Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

Sockeye salmon is a representative of the salmon family of fish species that are found in the Pacific basin. In addition to its scientific name, it has other names: red or red. The closest relatives are: chum salmon, coho salmon, sim, chinook salmon and pink salmon, and salmon and salmon should be attributed to more distant relatives.

Description of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

Sockeye salmon is characterized by a bright shade of meat and excellent taste characteristics, compared to some of its relatives. In this regard, sockeye salmon is caught on a commercial scale, at the same time attracting both sports fishing enthusiasts and admirers of its dishes. Its main useful qualities will be discussed further in the article.

Varieties of sockeye

There are both passing sockeye salmon, which is also called silver, and residential, called kokanee. The formation of the last form of sockeye salmon began with the passage, when fresh lakes of volcanic origin were isolated. This type of sockeye salmon grows up to 30 cm in length and gains weight up to 0,7 kg. Kokanee inhabits freshwater lakes of Kamchatka, Alaska and Hokkaido. As a rule, this type of sockeye salmon does not leave its permanent habitats. If there is enough food in any reservoir for sockeye salmon, then the passing sockeye salmon can turn into a residential one.


Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

It is possible to distinguish sockeye salmon from other representatives of salmon by a large number of gill rakers, which are located on the first gill arch.

Distinctive features of sockeye salmon:

  • The length of individuals (maximum) is up to 80 cm with a weight of 2-3 kg.
  • The body is slightly compressed from the sides and, as it were, angular.
  • The mouth is medium in size, but slightly elongated.
  • The scales are round in shape and densely located on the body. The color of the scales is silvery, which, closer to the back, acquires a bluish-greenish tint.
  • The fins are paired, dark brown and black. Well developed.
  • The belly of the fish is characterized by a white tint.

When spawning occurs, the fish transforms somewhat: the scales, as it were, grow into the skin and the body becomes bright red, and the head acquires a green tint. Females also change their appearance, but not as dramatically as males.

History of sockeye. Kamchatka 2016. NATURE SHOW.

habitual habitats

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

The main habitat of sockeye salmon is on the coast of Canada and the United States, although it is also found in other parts of the world’s oceans. For example:

  • In alaska. Its numerous populations are observed here, dispersed along the entire coast, from the Bering Strait to Northern California. Here, off the coast of Canada and the Commander Islands, it can be found very rarely.
  • Off the coast of Kamchatka. The main population of sockeye salmon is located on the western and eastern coasts of Kamchatka, and the most numerous population is in the Ozernaya and Kamchatka rivers, as well as in the Azabachye, Kurilskoye and Dalnee lakes.
  • On the Kuril Islands. The main population is located in Lake Beautiful, on the island of Iturup.
  • In Chukotka. Here it can be found in almost all water bodies of Chukotka, from the borders of the Kamchatka Territory to the very Bering Strait. On the Arctic coast, in the Chegitun and Amguema rivers, it is much less common.
  • Within the island of Hokkaido. Here, on the northern coast of the island, there is a small population of sockeye salmon, which prefers to enter cold volcanic lakes. Here, its dwarf form is more common.

Such a significant spread of its habitat is due to the fact that sockeye salmon and its species prefer cold waters, with a temperature of no more than 2 degrees.

What does sockeye salmon eat

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

This fish has a pronounced predatory behavior, but it does not eat everything that it has to. With the birth of the fry, they feed on zooplankton, which will subsequently form the basis of the diet of sockeye salmon. As they grow older, the fish begins to switch to feeding on crustaceans and bottom invertebrates.

Fish accumulate carotene throughout their lives, which is why its meat has a bright red color. Carotene for sockeye salmon is necessary to spawn on time and where it is necessary. In order for this to happen, fish have to go a long way, changing salt water to fresh water, and also adapt to new environmental conditions. In addition, the fish rises to the spawning grounds up against the current, which takes a lot of strength and energy. To get through all these difficulties, she needs carotene, and a lot. Sockeye salmon stocks up with carotene by eating kalyanid crustaceans. In addition, the diet also includes small fish, which does not affect the level of carotene.

