Socionics is the doctrine of a person’s perception of information about the surrounding reality and information interaction between people (in a narrower applied sense — about one of the sides of psychological compatibility), the key concept of which is the «type of informational metabolism» (sociotype).
In socionics, depending on the first two functions, as well as the sequence of these two, all people, without exception, are divided into:
- logicians and ethics (one — any! — of the first two functions is logic or ethics)
- intuitives and sensors (one — any! — of the first two functions is intuition or sensorics)
- extroverts and introverts (depending on the first function — it is believed that if the first is extraverted, then the second is introverted and vice versa)
- rationals and irrationals (depending on the first function — it is considered that if the first is rational, then the second is irrational and vice versa)
The socionic type, also known as the type of informational metabolism, is a type of the human psyche, which is determined by the mutual arrangement of functions. The sociotype determines the ways of obtaining and processing information, the capabilities of a person when interacting with the surrounding reality and, in particular, when dealing with people, his strengths and weaknesses. In total, 16 types of informational metabolism (socionic types) are considered in socionics. See socionic type
Attitude to socionics
Rector of the University of Practical Psychology, Professor N.I. Kozlov says the following about socionics: “My attitude to socionics is not easy. From the point of view of practice, I don’t need it, I easily understand people and without dividing them into socionic types, the development of calibration and empathy makes it possible to confidently say what a person has in his soul now, and what to expect from him in the future. At the same time, I see that many people need and are interested in socionics, it helps them organize their views on human psychology, teaches them to look closely at human features, their communication style and the peculiarities of their behavior. I think socionics is very useful in this respect.
But from the point of view of science, I have the most serious complaints about socionics. Its basic concepts are undefined, there is no experimental verification, and the assertion that types are innate, or rather that a person cannot change his type, is false. For thirty years of work in Sinton, I have seen how people change themselves. Naturally, not everyone can seriously change themselves, not all personality traits can be changed in a reasonable time, but it is quite realistic to remove, for example, problematic introversion and develop healthy extraversion in a person. It is difficult to agree with the statement of socionics that logic is opposed to ethics: a developed personality naturally builds his life on the basis of ethical values and at the same time builds reasonable strategies for achieving life goals. And such a personality structure is not a natural given from birth, but the result of upbringing or self-education. Personality is not a given, but a project, it is an idea that can be implemented.
Sources of
- L.Beskova, E.Udalova. Socionics lessons, or the most important thing that we were not taught at school.
- V. Gulenko. Description of socionic types and intertype relationships.
- V. Stratievskaya. How to make sure we don’t break up.
- E. Filatova. The art of understanding yourself and others.
- Lytov D.A. Socionics: from role-playing game to the theory of relations between psychological types
- Lytova M. F., Lytov D. A. On the prospects of socionics as a science (a critical review of some socionic concepts).
- D.Pavlov. Socionics and the modern metadigm of science
- Sapegin A. What does socionics typify.