Snot in a child
Snot in a child can be a big problem for parents. Because of them, sleep and breathing are disturbed, the child becomes capricious. How to properly treat a runny nose at home to prevent complications

Snot from the nose is scientifically called rhinitis. The mucous membrane of the nose secretes mucus – this is a protective function of the body: a biological barrier is built between the aggressive environment and body tissues. Such an environment can be bacteria, allergens, and even simple dust (1). 

The layer of protective mucus is normally replaced every 10-20 minutes. That is, snot is formed, even if everything is in order, but they are almost invisible. But if the mucous membrane is irritated, the volume of fluid increases significantly. 

Runny nose brings particular concern to children. Respiratory failure can interfere with eating the baby, mucus can flow into the larynx and provoke a cough. 

Older children know how to blow their nose and can deal with a runny nose more easily. And the kids still do not know how to blow their nose, so adults remove the snot from them with the help of special devices (2).

Causes of snot in a child

Acute rhinitis is most often a reaction of exposure to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of viruses or bacteria. It may accompany infectious diseases. For example, snot often accompanies diseases such as influenza, measles, scarlet fever. 

A runny nose can also become chronic: as a result of improper treatment of acute rhinitis. Also, a runny nose may not go away if the environment is constantly unfavorable. Sometimes blood circulation in the nasal cavity is disturbed, this also causes a regular copious secretion of mucus. 

Allergic rhinitis is associated with increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various allergens. An allergic reaction to viruses and bacteria is also possible, then a runny nose of two forms develops at once. 

Vasomotor rhinitis is caused by a violation of the neuro-reflex mechanisms of reaction to external stimuli: cold air, pungent odors. This leads to a reaction from the mucosa, and snot begins, at first glance, for no reason. For example, a runny nose due to cold air stops by itself if you go into a warm room.

Types of snot in a child

The appearance of the mucus is very dependent on the cause of the rhinitis. The components of the mucus change its consistency and color, so it is important to pay attention to what kind of snot the child has. This will help the doctor determine the exact cause of the disease.


With a bacterial inflammatory disease, the snot often turns greenish. This is due to the formation of green pus and dead bacteria.


When a foreign body enters, an ichorus may appear, since the mucous membrane is damaged. Then the mucus acquires a yellowish tint. 

And this color can also be associated with dead bacteria and inflammatory cells – leukocytes. They contain enzymes with this color. 


This color indicates that the mucus has thickened. Attempting to remove it causes accumulations of air bubbles. Often this happens with viral diseases. 


Transparent snot “like water” almost always appears with allergies. They are also characteristic of the initial stage of a viral infection, when mucus is formed almost without interruption.


With bacterial and viral infections, due to the active secretion of mucus, it gradually begins to thicken and changes color, for example, to green. The fluid becomes thick due to the protein fibrin, it is the first to respond to damage to the mucosa.


Such snot can be a sign of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.

How to treat snot in a child at home

Despite the fact that the disease seems harmless, the child must be left at home and the pediatrician called. It is the doctor who prescribes the main treatment, and the wrong therapy will only harm. Various inhalations, warming up can not be carried out independently, without the recommendations of a specialist. Also, do not use vasoconstrictor aerosols for children under one year old – this can cause complications.

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Usually the treatment of the common cold is the general support of the body. He himself will cope with the disease, if you help the immune system. For this, bed rest, frequent heavy drinking, vitamin C are recommended. It will become easier for the child to breathe if the head end of the crib is raised. 

It is important that the mucus leaves the nose well and does not stagnate in the cavity. To do this, the nasal cavity is washed with saline several times a day. This helps to remove mucus and restore the epithelium in the nose. Ask your doctor to teach you the correct flushing technique – if you do not follow it, you can spread the infection to other areas (3). This will lead to inflammation of the sinuses, ears.

In older children, saline sprays can be used. Babies still do not know how to blow their nose, so the mucus from the nose is removed with a special manual aspirator. It is important to supervise older children: they should not blow their nose too actively to avoid bringing mucus into the sinuses.

A runny nose is treated differently depending on the cause. For example, if snot arose due to allergies, antiallergic drugs are prescribed and the source that causes such a reaction is eliminated.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs. If the nose is stuffed up, drops that constrict blood vessels are used to facilitate breathing. They do not cure a runny nose, but help to survive the acute period. Such drugs are addictive, so drops are usually not used for more than 5 days. 

Popular questions and answers

One of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatrician is a cold and runny nose in children. Answered popular questions on the topic pediatrician, head of the children’s clinic of the Maternity Hospital at the GKB im. V.V. Vinogradova Vladislav Zyablitsky.

How to stop snot quickly?

The most important thing is not to take the child to the garden, school, playground, thus stopping the spread of the infection. There are other important rules as well.

• You need to wash your hands thoroughly, ventilate the room. 

• It is better to blow your nose in disposable handkerchiefs so as not to cause re-infection. Toddlers need to remove mucus with a manual aspirator. 

• The child should be provided with rest, bed rest, frequent watering.

•Be sure to call the pediatrician. Do not self-medicate, you can skip the complication. For example, a doctor examines the ears to rule out otitis media, which is much more serious than a runny nose and can hide in its background.

A further course of treatment in the form of antiseptic, antibacterial drugs should also be prescribed by a doctor: in order to avoid improper medication. The doctor will determine whether a viral or bacterial infection needs to be treated (because, for example, antibiotics do not work on viruses). Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can contribute to the development of resistant microbes.

Why is it important to completely cure snot?

There is a risk of developing acute otitis media – inflammation of the ear, especially in young children, usually on the 2nd-5th day of illness. Preservation of nasal congestion for longer than 10-14 days, deterioration after the first week of illness, the appearance of pain in the face may indicate the development of bacterial sinusitis – inflammation of the sinuses. 

Chronic runny nose in children under 3 years of age can be the main cause of malocclusion or problems with pronunciation.

Can snot be accompanied by cough and fever?

Not necessary. With a runny nose, coughing is most often caused by irritation of the larynx with flowing mucus, so coughing with rhinitis is usually rare.


The temperature almost never happens if an allergic runny nose or, for example, snot appeared due to a foreign object entering the nose. But for ARVI, the temperature is characteristic, it can change during the day and reach 39 ° C. If a runny nose is caused by bacteria, the temperature is stably kept within 38 ° C.

Sources of

  1. Runny nose in children / Kovaleva L.M. // 2006
  2. Algorithm for managing children with acute rhinological symptoms / Karpova E.P., Tulupov D.A. // 2021
  3. Colds in children. How to treat a runny nose? / Karpova E.P., Tulupov D.A., Vorobieva M.P. // 2016

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