Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Snoring often becomes a big problem both for those who themselves are prone to this unpleasant manifestation, and for the people around them. It is not always possible to cure snoring through surgery or replacing a regular pillow with an orthopedic sleep accessory. Modern medicine has in its arsenal a lot of drugs and devices that help with snoring.

To navigate this diversity, you can seek help from a somnologist. A sleep specialist will help you choose the right remedy or device to help strengthen the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx, and expand the airways. It is possible that one medicine or device is not enough, you need to use complex treatment.

Instant remedies are effective in the following cases:

  • Absence of congenital or acquired violation of the anatomy of the nasopharynx, larynx, lower jaw;

  • Chronic or acute respiratory disease of the respiratory tract;

  • The relaxing effect of alcohol;

  • Age-related changes in the tissues of the larynx;

  • Irritating effect of nicotine on the mucous membrane of the pharynx;

  • Excess weight, body fat, provoking narrowing of the airways;

  • Overwork, fatigue.

It must be taken into account that obstructive sleep apnea requires a completely different treatment strategy.

Dr. Snore

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

The drug is based on vegetable oils, extracts of eucalyptus, sage, mint, glycerin and natural vitamins. It does not contain synthetic additives, dyes, and is available in the form of a spray.

Treatment spray features:

  • Increases the tone of the tissues of the sky, makes them elastic;

  • Normalizes and freshens breath;

  • Strengthens the immune system;

  • Removes swelling and irritation of tissues;

  • Moisturizes the oral cavity;

  • Helps to expectorate;

  • Normalizes acid-base balance;

  • Prevents the development of caries and periodontal disease.

Spray Dr. Snore is used in cases where snoring is caused by stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, respiratory diseases. It is sprayed in the mouth before bed at night. To obtain a visible effect, 3 injections are enough. The action of the spray Dr. Khrap is felt for 9-10 hours, which will allow you to sleep peacefully both to the one who uses it and to the people around him.

It is worth refusing to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to herbal ingredients. The average cost of a spray is about 500 rubles, it is sold without a prescription. One bottle is enough to use for a month.


Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

The composition of the drug, produced in the form of a spray, includes wheat germ protein, water, NaCl, sorbitol, lipids. Sominorm is used for long-term treatment or a minimum two-week course until a tangible effect is achieved.

Properties spray Sominorm:

  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the larynx;

  • Tones the muscles of the respiratory tract;

  • Removes swelling;

  • Reduces excessive secretion of mucus during respiratory illness.

The spray is injected at bedtime 3-4 times into each nostril, ensuring that the product covers the entire surface of the larynx. Sominorm is not used during lactation and pregnancy. The average price of the drug is 670 rubles, it is sold without a prescription.

Silence Forte

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Spray Silence Forte is made in Ireland. The composition of the drug includes an extract of soy lecithin and rose hips, glycerin, carrageenan. The spray has a pleasant tangerine flavor and is a mucoadhesive foam.

Properties of Silence Forte Spray:

  • Reduces vibration of the soft palate;

  • Tones the mucous membrane of the pharynx;

  • Softens and moisturizes the tissues of the respiratory tract.

The drug is used at bedtime, its action lasts all night. The jet from the sprayer is directed to the throat for one second. Due to the action of the drug, breathing increases, the volume of snoring decreases.

Silence Forte is not used for soy and peanut allergies, bronchial asthma and pregnancy. After spraying the drug, you can not eat, drink, take alcohol, otherwise the injection will have to be repeated.


Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

The medicine has a pleasant smell of mint and menthol, is available in the form of a spray. Slipex contains mint oil, eucalyptus extract, menthol, methyl salicylate, excipients.

Slipex spray properties:

  • Tones the tissues of the pharynx;

  • Has an antiseptic effect;

  • Prevents the retraction of flabby tissues of the tongue and soft palate;

  • Analgesic and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Spray Slipex is sprayed at bedtime on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, making 1-2 clicks. It is forbidden to eat and drink for half an hour before spraying and after it. The tool is not used to relieve the symptoms of sleep apnea, during lactation and during pregnancy.


Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

The drug is produced in the USA in the form of tablets, refers to homeopathic remedies. The composition of the drug is mostly natural, includes microdoses of ephedra, chilibukha, Canadian goldenseal, belladonna, dubrovnik. It is used to facilitate breathing, stabilizing the activity of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the frequency and intensity of vibrations of the tissues of the pharynx.

The effect appears during application, after the withdrawal of Snorstop tablets, snoring may resume. The usual course of treatment is 40 days, it can be repeated after a break if necessary.

Therapeutic dose:

  • Up to 75 kg of weight – 1 tablet;

  • Over 75 kg – 2 tablets.

Tablets are kept under the tongue until completely resorbed. The agent is not used during pregnancy, in patients with apnea, with individual intolerance to the components. The price of Snorstop tablets is 500 rubles.


Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Drops in the form of a spray Asonor tone the tissues of the pharynx, soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The drug is used for uncomplicated snoring, difficulty breathing during sleep, is not used to treat sleep apnea. The composition of the drops contains polysorbate, glycerin, water.

A pronounced effect is felt after 2 weeks of daily injection of Asonor. Before going to bed, 4-6 irrigations of each nostril are performed until fluid appears on the back of the pharynx. Eating, drinking, brushing your teeth after that is not recommended.


Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Spray Nasonex refers to hormonal agents, being an intranasal corticosteroid. The main active ingredient is mometasone furoate, in addition to it, the preparation contains auxiliary components (glycerin, citric acid, cellulose, water). The drug relieves tissue swelling, reduces allergic manifestations, inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

Suspension Nasonex for the treatment of snoring is prescribed one inhalation in each nostril once, they are done daily for a month. If the use of the suspension gives a pronounced positive effect, the course is extended for another 2 months. The spray is not used in the treatment of moderate cases of snoring and for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Spray Good Slip

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

The tool is based on essential oils of lemon balm, mint, sage, lemon, which improve blood circulation in the tissues of the pharynx, toning the muscles of the respiratory tract. It has a pleasant citrus-mint flavor and a long period of action.

Good Slip spray properties:

  • Does not contain synthetic components;

  • Tones the tissues of the nasopharynx;

  • Soothes the nervous system;

  • Relieves morning headaches and dizziness.

To eliminate snoring, it is enough to inject 1-3 times of this spray into the sky before going to bed. It is possible that at first it will not be possible to get rid of snoring completely, only its intensity and volume will decrease. To obtain a long-term effect, you need to use the product for a long period. The spray is ineffective for sleep apnea.

Anti-snoring clips

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

Clips, or clothespins from snoring, are based on the impact on the reflex endings located in the wings of the nose. According to the intention of their manufacturers, such influence can be effective for the treatment of nocturnal snoring.

Snore free clip

Made in the USA, this fixture is made from high quality soft and non-toxic silicone. Wearing a clip does not cause discomfort.

Useful properties of the nose clip:

  • Increases the oxygen content in human blood;

  • Improves the state of the central nervous system;

  • Trains the muscles of the pharynx and palate;

  • Prevents nighttime high blood pressure.

The clip will not help with snoring caused by polyps, tumors, obesity, deviated septum. Before going to bed, the clip is inserted into the nose and slightly clamped for a secure fit. To achieve a visible effect, the clip should be applied for 2-3 weeks. The price of the clamp is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Mairs clip

This nose clip was created in St. Petersburg, made of hypoallergenic materials. The Mairs clip works on the same principle as the previous device – during sleep, it stimulates the reflex endings located on the inside of the nostrils, improves nasal breathing.

It is used to treat obstructive sleep apnea and to correct normal snoring. The price of the device is from 460 to 750 rubles.

Anti-snoring clip

The device is a miniature silicone horseshoe with magnetic inclusions at the ends. As a result of fixing the Anti-Snoring clip in the nose, a reflexotherapeutic effect on biologically active points occurs. At the same time, nasal breathing is facilitated, the tissues of the pharynx are toned.

The clip is effective in the treatment of snoring caused by polyps, rhinitis, allergies, enlarged tonsils. The cost of the clip varies from 120 to 270 rubles.

Snoring devices

There are many effective and efficient devices that help to carry out the symptomatic treatment of snoring.

