Snakeymord – composition, healing properties, application

The name snakeymord sounds intriguing. It comes from folk medicine, from the time when snake murder was considered a medicine for the bites of snakes and vipers. This plant is native to southern and central Europe and some parts of Asia. Its Latin name is Scorzonera hispanica – in Polish we also call it simply scorzonera, as well as black root or Spanish root – this part of the plant is the most valuable.

It is an oblong vegetable with a white flesh surrounded by a black, slightly woody skin, the milky juice of which turns everything… red! Snakemord we can also recognize yellow flowers and oblong leaves. The above-ground part of the plant grows to a height of about 130 cm with flowers. Root it grows up to 30 cm in length and it is collected only in late autumn – then the underground parts of plants have the richest composition, because at the end of summer and autumn it collects spare substances for winter. In a temperate climate snake murder is a plant that is relatively easy to grow. At harvest the roots just be careful that they do not break, as they are fragile.

The composition of the root of the snake murder

Root storehouse scorzoners harvested in November is a real treasure trove of nutrients. It contains inulin – a sugar that can be consumed by diabetics, and also has properties prebiotic – supports the development of useful microflora in our intestines – and fructose. Snakemord It is also rich in minerals – it provides elements such as potassium and sodium (electrolytes), calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. It also contains valuable vitamins: provitamin A, i.e. beta-carotene, vitamins E and C (vitamins of youth) and vitamins B1, B2 and PP (nicotinic acid). It is a plant with very good nutritional properties.

Medicinal properties of scorzonera root

Spanish for a reason root for centuries it has been the object of interest of both folk and court medics. Alone rootand the decoction after it have been confirmed healing properties. They are expectorant and diaphoretic – they will be a healthy measure to help get rid of a wet cough and lower body temperature. Like most plants Medicinal, snake murder It also has a diuretic effect, supporting the treatment of cystitis and the body’s cleansing of toxins. to Skorzone it also has a positive effect on digestion and the entire digestive system thanks to a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Both her properties nutritional (rich in minerals, vitamins) and supporting the growth of probiotic bacteria have a positive effect on immunity. The great impact is also emphasized snake of murder on the appearance of the complexion, but to achieve this effect, it must be eaten in larger quantities.

Culinary properties of snakehead and its preparation

White black flesh root it tastes a bit like asparagus, which is why this plant was sometimes called winter asparagus, although it is not as delicate as asparagus. Prepare it can be done in many ways. It works great as a boiled, baked or fried vegetable, it can be used to make cream soup. It can also be eaten raw, not only root, but also leaves – they are an interesting addition to salads, enriching their taste. It also works well as a canned vegetable. By preparing the root scorzoners you should remember a few basic rules:

  1. the vegetable is eaten peeled. The skin can be peeled from raw vegetables or – to make it cool better – boil the vegetable (about 20 minutes) with the addition of vinegar – it will soften the skin, which will come off easily after such treatment;
  2. a peeled vegetable darkens easily – to prevent this, sprinkle it with lemon juice or dip it in acidic water (with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar);
  3. You can cook a snake both whole and cut into pieces. It is boiled with a little salt and a teaspoon of sugar.

It is worth introducing this vegetable as a variety to our diet, having a positive effect on our health. And if we have the opportunity, it’s best to grow them in the garden yourself. Planted in early spring, it will produce an edible harvest in the fall of the same year. If, however, you decide to buy, you should pay attention to whether the skin of the vegetable is not damaged – then the juice leaks from it and dries out, losing its elasticity.

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