Soap row (Gyrophila saponacea, Tricholoma moserianum) due to its characteristics, it belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms, so it can be cooked. To do this, you need to know some secrets.

Where soap rows grow

Ryadovka soapy belongs to the Ryadovkovy family. Representatives grow in small groups that create rows, for which the genus got its name. A feature of the representatives is their characteristic soapy smell, it is not easy to get rid of it.

Fruiting bodies are widespread everywhere, they are often found in meadows, in deciduous and coniferous forests. Any soil is suitable for them, mushrooms bear fruit every year.

The distribution area is the temperate northern zone. They can be seen in Karelia, Altai, Leningrad and Tver regions. They are also found in Ukraine, North America and Western Europe.

What do soap rows look like?

The cap is convex at a young age, later becomes prostrate. Its edges are uneven, cracked. The surface of the fungus is covered with small scales, in wet weather it becomes oily. After the fruiting body has dried, the cap is rough. The mushroom is only 4-6 cm in diameter, but there are specimens that reach impressive sizes. Their hats grow up to 12 cm.

On its reverse side, you can see rare plates that adhere tightly to the leg. They are painted white, cream or gray-green. In adult representatives, the plates are light green; when pressed, pink juice is released on them. Mushroom spores are white.

The stem is thick – about 3 cm in diameter. Its length at a young age is up to 4-5 cm. Adult large specimens are kept on high legs, sometimes they reach 12 cm. They are cylindrical in shape, smooth, less often covered with scales. Painted in off-white or grey. The underside has a rusty tint.

The pulp is very dense. On the cut and fracture it has a pink tint. Its distinctive feature is its smell. Fresh mushroom smells like laundry soap, the smell intensifies during cooking. The taste of the pulp is bitter.

Soap row: photo and description

In the description of the row of soap and the photo shows that the color of the fetus is uneven, there are spots. The center is darker, and the edges of the cap are slightly lighter. There are mushrooms of a gray-green, brown-yellow hue, olive or gray-yellow. Sometimes there is a pink-brown tint in the color.

Is it possible to eat soap rows

Soap row is not a poisonous mushroom. However, it is rarely eaten. This is due to the smell of the fruit, which intensifies during the cooking process. Some mushroom pickers salt them with garlic and horseradish to remove extraneous flavors.

There is an opinion that in large quantities such a forest product can cause poisoning and upset the intestinal tract. Therefore, some people consider these fruiting bodies to be toxic.

Taste qualities of the mushroom rowing soapy

Soap row does not have a special taste. Its flesh is bitter and smells unpleasant.

Benefits and harm to the body

Interestingly, soap row (or Tricholoma Saponaceum) still benefits the body. It is used in folk medicine. The fruit body contains many useful substances:

  • vitamins of group B;
  • polysaccharides.

They increase the body’s resistance to various pathogenic microbes, prevent the appearance of tumors and reduce their growth rate.

Important! Cases of poisoning are rare. With proper preparation, the mushroom can be eaten.

False doubles

The soap row has similarities with other representatives, not all of which are edible. Outwardly, it looks like:

  • greenfinch;
  • gray row;
  • drill;
  • golden;
  • brindle;
  • pointed;
  • smelly

However, knowing the description of these species, it is possible to recognize the soap row. It differs from greenfinch in plates. They are much lighter. Its smell is reminiscent of a cucumber, it has dense flesh and a short leg, which is almost completely immersed in the ground. Refers to conditionally edible.

Soap row: photo and description

У gray line pleasant smell of flour. It grows on a short stem and has white flesh. Refers to edible varieties.

Soap row: photo and description

brown row distinguished by a brown color of the cap and characteristically tucked edges. It grows mainly in birch groves and has a bright mushroom smell. Refers to conditionally edible.

Golden Row releases juice when pressed. Its leg is covered with red scales, and the flesh is characteristic white. It is inedible and poisonous.

Soap row: photo and description

tiger line – a poisonous representative with characteristic black spots and scales on the cap. The smell is unpleasant but strong.

Soap row: photo and description

pointedth row has a convex hat in the shape of a bell. It is dark gray or black with jagged edges. The taste of the fruiting body is bitter, unpleasant. Is poisonous.

Soap row: photo and description

Row smelly it has an unpleasant odor that appears after the destruction of the fetus. Her hat is dense, in the center there is a tubercle. Skin and flesh are white. Refers to hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Soap row: photo and description

Collection rules

When collecting fruits, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • choose only familiar mushrooms;
  • give preference to young fruits;
  • do not take damaged copies;
  • clean the earth and dirt immediately, without leaving it for later.

Wicker baskets are used to collect mushrooms. Do not use plastic buckets and bags where the fruiting bodies do not breathe and quickly deteriorate.

Important! You need to go for the rows after a good torrential rain. During the dry season, they quickly age and become unusable.

How to cook soap rows

The taste qualities of a soap row depend on proper preparation. Fruiting bodies are pre-cleaned, washed under running water and soaked for several hours. After that, they need to be boiled in water, after adding vinegar to it for 10 minutes. after boiling. Drain the broth and repeat the procedure again. Increase cooking time to 20 minutes. For 10 min. before the end of cooking, put the peeled onion in the pan. It will help get rid of the bad smell. Rinse the finished product in cold water.

After cooking, the product can already be eaten, but it is best to salt it. To do this, prepared mushrooms are placed in sterile jars, at the bottom of which horseradish, currant leaves and several cloves of garlic are laid. Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, shake the jar and put it in a cold place. After 45 days you can eat.


Soapy rowing is a completely edible mushroom, however, you need to be careful when collecting. It is very easy to confuse it with poisonous or unsuitable specimens for food.

Comparison of Soap Row and Gray Row

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