence of bacterial, fungal agents. It can rightly be called a chemical element used to stop the maturation of wines, a kind of disinfectant.


Sodium nitrate is a complete preservative residue, a dye that is actively used in meat products. It has the appearance of a whitish powder or transparent crystals. Differs in high hygroscopicity, lack of aroma.

Perfectly soluble in aqueous media, in alcohol – much worse. Often the element is called soda nitrate.

By right, sodium nitrate has a rich history. Even the ancient inhabitants called “natron” lake alkali. Even in those primitive times, it was successfully used as a preservative for the safety of products.

In Europe, the first batch of sodium nitrate was delivered in the middle of the 19th century. The supplier at that time was the country of Chile. Unfortunately, the expected sensation was not there and the goods were unnecessary for some time. And then the bags were simply thrown into the abyss of the sea. But very soon, saltpeter mining turned into a real hunt for profit.

The structure of the element was determined by Wyckoff in the early 20th century. From that moment on, any country could independently create a valuable substance.

Saltpeter is listed in all acts of the regulatory plan, norms and rules as sodium nitrate. There is even a special GOST, which is responsible for the chemical type of element definition. But the documentation does not prescribe general connection standards for food needs. Other additive names: E251, Chilean saltpeter, SodiumNitrate, Natriumnitrat, Natriumsalpeter. The main designation of the direction is “sodium nitrate” – many point to products. The purpose of the action is to avoid mentioning the substance of the coding “E”.


The compound is obtained under special conditions, since a number of appropriate reagents and equipment are required to create.

The substance is synthesized by the interaction of nitric acid with sodium. E251 is often formed by the interaction of edible salt with elements of silver nitrate. That is, it is obtained from natural, natural occurring compounds by leaching or crystallization. The taste is similar to standard industrial salt.


The body is able to carry the element in significant quantities. Moreover, he learned to eliminate it almost completely: the 6th part is excreted in the urine, the minimum concentration remains in the saliva. Irreparable harm is caused exclusively by the resulting nitrite compounds.

Under certain conditions, carcinogenic products are intensively formed – the most dangerous and extremely harmful.

It is important to understand comparative concentrations. The amount of nitrate used as an additive is negligible compared to the amount of the element that enters along with improperly fertilized plants and water. But here also it all depends on the consciousness of the manufacturer. Often, in pursuit of profit, farmers neglect all regulatory data. This is how tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers and other vegetables with an excess concentration of sodium nitrate inside get on the shelves.

Exceeding the concentration of the element at times increases the volume of the crop. But the products become a real poison for all living things.

In the gastric tract of infants, nitrates can be partially reduced to nitrites, which explains the increased sensitivity of babies to nitrate elements. In this age category, the connection is strictly prohibited.

E251 is not recommended for persons suffering from ailments of the vegetative-vascular system, lesions of the hepatic elements and intestinal structures, cholecystitis.


Sodium nitrate is used in the production of meat products. The preservative is indispensable for preserving the shade of meat. Shows exceptionally weak bactericidal effect. Nitrate elements are involved in the formation of nitrosamines, therefore, according to the rules, they must be used strictly dosed.

Sodium nitrate has become indispensable in our time. No production can do without it. The additive helps to obtain a natural “pink” color of meat products. Nitroelements are added not only to sausage products.

Chilean saltpeter (an alternative name for sodium nitrate) is successfully used in the production of smoked meats, sprats, cheeses of various hardness, canned herring.

The dosage of the preservative is 150-250 mg/kg. Few people know, but the element is successfully used in other industries. It is an indispensable fertilizer; the chemical is added during the production of glass and pyrotechnics. The nitrate element is an important component in metallurgical production, the basis for rocket fuel.

It has been proven that the substance, when used excessively, provokes the appearance of structures of malignant genesis. E-251 can additionally provoke allergic reactions. In increased dosages causes severe poisoning.

Clinic of a similar condition:

  • paroxysmal, intense pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • a sharp change in the color of the lips and nails, their cyanosis;
  • attacks of convulsive twitches;
  • impaired stool;
  • sharp failures of coordination movements, dizziness;
  • damage to the respiratory center, soreness in the head;
  • episodic loss of consciousness, short syncope.

Packaging Features

Sodium nitrate must be packed exclusively in moisture-proof packaging. Usually these are: laminated bags, polypropylene, paper bags without polyethylene impregnation, soft containers.

Appropriate labeling is required. Generally accepted standards are used (name of the element according to GOST, manufacturer’s contacts, expiration dates).


Today, 3 companies are considered suppliers of the element. The first corporation on the list is Uralchem, which owns an incredible base, representative offices in many states.

The second is the structure of Zouping Changshan Zefeng Fertilizer. Its main specialization is the production of additional elements for various industries.

And finally, the third is Qingdao Sonef Chemical Company Limited. The image of the organization implies quality control, product improvement through cooperation with various institutions in matters of the latest technologies.

The E251 preservative is rightfully considered common today, since it is found everywhere. It is not yet possible to rule it out. Nitrates in sausage and cheese are relatively less than in water, vegetables. To protect your health, it is enough to exclude from your diet fried smoked meats, sausages, sausages, which are so rich in sodium nitrate. And also do not forget about vitamins. It has been proven that their regular consumption binds and successfully removes preservatives and carcinogens from the body.

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