Snoring and Apnea – Is It Dangerous for Your Health?

Snoring, although burdensome of course for those who sleep next to the “snorer”, is usually not associated with an illness, but only with some discomfort. Meanwhile, it is an organism disorder that can seriously threaten not only health but also life.

Snoring is a nocturnal respiratory disorder and affects sleep quality and the functioning of the entire body. It can result in very dangerous complications, the most dangerous of which is obstructive sleep apnea. This is how a set of disorders is defined, which leads to the occurrence of hypoxic states during sleep and numerous, unconscious awakenings.

Disturbed breathing during sleep can lead to many dysfunctions – says Dr. Marcin Broda from the MML Medical Center in Warsaw. – From those less serious but troublesome, such as morning headaches, decreased concentration, falling asleep during the day while performing various activities, to much more serious ones, such as cardiovascular disorders, which can even lead to a heart attack.

Therefore, any nocturnal breathing disorders should be treated to avoid complications. This is especially true for snoring, which is the result of abnormalities in the structure of the upper respiratory tract. This may be the result of pathologies in the nose (turbinate hypertrophy, nasal septum curve, nasal polyps) or pharynx (uvula hypertrophy, tongue hypertrophy, too flaccid or oversized soft palate, tonsil hypertrophy) or both at the same time.

Treatment methods depend on the cause, and this is determined during careful diagnosis, including, inter alia, assessment of the structure of the upper respiratory tract, examination of the patency of the nasal passages – rhinomanometry, polysomnography (sleep examination detecting hypoxia and the occurrence of unconscious awakenings resulting from respiratory disorders, fiber endoscopy, imaging examination, i.e. 3D computed tomography).

Treatment of breathing disorders, including snoring, can be accomplished by a number of techniques, depending on the cause, general health, and needs of the patient. – The most important thing is not to underestimate this type of disorder and not treat it only as an unpleasant nuisance – emphasizes Dr. Broda.

Press release prepared by the Journalists for Health Association, November 2019.

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