Snoring is harmful to health. Video
According to statistics, 60% of men and 40% of women snore while sleeping, disturbing the peace of their partners or just roommates. At the same time, not only those around them suffer, but also the snoring ones themselves: their sleep ceases to be full, and sometimes snoring directly threatens their health.
Snoring: how to get rid of
It should be remembered that snoring is not a bad habit that you can just take and give up. Loud growling sounds emitted during sleep are most often the body’s reaction to breathing disturbances, which, as a rule, occur when the person is sleeping on their back.
There are several reasons for this phenomenon:
- cold
- allergy
- overweight
- anatomical features of the respiratory system
- others
During wakefulness, the muscles of the larynx are in a natural tone, while in sleep the tension weakens, the flow of inhaled air leads to vibrations accompanied by a characteristic sound effect. Severe fatigue, alcohol intoxication, sedatives and hypnotics relax the muscles even more, in which case even a healthy person can start snoring.
Women snore less often than men; estrogen circulating in their bodies makes the muscles more elastic. In old age, the number of snorers among both sexes becomes approximately the same.
Despite such a variety of causes of snoring, the result is the same in the end, and often, in order for the family to get some sleep, the sufferer has to move at night to a separate bedroom, to the sofa in the living room, or even to the kitchen.
But snoring is not necessarily a death sentence. Knowing the reasons for its occurrence, you can, if not completely get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, then at least reduce it to a minimum. Sometimes it is enough just to stop drinking alcohol before bed or to normalize weight.
Since in 90% of cases a person begins to snore in a supine position, having accustomed himself to sleep only on his side, it is possible to significantly facilitate sleep not only for himself, but also for those around him.
If persistent snoring does not want to retreat, you will have to resort to more effective measures to get rid of it.
Someone is helped by special devices:
- stones from snoring
- plasters
- nose clothespins
- special splint on the lower jaw
With a runny nose, a couple of drops of vasoconstrictor nasal drops can work a miracle in the literal sense of the word.
Special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the larynx and mouth can also help to promote calm, unobstructed breathing without the characteristic growl.
Snoring is not harmless, it is worth trying to get rid of it, even if the snoring person lives alone and does not bother anyone. The more a person snores, the higher the likelihood of sleep apnea, that is, periodic stops of breathing lasting from 10 to 60 seconds, becomes.
To start breathing again, the sleeper has to wake up, often these sleep interruptions go unnoticed, but in the morning they make themselves felt with a feeling of fatigue, impaired concentration during the day and can even lead to an accident on the road. Therefore, it is so important not to dismiss snoring, but to see a doctor to find the cause of its occurrence, to find a way to treat it. Healthy sleep is the key to the success of life.