Sneezing – What Does It Mean? What is the mechanism of sneezing?

The mechanism responsible for sneezing is to create a pressure which, in response to the irritation of the mucosa, pushes the air out, along with a moist mist, so that the irritating cause is usually removed. This natural reflex protects the patency of the airways and is generally conducive to our health, despite the fact that it is often described as tiring.

Chronic sneezing attacks occur when one sneeze does not correct the problem – most often it is rhinitis (runny nose) accompanying viral or bacterial infections, or when there is an allergic reaction to some external factor. Relatively often, the irritating allergen is dust, pollen or animal hair – their presence causes unbearable sneezing attacks, because our body tries with all its strength to get rid of the factor considered harmful.


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Sneezing is usually preceded by a feeling of tickling or itching inside the nasal cavity, followed by a rapid ejection of air under pressure. We should not fight this reflex, because it is designed to help the body deal with external factors, the presence of which inside the respiratory tract could make it difficult to breathe. Additionally, the enormous pressure generated to throw the “intruder” outside has the potential to wreak havoc inside if it comes across a closed road.

What does sneezing mean?

Folk superstitions have a lot to say in this matter. According to them, sneezing may augment the wealth status or sneezing (depending on whether we sneeze to the right or left), meeting a loved one, a journey, a kiss or a gift (depending on the day of the week on which a sneeze occurs). How is it from a medical point of view?

Sneezing without any additional symptoms is usually associated with immediate irritation of the mucosa. One-time sneezing can be caused by a change in temperature or humidity, an unusual smell, or a speck of dust or pollen that has strayed into the nose. Sneezing in this case is not associated with a runny nose, a feeling of heavy head (due to discharge in the sinuses) or other symptoms characteristic of infection or allergies.

If you want to alleviate the symptoms of allergies, such as shortness of breath, runny nose, sneezing or watery eyes, order Na Allergy – Panaseus dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

Allergic sneezing

Allergic sneezing is easy to recognize because it is accompanied by a watery discharge. Usually, it happens in tiring bursts, and the filled sinuses give you a headache. Most often, hay fever is also associated with redness and swelling of the eyelids. In case of allergy, the rescue is the administration of an antihistamine, which limits the development of an allergic reaction and – which can be difficult – recognizing the trigger factor and avoiding interactions. However, it is difficult to stay away from e.g. dusty linden or grasses in the long run, so it is worth considering a desensitization treatment that will permanently immunize us from tiring sneezing and other allergic symptoms. This type of help can be offered to us by an allergist specialist after performing appropriate tests and precisely determining what the allergy is to.

In case of suspicion of allergy, it is worth doing appropriate tests. Blood tests are available at Medonet Market, including a pediatric panel for allergies. Alternatively, you can do the Imutest Allergy – Mites – Home Cassette Test to quickly check if you are allergic to dust mites.

If a runny nose and sneezing are allergic, try ALERGOFIX – a herbal tea that supports the functioning of the respiratory tract, facilitating expectoration and breathing, reducing hoarseness and the feeling of tickling in the throat. In addition, it calms down and helps you fall asleep.

Sneezing related to infection

Runny nose and sneezing in the case of a cold or flu are well known to all of us. When you sneeze, a thick secretion is thrown outside, usually yellowish in color, with which the nose seems to be full to the brim. Often it is sneezing and runny nose that are the first signs of infection – it is worth not to ignore them and get a quick response drug containing a combined dose of paracetamol, vitamin C and other immunity-enhancing ingredients. Paracetamol will help to deal with the inflammation caused by pathogens, while the immune system supports will give the body strength to fight colds and flu. For a runny nose and sneezing, you can use one of the widely available preparations that thin the secretion, which facilitates both breathing and the discharge of substances to the outside. The basic medicinal product of this type is seawater spray, which additionally moisturizes the mucosa, reducing the risk of sneezing resulting from dryness.

Bottom line: is sneezing healthy?

Basically, it is an important reflex reaction in our body that occurs spontaneously to clear the airways and keep them properly open. Such self-cleaning of the nose and throat is extremely important for proper functioning – from this perspective, sneezing can save us from serious health problems.

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