Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

The family of salmon fish species has many varieties that have their own names. Each of the representatives of this family has both advantages and disadvantages. Despite this, salmon are of great interest to mankind, as they are a source of food. They are caught in huge quantities, and on an industrial scale. This article will focus on coho salmon and sockeye salmon. Here, the features of each of them will be described in sufficient detail.

What is the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon?

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Coho salmon is considered a weighty representative of the Pacific salmon and is able to gain weight up to 15 kg, with a length of up to 1 meter. This fish has a characteristic bright appearance, which provides it with bright, light-colored scales. At the same time, it has a large head, where a large upper part of the mouth and a highly raised forehead stand out.

Moving in the water column, coho radiates bright white and silvery tones. The upper region of the head has a bluish or greenish tinge. On both sides of the body of the fish are black spots, slightly irregular in shape.

The sockeye salmon is also a representative of the salmon family, but has a smaller weight and a smaller size in length: the length can reach 80 cm, and the weight is not more than 5 kg. The appearance of sockeye salmon is closer in shape to such a fish as chum salmon, but at the same time it has a smaller number of stamens located on the gills.

Where do coho salmon and sockeye salmon live?

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Habitat of coho salmon:

  1. One of the varieties of coho, as a rule, prefers the Asian continent, or rather the Anadyr River. In addition, this fish is also found on Hoidako.
  2. Another of the varieties of coho salmon, in large quantities, is closer to the North American coast, namely, in the Pacific Ocean. Here he prefers the stretch from the California coast all the way to Alaska. At the same time, it should be noted that the North American coho salmon is somewhat larger than its Asian counterpart.
  3. Coho salmon spawns only in the fourth year of life, but freshwater representatives go to spawning grounds already in the 3rd year of life.
  4. Coho salmon goes to freshwater rivers at the beginning of June and this period lasts until December. In this regard, it can be conditionally divided into summer, autumn and winter. Summer coho salmon spawns in August, autumn – in October, and winter – in early January. Coho salmon spawns only in rivers and in no case in lakes.

The habitat of sockeye salmon is as follows:

  1. Very often it is found near the shores of eastern and western Kamchatka.
  2. Alaska, the river Okhota and Taui are also favorite places for sockeye salmon.

It is also possible to catch sockeye salmon with amateur gear, but only after obtaining permission for this. The fact is that due to uncontrolled catches of this fish, its stocks have decreased significantly.

Useful composition of coho salmon and sockeye salmon meat

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

The composition of coho salmon meat includes the following useful elements:

  1. The presence of vitamins such as B1 and B2 makes coho fish meat indispensable for any diet.
  2. It also contains trace elements such as potassium, calcium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, fluorine and sodium. Without such trace elements, the normal functioning of the human body is impossible.
  3. Coho salmon meat can be consumed by everyone, from young to old, but in certain doses. Despite this, coho salmon meat is not considered dietary.

Sockeye salmon meat is distinguished by the presence of such useful substances:

  1. The following vitamins were found in sockeye salmon meat: A, B1, B2, B12, E and PP.
  2. In addition to the presence of vitamins, sockeye salmon meat contains trace elements: chromium, zinc, potassium and sodium.
  3. When eating sockeye salmon, the condition of the skin, nervous system and digestive tract is optimized. This meat is good for diabetics, as its consumption leads to a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood.
  4. The composition of sockeye salmon meat includes fluorine and phosphoric acid, which contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Taste characteristics of coho salmon and sockeye salmon

  1. Coho salmon meat is considered the most delicious and refined. In this regard, it is used in various gourmet culinary dishes, as well as in recipes for housewives.
  2. Sockeye salmon meat is characterized by a peculiar, bright taste, especially when it is cooked with a high salt content.

Contraindications to the use of coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Despite the exceptional benefits, coho salmon and sockeye salmon meat is not recommended for certain categories of people who have health problems. For example:

  1. In the presence of gastritis.
  2. In the presence of cholecystitis.
  3. With diseases of the stomach.
  4. With hepatitis.
  5. In the presence of renal failure.
  6. With liver diseases.
  7. With allergies and personal intolerance to fish meat.

It is not recommended to eat fatty fish for women in the last stages of pregnancy, as well as for breastfeeding.

Coho salmon or sockeye salmon: which fish is fatter?