Extra ENT

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

This device is a Russian invention that allows fixing the tongue and jaws of patients snoring at night in the correct position. It resembles a baby pacifier in appearance, consists of a tooth retainer and a special spoon that helps to correct the position of the tongue. The action of the device is based on training the muscles of the pharynx and their gradual strengthening. Increased muscle tone helps to minimize snoring.

Useful properties of the device:

  • Saturates the blood with oxygen;

  • Normalizes breathing;

  • Positive effect on the state of the central nervous system;

  • Eliminates morning headaches;

  • It is used to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.

Do not use the device Extra-Lor in case of violation of the anatomy of the pharynx and oral cavity, respiratory diseases, swelling of the nasopharynx, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, severe heart failure.

Getting used to the device occurs gradually, you need to start with half an hour of continuous wearing. Its service life is 6-12 months, the price of the device is 1500 rubles.

CPAP devices

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

CPAP (English) – or CPAP (Russian) – therapy is a device for straightening the collapsed walls of the airways, and for this the patient does not even need to wake up.

Categories of CPAP Devices:

  • A device that maintains a fixed level of pressure on the walls of the respiratory tract;

  • Device for automatic adjustment of medical pressure.

The price of devices of this level ranges from 7 to 40 thousand rubles. CPAP therapy is necessary in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, with a combination of insomnia with impaired cerebral circulation or coronary disease, as well as with the complete futility of other methods of snoring treatment.

The device for CPAP therapy is a mask worn on the face and an apparatus for maintaining optimal air pressure on the tissues of the pharynx. It is not recommended for use in patients with epistaxis, cerebrovascular accident, hypotension, chronic sinusitis, eye diseases.


Capa Sonight is a device made of high quality silicone, which is fixed on the teeth during a night’s sleep. It is a safe device that cannot be swallowed, bitten off or spit out. Snoring stops due to the fact that the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward, and the air passes freely into the trachea through the larynx and back.

The Sonight Mouthguard is made in the USA from hypoallergenic material used for the manufacture of products for newborns. It is certified in Russia, eliminates the reduced tone of the muscles of the nasopharynx, and effectively eliminates snoring.

Pillar palatal implant

The introduction of the Pillar palatine implant is a new word in the fight against snoring. Its effect is based on the fact that 3 small implants made of polyester threads are inserted into the soft palate using a special gun. They remain there forever, provoking a protective reaction of the tissues of the sky to the introduction of a foreign body. In the submucosal layer of the palate, there is a restructuring of the connective tissue and fibrotic manifestations. Due to these changes, the sky is compacted, its vibrations no longer occur.

Functions of implants:

  • The soft palate receives support, its tissues are strengthened;

  • The walls of the upper respiratory tract do not collapse;

  • Snoring tissues do not vibrate;

  • Air passes freely.

The method is effective for the prevention of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The use of Pillar implants significantly improves the quality of life of patients suffering from snoring.

Anatomic pillow No-snore

The purpose of this pillow, produced at the BicoFlex factory (Switzerland), is to get rid of snoring. The therapeutic effect is achieved by placing the head during sleep in a recess in the center of the pillow. Thanks to this, the neck and head are in the correct position at night, breathing is released, and snoring does not occur. In addition, the anatomical pillow helps to get rid of insomnia, makes sleep sound and deep. The average price of a pillow is from 5700 to 9550 rubles.

What can be added to the treatment of snoring?

Snoring: an overview of 8 pharmacy products + 4 devices

To prevent snoring, it is recommended to make adjustments to your lifestyle – move more, reduce excess weight. It is advisable to practice rinsing the nose with salt water, which strengthens the tissues of the nasopharynx. An important condition for the prevention of night snoring is smoking cessation, because the combustion products of tobacco tar cause swelling of the larynx.

Sea buckthorn oil with daily instillation helps relieve swelling, moisturize the overdried mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and facilitate night breathing. A similar effect can be achieved by adding essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary to the air humidifier. Humid air makes breathing easy, effectively eliminates the prerequisites for snoring.

It is extremely useful to do daily exercises to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system.

Many remedies for instant relief from snoring do not have a cumulative effect, they act symptomatically. Not always they can finally save the patient from snoring, therefore, for a complete cure, it is necessary to test drugs and devices empirically.

[Video] Dr. Berg – SNORE IN YOUR SLEEP? How to get rid of snoring:

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