Snot in a child: green, yellow, transparent

The appearance of snot in a child is a real problem for the child himself and for his parents. The kid immediately begins to act up, refuse to eat, fall asleep badly, sleep becomes very restless. This causes a lot of anxiety and trouble for adults. In order to avoid the appearance of unpleasant snot, you need to constantly strengthen the immune system.

Daily hardening, physical activity and a balanced diet will help. Make sure your child eats fish, meat, poultry, vegetables and dairy products. Before walking, dress your child warmly, make sure that the legs do not get wet, especially in autumn windy weather. Coming from the street, check the legs and arms. If they are cold, then you should drink warm milk with honey and take a bath. These simple ways will help you avoid a cold.

If something goes wrong, then don’t panic. It is necessary to start their treatment as early as possible in order to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body. Only the diligent care and attention of adults will help the baby cope with these unpleasant phenomena.

Yellow snot in a child

Such a runny nose scares many mothers, especially when it drags on for a long time. These nasty thick, slippery snot that accumulate in the nose haunt the baby himself.

You should pay attention to whether yellow snot appeared after transparent ones or whether it has been going on for quite a long time. Experts name several factors for the appearance of this type of rhinitis. This may be either a reaction of the child’s body to the release of the nose from dead bacteria during the recovery period, or, in more rare cases, indicate the presence of inflammatory and purulent infections in the body, such as sinusitis, sinusitis or otitis media. In any case, a specialist will help to deal with this problem and correctly eliminate it.

Before visiting the doctor, you can try to cope with the snot on your own. Rinsing the nose with saline, chamomile infusion or sea water is good for nasal congestion.

It is not recommended to resort to the use of any tablets. This may not only not alleviate the well-being of the child, but also delay the treatment for a long time.

Green snot in a child

The appearance of such snot, as a rule, is the second stage after the initial transparent, mucous discharge. A change in the color of the snot is a sign that a dangerous bacterial infection has settled in the body. Moreover, the color of the discharge indicates how many bacteria are in the baby’s body. The brighter the discharge, the more bacteria, respectively.

Often such snot appears during the period of adaptation of the child to a new environment. Often this can be a serious move to a new home, or at a time when the child is just starting to go to school and kindergarten. This is the first time a child has come across such a concentration of people in one place. In this case, it is worth getting sick to one baby, others immediately pick up the infection. And in the autumn-winter period, when the immunity of a small organism is weakened, the activity of bacteria is especially high. All these factors provoke the appearance of green snot in a child.

You can start treatment, as in the case of yellow snot, by washing your nose with saline or sea water. In addition, it is worth making an inhalation to the baby.

For steam baths, herbs such as yarrow, eucalyptus, calendula or sage are well suited. You can add oil of fir, lemon and juniper. Such actions will help to remove accumulated mucus from the nose and prevent the development of new bacteria.

Transparent and liquid snot in a child

Do not think that these are light snot and they can pass by themselves. In time, untreated snot in the future can lead to the development of more terrible diseases, for example, bronchial asthma. The appearance of such a runny nose is always associated with unpleasant nasal congestion and swollen mucous membranes. This may be due to the appearance of a dangerous bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. Such symptoms can be caused by any plants in the room, food, animal hair, bird fluff, or household chemicals.

Also, the child may be uncomfortable at a certain temperature or humidity, these indicators also play a big role. It will not be superfluous to wash the child’s nose with ordinary saline or sea water. These formulations are sold in pharmacies. You can use vasoconstrictor drugs. They need to be instilled into the nose, so they reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane and, accordingly, the amount of discharge from the nose also decreases.

It is important to remember that only the elimination of the specific allergen that caused them will help to finally get rid of snot. Think about whether your relatives have an allergy to something, perhaps it was inherited by the child. Ventilate the room where the child is often and do wet cleaning twice a day, because dry air promotes the spread of bacteria and allergens.

Snot in a baby

A runny nose in very young infants proceeds completely differently than in an adult. The reason for this is that the nasal cavity in infants is much narrower, therefore, this leads to mucosal edema and the nasal passage is laid much faster. Babies, of course, do not know how to blow their nose. This leads to the accumulation and thickening of mucus, which can cause a dangerous blockage of the airways. And the baby has not yet learned how to breathe through the mouth correctly.

These factors contribute to the severe course of the common cold in infants. Since their immunity is poorly developed, snot can lead to the development of serious illnesses. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, visit a pediatrician. This will eliminate the risk of serious illnesses.

But the snot in babies is not necessarily caused by a virus. In the first months of life, up to about 2.5 months, a runny nose can be physiological. This is due to the adaptation of the body to a new environment for the child. The body, as it were, “checks” the organs for performance. Just at this time, the salivary glands begin to work quite actively. Therefore, if your child’s mood is good, he is cheerful, cheerful and not capricious, then you should not worry.

Watch your baby’s nose. If the snot is liquid and transparent, then you can do without emergency measures. You should clean the nose more often to make it easier for the baby to breathe. The mucus may turn yellow or green and subside. It means recovery is coming. But if there is no improvement, then treatment should be started. Always start treatment by rinsing the nose. Saline solutions work best for this. It can be prepared at home, or bought at a pharmacy (“Aqualor” or “Aquamaris”).

Please note that all, even at first glance, harmless remedies must be appropriate for the age of the child. The concentration of substances may be too strong for an infant and may burn the delicate nasal mucosa. You can use a simple decoction of chamomile. Rinse your nose more often, 6-7 times a day.

Please note that if a runny nose does not go away within 3-4 days, then this is a sure sign that you should visit a doctor.

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