Socrates’ Dialectical Method of Positive Answers

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Today we will analyze the ancient science of communication, which is relevant to this day. The Socratic method involves the search for truth through dialogue, and also helps to achieve what you want through the “three yes” technique.

What it is?

In the article about the method of maieutics, we have already talked about the legendary philosopher and his approach to conversation. The essence of the method of positive answers lies in the fact that the person who uses it cites such a logically built chain of inferences as arguments that his interlocutor has to say “yes” to every question, with all his unwillingness to agree.

In the end, this convinces the interlocutor of the incorrectness of his position. And this gives power, after all, how much can be achieved by being able to direct the dialogue in the right direction.

Instructions and recommendations

  1. When you need not only to correctly convey your idea to your opponent, but also to convince him that you are right, try to divide it into small components so that the course of the conversation does not inadvertently turn into a monologue, since in a dispute this will “play” against you. Then form each resulting component in the form of a question. Only in such a way that he does not have the opportunity to answer «no».
  2. To make it easier to convince your opponent, carefully monitor his facial expressions and posture, then you will monitor how he reacts to your words in order to anticipate protest and increase pressure. To remember these nuances, I recommend to look at the article «What is non-verbal communication and how to recognize the emotional state of a person.»
  3. If you know in advance about the upcoming conversation with a person who does not agree with your opinion, then write out the main points in advance, reformulate and practice at home. And over time, you will unconsciously use this dialectical method of Socrates, without needing any preparation.
  4. Do not forget that before you start communication, it is important to win over the interlocutor so that he is optimistic about you, otherwise the pre-adopted fighting position will not allow any of your arguments to reach the goal. And only when you are sure that you have won his attention, go on the offensive.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! The philosophical approach of Socrates to the conversation is also relevant in the modern world. You can learn some similar points from the article “How to argue and prove the correctness of your opinion to any person?”. Good luck and victories!

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