Snoring in women: how to cure?

Snoring in women: how to cure?

According to medical statistics, approximately 30% of women snore in their sleep, and the likelihood of this phenomenon only increases with age. The intensity of female snoring is much less than that of the stronger sex, so this symptom rarely becomes a problem for family members of a snoring lady.

Despite this, snoring cannot be considered a harmless phenomenon. In some cases, snoring causes repeated respiratory arrest, which provokes the development of cardiac ischemia, stroke, headaches, and increased blood pressure. Therefore, you should carefully understand the causes of snoring and determine with the help of a doctor measures for effective correction.

Causes of snoring in women

Snoring in women: how to cure?

The main cause of snoring in both women and men is the vibration of the walls of the pharynx and soft palate. Passing through the vibrating tissues along the narrowed airways, the air makes a friction noise called snoring. When the walls of the pharynx are completely closed, the air does not pass into the respiratory tract at all. There comes a short-term cessation of breathing with all the negative consequences for the body.

This phenomenon is called obstructive sleep apnea, and it is no longer as harmless as snoring due to fatigue and uncomfortable body position. The appearance of snoring in women can be due to not one, but several reasons at the same time. In addition, there are specific “female” reasons for the development of rochnopathy – snoring has received such an intricate term.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of snoring:

  • Flabbiness of the muscles of the pharynx, sagging of the soft palate, advancing with age;

  • Non-physiological position of the body and head in a dream;

  • Growth of soft tissues in the airways (rhinitis, polyps, adenoids, deviated nasal septum;

  • Excess weight, squeezing the soft tissues of the respiratory tract;

  • Taking medications that cause relaxation of smooth muscles and a decrease in the brain’s response to hypoxia;

  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx due to the action of nicotine during smoking;

  • Relaxation of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system;

  • Inflammation of the tissues of the larynx in respiratory diseases, the development of the oncological process.

In addition to the general factors contributing to the occurrence of snoring, women have typical causes that are characteristic of the exclusively weaker sex:

  • Frequent use of sleeping pills;

  • Hormonal disorders during pregnancy and during menopause, when a lack of estrogen provokes a narrowing of the airways;

  • Increased emotionality and susceptibility to stress, negatively affecting the nervous system;

  • Swelling of the larynx and tongue, which occurs against the background of the pathology of the thyroid gland due to the disturbed balance of electrolytes.

[Video] Dr. Berg – Sleep Apnea and Snoring: The Real Cause. You will be surprised:

Snoring gadgets

Snoring in women: how to cure?

In the arsenal of the pharmaceutical industry, there are many devices to minimize snoring:

  • Anti-snoring clip with and without magnetic inserts – a device in the form of a horseshoe made of silicone, which is attached to the nose during a night’s sleep by squeezing its tips. The effect is based on the stimulation of biologically active points by such a clip, which influence the regulation of the functions of the central nervous system.

  • Capa Sonight – Jaw retainer, made of anti-allergic material, facilitates the passage of air through the respiratory tract due to a slight advance of the lower jaw forward. The mouthguard is safe to wear and should not be swallowed, damaged or spit out during sleep. The efficiency of the device is very high, reaching 80%.

  • Fixture Extra-Lor – fixator lips and tongue in a strictly defined position, vaguely reminiscent of a baby pacifier. Increases the tone of the muscles of the respiratory tract, subject to constant use. These devices have a fairly high price, but atone for this shortcoming with their effectiveness.

  • Implants Pilar. Exceptionally effective is the implantation into the palate using a disposable special syringe of three strips of special threads. A foreign body causes a rejection reaction – tissue granulation, which stimulates their compaction and strengthening. Thanks to this, snoring stops or is significantly reduced.

Gymnastics from snoring in women

Snoring in women: how to cure?

An exceptionally effective exercise for the treatment and prevention of snoring is the usual whistle. When whistling for 20 minutes, the tissues of the palate, tongue, and larynx are effectively tightened, and their tone increases. This strengthening of the muscles of the pharynx helps to get rid of snoring within 2-3 weeks of daily exercise.

Singing a melody without pronouncing words has a similar effect. This technique strengthens the muscles of the larynx and palate, if you sing daily for 15-20 minutes a day. You can divide this exercise into 2-3 sets.

Snoring gymnastics:

  • Stick out the tongue as far as possible, trying to reach it to the chin, hold up to 30 repetitions.

  • Move the lower jaw to the right and left, counteracting by pressing the chin from below with the hand, repeat up to 30 times.

  • Clamp a wooden spoon, stick or pencil with your teeth as hard as possible, hold for 3 minutes, unclench your teeth. Repeat several times.

  • Prolong and pronounce the sound “I” for a long time;

  • Tilt your head back, return to the starting position.

  • Tilt your head to the side, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear, repeat several times in each direction.

Performing gymnastics is ineffective in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


There are simple and affordable methods to prevent snoring. In order not to experience negative experiences, you need to give up smoking and alcohol, have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, and avoid psycho-emotional overload. A woman should treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, sleep in a position that is comfortable for herself. Orthopedic pillows and mattresses will greatly facilitate the position.

You should not self-medicate snoring, only a doctor can determine its causes and provide effective assistance.

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