Reproduction of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

After the sockeye salmon has stocked up with all the necessary substances, which can take from 4 to 5 years, mature individuals go to spawn.

The process is as follows:

  • From mid-May to July, sockeye salmon enters the rivers.
  • The path of sockeye salmon to spawning grounds is accompanied by great difficulties, where many predators and obstacles await it. This points to the fact that sockeye salmon is an important food link in the northern latitudes.
  • As spawning grounds, the sockeye salmon chooses places where gravel is concentrated at the bottom and there are springs of clean water. The fish is divided into pairs and proceeds to lay eggs in the nests that the female digs. After the female lays her eggs in the nest, the male fertilizes her. Fertilized caviar is sprinkled with pebbles, resulting in a kind of tubercle.
  • The female lays 3-4 thousand eggs, making up to 5 visits (layings).
  • By the middle of winter, fry appear from the eggs, which are in this tubercle until March. Somewhere, in a year, when the fry grow up to 7-12 cm, they will begin to move towards the sea. Some of them are delayed by 2 or even 3 years.

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

All spawning individuals die. Their bodies, decomposing at the bottom, are a breeding ground for zooplankton, which the fry will subsequently feed on. According to scientists, this process, laid down at the genetic level, determines the behavior of this fish.

The composition and calorie content of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

Sockeye salmon meat is characterized by the presence of healthy fats and easily digestible proteins. In addition, there is a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the vital activity of the human body. The list of useful elements is quite impressive:

  • Fluorine.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Copper.
  • Nickel.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Sulfur.
  • Sodium.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.

The calorie content of sockeye salmon meat is only 157 kcal per 100 grams product.

Useful properties of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

It should immediately be noted that sockeye salmon is considered an excellent antioxidant that neutralizes the effect of toxic substances on the human body. And this, in turn, regulates blood sugar levels, as well as improving the functioning of the central nervous system and other important organs.

In addition, carotene stimulates the production of mucus, which works to protect all internal organs from consequences such as keratinization, which can lead to various diseases. Plus, the presence of vitamins contributes to the renewal of hair, nails and skin.

The presence of phosphoric acid in its meat contributes to the healing of bone and dental tissues. It takes an active part in the restoration of nerve cells, as well as in the process of formation of brain substances.

In addition, sockeye salmon meat contains other, no less useful substances.

Live healthy! Sockeye salmon is a healthy red fish. (25.04.2017)

Taste characteristics of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

The sockeye salmon does not eat everything that it comes across, but chooses only the food that is rich in carotene, which determines the color and taste of the fish. In this regard, sockeye salmon meat is suitable for preparing both simple and gourmet gourmet dishes.

The taste characteristics of sockeye salmon allow you to get by with a minimum amount of seasonings that enhance its taste properties. Sockeye salmon meat is very popular with true gourmets, who claim that its meat has a brighter taste compared to other representatives of salmon fish species.

Contraindications to use

The meat of sockeye salmon, in the first place, is contraindicated for people whose body does not accept seafood. In addition, sockeye salmon should not be consumed by people suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines due to the presence of a large amount of fatty acids. As for the rest of the category of people, sockeye salmon meat is not only not contraindicated, but recommended.

Sockeye salmon meat in cooking

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

Sockeye salmon meat is a real delicacy if cooked correctly. Due to the fact that the fish is fatty, excellent smoked meats or balyks are obtained from it. In addition, sockeye salmon meat can be a great addition to various salads and snacks. From it you can cook a lot of second or first courses.

Most culinary experts around the world use sockeye salmon to prepare various gourmet dishes that can be found in various leading restaurants in the world.

Sockeye salmon preparation methods

Due to the fact that sockeye salmon meat has a specific taste and acceptable fat content, a lot of different dishes can be prepared from it. For this, there are simple and affordable recipes.

