Social networks: how to create the right image

Pages on social networks have long ceased to be the personal space of users. According to them, we are evaluated by both random guests and potential partners and employers. Therefore, it is important to maintain the right reputation in the online space. We figure out what not to do and show in the profile.

If you are reading this article, then you care about virtual reputation. You can be the CEO of a large enterprise, unemployed, retired, a student, and you definitely have your own page on social networks.

Remember that the Internet is a public space, it does not forget. These two main characteristics can benefit or harm users. It is quite easy to earn notoriety, but it is more difficult to fix a tarnished reputation.

Even if you’re not a movie star and don’t have a lot of followers, don’t litter the public space with photos from a party where you’re not at your best. A potential employer is unlikely to like the photo: recruiting agencies often turn to the profiles of future employees and the dismissal of existing employees due to incorrect behavior on the Internet is also not uncommon.

Should we exercise restraint on the page?

Yes! You will not show beach photos to the whole world, flaunt your intimate life, political and religious beliefs? Try creating a new profile under a pseudonym and go to your page from it. Then you will understand how other users see you. There is a good chance that you will want to change something in your privacy settings or status.

Check your settings regularly. For example, Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) likes to change its privacy policy: what you post to friends or in a closed group can become the property of the Internet community.

So step one is to control the information you make available. Step two — work on improving the content of the page. If the main function of social networks is communication with friends, colleagues, acquaintances, then the auxiliary function is self-promotion, promotion of work projects and ideas. The importance of all these likes, subscribers and reposts has not been canceled. Their number is a measure of our importance and authority in social networks.

What should I look for?

  • Be selective in choosing posts and setting likes. It has already been said above that posting a photo from a party can be harmful. Why are you infamous on social media? Even if you later delete bad photos or ambiguous statements, it may be too late, the reputation will be permanently damaged.
  • Do not rush to confirm all friend requests. This opens the door for scammers and hackers who can take advantage of your gullibility.
  • Don’t post overly enthusiastic or overly negative comments. Sometimes, succumbing to a momentary outburst of anger, being in a state of despondency, we can leave a harsh review. Is it worth it to make enemies in this way? Try to stick to neutral ratings.
  • Do not overly criticize community friends. Virtual communication blurs the boundaries, so some users get criticism that is even more caustic and harsh than when communicating live.
  • Don’t talk too much about yourself. A personal page is not the equivalent of a personal blog. Better use it to post interesting and useful information. The main value of social networks is interactive, the ability to communicate and exchange valuable information.
  • Try to vary the types of posts. If you post mostly texts, periodically post photos or videos. Most people watch them.
  • Don’t get carried away with longreads. Too long publications are not in the style of networks, there are blogs for this.
  • Before publishing a post, read it seven times. Make sure the information needs to be shared with friends or the world.
  • Edit your profile. Focus on what is important to you at the moment: competencies, activities or hobbies. Make sure your cover photo is up-to-date and shows you in a positive light. This is the first thing that community members look at.
  • Do not forget about literacy and politeness. They have not been canceled, despite the tendency towards simplification and jargon.

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