100 grams of coho salmon meat contains up to 48% fat, and the same 100 grams of sockeye salmon contains 40% fat, which is not much, but less. Therefore, we can safely say that coho salmon meat is fatter.

Coho salmon caviar and sockeye salmon: which one is tastier?

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon eggs are of medium size and are characterized by the presence of a bright red hue. If sockeye salmon caviar is salted, then it will turn out to be quite tasty, but bitterness will be present in it.

Coho salmon eggs are smaller and in their raw form they do not have a pronounced taste. If it is salted, then along with salt, caviar acquires a delicate pleasant taste. Outwardly, coho salmon caviar is paler and does not have a bright color. Based on the opinions of lovers and connoisseurs of this product, coho salmon caviar is more palatable compared to sockeye salmon caviar.

Recipes for coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

Kizhuch is prepared using the following technologies:

  1. It can be fried over a fire like a barbecue. Many kebab lovers, having tried coho cooked using this technology, prefer not meat kebabs, but coho kebabs.
  2. Cooking coho salmon steaks in the oven or on the grill.
  3. In addition, coho salmon is quite tasty in salted form, pickled, canned, smoked and simply boiled.

Sockeye salmon can be prepared in the following ways:

  1. Sockeye salmon is exceptionally tasty if smoked.
  2. It tastes just as good when salted. At the same time, the amount of salt should be optimal and strictly comply with the recipe.
  3. Sockeye salmon is to be baked.
  4. It is recommended to cook it for a couple.

Grilled coho salmon steaks

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

To do this, stock up on the appropriate ingredients. For example:

  • You will need dry white wine or champagne.
  • You will need coho salmon steaks.
  • Salt.
  • Red pepper.
  • Condiments.

How to prepare:

  1. Prepare coho salmon steaks by cutting it across the carcass. Their thickness should be at least 3 cm, otherwise they will turn out not juicy. A delicious and healthy fish soup is cooked from the head and tail of coho salmon, so they should not be thrown away.
  2. The steaks are carefully and carefully rubbed with seasonings, after which they are laid out on the grill.
  3. Steaks take about 10 minutes to cook. During the cooking process, the fish meat is regularly turned over.
  4. After cooking, the steaks are sprinkled with lemon juice, which refreshes the taste of the fish.
  5. This dish is served at the table with herbs and vegetables. In addition, it is recommended to drink it with wine of the brand that was used in the preparation process. It is preferable to eat steaks warm, as they are much tastier.

Ear from coho salmon

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon what is better than the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon

As mentioned above, it is advisable not to throw away the head and tail, because they can be added to the ear. This dish is also cooked from whole fish: there is no particular difference in cooking technology. It’s just that when using a whole coho salmon carcass, there will be more meat in the soup.

To prepare the soup you need to have:

  • A coho salmon carcass.
  • Potatoes.
  • Onions.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Semolina.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Carrots.
  • Parsley.
  • Dill.

Far Eastern fish soup from Kizhuch.

How to cook the ear: the sequence of actions:

  1. The coho salmon carcass is cut and washed with running water.
  2. The carcass is divided into suitable pieces.
  3. Take 3 liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, fish is placed in a container with this water and boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  4. While the fish is cooking, vegetables are being prepared: 3 potatoes, three onions and one carrot are taken.
  5. Potatoes and onions are chopped into cubes and added to the broth.
  6. Carrots are crushed on a grater and also fall asleep there.
  7. To give the dish greater density and satiety, half a glass of semolina is added to it.
  8. The ear is peppered and salted to taste.
  9. 5 minutes before full readiness, bay leaf is added, as well as chopped dill and parsley.
  10. As the ear is cooked, most fans of this dish recommend leaving it for half an hour to infuse it.

Ukha is eaten with greens and only in a warm form. So it tastes the best.


Coho salmon is much more in demand than sockeye salmon, as evidenced by prices in the fish markets. As a rule, coho salmon is almost three times more expensive than sockeye salmon. Therefore, choosing a fish product for yourself, you should opt for coho salmon. In addition, most nutritionists argue that coho salmon is more useful than sockeye salmon.

Speaking in general, especially about the use of fish dishes, they should be constantly present in the human diet, regardless of whether it is coho salmon or sockeye salmon.

Which red caviar is tastier, better?

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