Fish is mink

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

  • To prepare salmon from sockeye salmon, you need to have a whole carcass of fish, which is cut with the head, tail and fins removed. Then the fish is thoroughly washed under running water. After that, the carcass is cut into 2 parts and the ridge with bones is removed.
  • Two halves of the fish are generously rubbed with coarse salt, at the rate of 80 grams per 1 kilogram of fish. After that, the 2 halves are connected together and placed in a waffle towel, tied with a strong rope or twine. Then the fish is placed in the refrigerator for 5 days. This process leads to dehydration of the fish and compaction of its meat.
  • After this period, the fish is taken out and excess salt is removed by wiping with a damp cloth. To make the taste more interesting, pieces of fish are cut and pieces of garlic are stuffed into the cuts.
  • The next stage is the drying of fish, which is carried out in limbo, for 4 days. If fish meat is greased with vegetable oil every day. Then it will get a more pleasant appearance.
  • Balyk is considered ready to eat if, when pressed on it, droplets of fat begin to emerge.

BALYK, a classic recipe, cooking real balyk from red fish, Salmon balyk

Sockeye salmon under a cheese cap

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

  • 1 kilogram of sockeye salmon fillet is cut into identical fragments, which are evenly covered with salt and pepper, with the addition of olive oil and lemon juice. The same oil is lubricated with a baking dish. The oven is heated in advance to 220 degrees, after which the fish is placed in it for 7 minutes.
  • While the fish is baking, the cheese cap is being prepared. To do this, beat 3 egg whites, with the addition of 200 grams of cheese.
  • After that, pieces of fish are covered with the prepared mixture, and it continues to bake for another 10 minutes.
  • Once cooked, the fish is served with lemon and dill.

Grilled sockeye

Sockeye salmon fish: where it lives and what is useful, culinary recipes

  • Sockeye salmon fillet is taken and cut into cubes, 3-4 centimeters in size, after which they are laid out in layers in an enamel bowl. After each layer, lemon, garlic, basil are added to the dishes and poured with soy sauce, and salt and pepper are also added. The pieces are marinated for 2 hours.
  • To determine the degree of heating of the surface of the grill, it is enough to sprinkle water on it. If the water bounces off the surface, then you can cook the fish. The pieces are laid out on the surface and pressed, for example, with a pot lid. The degree of readiness of the fish can be indicated by the bright stripes left by the embossed surface of the grill.
  • After roasting the pieces on the surface of the grill, they are placed in the oven for 10 minutes, at a temperature of 200 degrees. This cooking method is absolutely harmless to human health, and the fish does not lose its beneficial properties.

Grilled red fish recipe

Sockeye salmon cooked on charcoal

The most delicious dishes are those prepared in nature. This is due to several reasons. The first reason is related to clean, natural air, which helps to awaken the appetite, which cannot be said in a city. And the second reason is the presence of a peculiar aroma that coals emit in nature, especially since they are of natural origin.

It is doubly pleasant if a trophy sockeye salmon freshly caught from a reservoir is prepared in nature. Possessing bright taste characteristics and combined with natural aromas, it does not require the use of any exquisite seasonings. In such conditions, sockeye salmon meat is ideal for cooking on charcoal.

  • Cut, gutted and washed fish is cut into steaks, no larger than 2 cm in size. After that, the steaks are laid out in a bowl with onions, lemon and dill. If the fish is fresh, then you can do without salt. In such conditions, the fish is marinated for about half an hour.
  • While the fish is marinating, coals are being prepared, evenly distributed over the surface. The fish is laid out on a wire rack and cooked for 8 minutes on each side. During the frying process, the fish is sprinkled with lemon juice. After the steaks acquire a pleasant golden hue, the fish is ready to eat.

Sockeye salmon is listed in the Red Book. This is due to its uncontrolled catch, as well as environmental conditions deteriorating every year. Poachers cause great damage to the population, which is also associated with its excellent taste characteristics.

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