Sociopathy – How to Recognize the Effects of a Bad Childhood?

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Sociopathy is not a disease. It is a personality disorder that consists of non-compliance with ethical norms and positive patterns of behavior. Such a personality arises when a child and adolescent grows up in an environment where there are no proper patterns and acceptable social contacts. How is a sociopath diagnosed? Is Sociopathy Different From Psychopathy?

Sociopathy is a personality disorder that causes those affected to have a distorted understanding of emotional and interpersonal issues. This also translates into deviations regarding their perception of generally accepted values ​​and social behavior. Exact defining sociopathy it is not simple due to some inaccuracies and terminological generalizations. This is especially the case with the terms “sociopath” and “psychopath”, which are often used interchangeably.

Sociopathy belongs to the category of disorders known as dissocial personality. However, dissocial personality is a concept that, according to the ICD-10 disease classification, includes disorders such as psychopathic, amoral, antisocial and antisocial personality. Some experts believe that a clearer distinction should be made between certain subtypes of dissocial personality. General terminology may ignore some nuances, in particular those between psychopaths and sociopaths – these terms, according to some experts, are not identical, although they have many common elements.

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Check that you are not a sociopath

According to psychologists, every 5th person is a sociopath. This means that you or someone in your family, friends or acquaintances has a malformed personality. A sociopath cannot be equated with a thug standing on the corner of the street. He is often an educated, intelligent, wealthy, well-groomed man in a high position. There is no shortage of them in the offices of smaller and larger companies, especially among management staff.

Do you belong to this group that is distinguished by having a career “over the dead”, not taking into account the opinions of others, treating others in advance?

When you suspect you have suffered from sociopathy, the psychopathic test may prove conclusive. As long as you answer the questions honestly. Psychology can use for this purpose a suitably developed test for sociopathy it is based on the PCL-R model, i.e. the Observational Scale of Psychopathic Tendencies by Robert Hare. Many sociopaths disguise themselves by faking the test because they answer truthfully by marking answers that do not reveal their true personality. Sometimes only the second or third test is credible.

Remember that you can now consult a psychologist via the portal. The consultation takes place online without leaving your home.


The results of the PCL-R test are considered reliable when performed by a qualified specialist.

At first glance – it’s hard. Sociopaths may seem polite, well-mannered, but some behaviors reveal that they are only appearances. So how do you know if a person is a sociopath?

The characteristics of the sociopath are as follows:

  1. non-compliance with social norms typical for a given environment,
  2. lack of empathy, or rather very limited feeling of it,
  3. treating people instrumentally, using them for their own purposes,
  4. no attachment to another person, no real friendship, no tenderness and care in relationships,
  5. no shame or remorse.

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One theory is that male sociopath has high testosterone levels, and woman sociopath suffers from progesterone deficiency. However, such explanations were found to be incorrect. On the other hand, the real cause of sociopathy is considered to be the malfunctioning environment that shaped the young person.

That’s it dissocial familywhere social norms were not respected, where pathological or criminogenic behaviors have occurred. An abnormal family is also one where the children did not show love, and the interest was limited to the requirements that they would be successful at any cost, where punishments were applied, not necessarily physical, and where a military drill was in force.

Sociopath and psychopath

Over the years, these two terms have been used interchangeably. Currently, clinicians more and more often differentiate their meanings – sociopathy has a social background, and psychopathy is biological.

Sociopathic personality it is the result of negative social contacts in the early stages of life and environmental influences. Sociopaths are intellectually properly developed people who follow a distorted moral code or do not have one. They do have a conscience, however, they follow a different than generally accepted distinction between good and evil. It follows that the sociopath is not adapted to the requirements of social life.

Defining sociopathy and psychopathy is difficult because there are no universal and uniform definitions of these concepts.

Psychopathy, on the other hand, is a disease resulting from genetic factors and a chemical imbalance in the brain. Some features of a psychopath resemble a sociopathic personality. However, the psychopath and the sociopath are not the same. What distinguishes them is the fact that psychopaths exhibit compulsive behavior, act impulsively and without a plan, do not understand emotions, although they can imitate them, they can distinguish good from bad, they know moral principles, and they transgress them without scruples. They, too, often commit violent behavior, such as murder. Hence, psychopathy has become a term strongly associated with criminology.

Worth knowing

Some neurobiologists and clinicians use the term “acquired sociopathy” in the context of antisocial behavior that occurs in patients with brain injuries or dementia.

Read also:

  1. Psychopathic personality – what is it?
  2. Psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist?
  3. Psychiatric consultation – when is it worth using?

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