
Social behavior is the actions of a person among people and in relation to people (the paradigm «I and you», «I and we»). These are not just actions among people, but socially significant actions, what is significant for others. “Your child ran away from school and cleaned up bad grades in his diary!” — this is a significant circumstance, so such actions are related to social behavior.

There are many varieties of social behavior. Speaking of objective the consequences social behavior, first of all they talk about adequate or inadequate behavior. Adequate behavior, as corresponding to the requirements of the situation and the expectations of people, is divided within itself into conformal behavior, responsible behavior, helping behavior, correct behavior and syntonic behavior.

Correct behavior — in accordance with accepted norms and rules, erroneous — inconsistent with norms and rules due to accidental error or ignorance.

Responsible behavior is behavior in which a person assumes (personally) specific obligations and fulfills them appropriately.

Syntonic behavior — giving birth to harmony and harmony, meeting the needs of other people. Conflict — generating tension and conflicts.

The types of inappropriate behavior include victim behavior, deviant behavior, delinquent behavior, demonstrative behavior, conflict behavior and erroneous behavior.

Victim behavior (from the English victim — victim) — such actions and deeds of a person that provoke a desire to attack him. «If someone substitutes the ass, I really want to slap her.» Girls who get into random cars late at night show victim behavior.

Deviant behavior (from the English deviation — deviation) — actions that do not correspond to officially established or actually established in a given society (social group) moral and legal norms and lead the violator (deviant) to isolation, treatment, correction or punishment.

Delinquent behavior (from lat. delictum — misdemeanor) — asocial, illegal behavior of a person. Behavior is not just deviant, but strongly deviant, transgressing the law, often criminal behavior. It manifests itself in actions (actions or inactions) that harm both individuals and society as a whole.

Demonstrative behavior — expressive actions and deeds in which a purposeful desire can be traced to draw attention to oneself, regardless of the needs of others.

Conflict behavior is behavior that provokes the emergence of conflict.

Erroneous behavior is inappropriate behavior directed away from a person’s desired goal.

The axis «adequate — inadequate» and «to the desired goal — to the side» gives a convenient typology: «correct — erroneous — conformal — non-standard» behavior.

Parsing reasons of this or that social behavior, distinguish the behavior of a psychologically healthy person and the behavior of a psychologically problematic person — the behavior of a neurotic or a psychopath. In particular, this behavior is demonstrative, stuck behavior, defensive behavior, conformal behavior.

In everyday life, it is important for people to distinguish between intentional (intentional) behavior (carried out on purpose) and unintentional (carried out by accident, without a head). If a person is not used to thinking and does not think about what he is doing, this mitigates his guilt, but does not relieve him of responsibility. A deuce for bad behavior at school will be given both for pranks and for accidentally breaking a window as a result. If a person has a behavioral reaction, his responsibility is not removed, but reduced. “It wasn’t me who started calling names, he was the first to start!”

Another important distinction is between conscious behavior (consciously controlled by a person) and unconscious behavior. Unconscious behavior is the most common, and it is also the source of most human problems. We usually do not notice our unconscious behavior, but those around us immediately notice and react to it — unfortunately, often just as unconsciously.

Notice if a husband and wife begin to unconsciously take revenge on each other, but this is still their behavior. They may not notice this, deny it and argue it, but if some facts are recorded by adequate others, most likely, others are right.

A role is a socially given model of behavior. Demanding the fulfillment of certain social roles, presenting certain expectations, some people control others. See →

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