Soave – Italian white wine from Verona

Soave (Soave) – Italian white wine from the Gargenega variety (Gargenega), named after the place of production – a small old village of Soave in the north of the country. The wine is known for its melon-orange aroma and tendency to improve with aging. Despite all the outstanding characteristics, the drink belongs to the budget class, the cost of even the best samples rarely exceeds $13. The proportion of the Garganega variety cannot be less than 70%. The remaining volume falls on Verdicchio and Chardonnay varieties in any proportions.


Despite the fact that wine was drunk in the vicinity of Verona thousands of years ago, the products of Italian winemakers entered the international market only closer to the 1950th century. After the Second World War, in the 1970s, there was a boom in the United States – Soave was more popular than even Chianti, and by the 2000s it became the best-selling Italian wine in the States. By the early XNUMXs, however, Pinot Grigio had bypassed it, and wines from the southern regions of Italy also began to come to the fore.

In 1968, the Soave DOC appellation appeared; over the following years, its boundaries were repeatedly revised and expanded. In 2001, a separate zone Soave Superiore DOCG was created.

Soave – Italian white wine from Verona

Vinograd Garganega

Garganega is an indigenous Italian grape that produces the white wines of Soave and Gambellara. At the beginning of the XNUMXst century, DNA analysis showed that the variety was identical to the Sicilian Grecanico Dorato.

It is this variety that gives the wine unique aromas of flowering peach tree, almonds, apricots and baked apples. It is a very fragrant grape, with low acidity and an “elegant” light body.

Garganega is the sixth most popular grape variety among Italian winemakers.

Soave – Italian white wine from Verona

Characteristics of Soave wines

The bouquet of wine Soave felt notes of peach, fresh honey, melon, orange peel, marjoram, sea water. Sometimes a bitter almond aftertaste may occur. In aged samples, nuances of fruit jam, fennel, canned lemon and wax are distinguishable.

It is a dry, light-bodied wine similar to Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Gris, but with a more oily texture.

Production region

The Soave production area is located in the province of Verona and includes the municipalities of Soave, Monteforte d’Alpone, San Martino Buon Albergo, Lavagno, Mezzane, Caldiero, Colognola, Illasi, Cazzano, Roncà, Montecchia and San Giovanni Ilarione.

Fog is common in this region, which can cause vines in the lowland vineyards to become moldy and susceptible to other diseases. That is why the Garganega variety is so common here – its thick skin resists fungus better.

In the Soave zone, the Classico sub-zone is distinguished separately – this is the original territory of Soave, defined in 1927 and occupying 1100 hectares at that time. Vineyards “Classico” are located on the slopes of the hills on volcanic and limestone soils.

Soave – Italian white wine from Verona
View of the village of Soave

Types of Soave wines

Soave is the simplest, “basic” wine of this type, made from berries harvested in lowland vineyards.

Soave Spumante is a sparkling variation.

Soave Colli Scaligeri – produced in wineries located on the hills outside the Classico zone.

Soave Classico is a wine from the Classico region, located in the hills right next to the village of Soave.

Recioto di Soave is a very sweet wine made from raisined berries.

Superiore – made from the highest quality berries in the Superiore DOCG appellation and aged for at least 8 months.

In the Superiore zone, both dry and sweet or sparkling wine can be produced.

There are two types of aging: in stainless steel vats and oak barrels. In the first case, the wine turns out to be pleasant, but rather simple, in the second, notes of nuts are added to its bouquet, the taste becomes deeper.

Soave – Italian white wine from Verona

DOC and DOCG markings

To meet the DOC requirements, the wine must be produced in the Soave region and consist of at least 70% Garganega grapes. Previously, the rules allowed up to 15% impurities of the Trebbiano Toscano variety, now this is prohibited, only Verdicchio and Chardonnay can be additional varieties.

The yield of vines should not exceed 14 tons per hectare (otherwise the berries do not receive enough sun and nutrients and ripen worse). The minimum strength of the wine starts from 10.5% vol.

To comply with the DOCG requirements, all the same rules apply, only the vine yield is reduced to 10 tons per hectare, and the minimum strength is increased to 11.5% vol.

Best Zones

The Soave Classico and Soave Colli Scaligeri zones are located on hills with volcanic soil. It is believed that the best wine is produced there. The rest of the appellations are located in the flat part of the region, and local wines lack richness of aroma and depth of taste.

Simply put, Soave from the two indicated zones is not ashamed to be served at a gala dinner or offered to guests, the rest of the samples are better used as table wine.

How to drink Soave wine

Soave is a harmonious gastronomic pair with seafood, Italian antipasti, rice dishes. The optimum supply temperature is +7-10 °C.

Soave – Italian white wine from Verona

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