Snake bite
WHO data are frightening: in the world, up to 140 thousand people die every year from snake bites. And up to 5,8 million are bitten! Fortunately, in Russia the numbers are not so horrendous, but we also have poisonous snakes. What to do if you are bitten by a snake?

There are 7 species of poisonous snakes in Russia, and one more is considered conditionally poisonous.

Common viper. This is the most common snake. It lives everywhere in Russia – in fields, forests, near rivers, lakes and swamps. Not aggressive – tries to avoid meeting a person.

Steppe viper. It is more common in the southern part of Russia – in the steppe and forest-steppe zone: in the Rostov, Saratov regions, in Kalmykia, in the Caucasus, South Siberia. It can be found in sagebrush steppes, alpine meadows, bushes and ravines. Active from late March to October. Not aggressive.

Caucasian viper. Its range is the Greater Caucasus. In Russia, it is found in Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. He likes to settle in mountain and foothill broad-leaved forests, in alpine meadows, in gardens, vineyards and tea plantations. Active from late March to late November. Never attacks a person first, tries to avoid meeting.

Common muzzle. Lives in the south of Russia – from the lower reaches of the Don and Volga to the Primorsky Territory. It occurs in a variety of places: in the steppes, semi-deserts, in mountain forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes. But recently, these snakes are increasingly settling on the outskirts of cities and towns – in such places there are a lot of mice and pigeons. You can often find it in city dumps. The snake is non-aggressive, trying to crawl away at the sight of a person. She can bite if she has nowhere to retreat. But she always warns of an attack – the tip of her tail begins to vibrate.

The muzzle is stony. It is found in the Far East – in Primorye, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. You can encounter it in a variety of places – steppes, semi-deserts. Along rivers and lakes. Not aggressive.

Ussuri muzzle. Lives in the Far East, in the same regions as the stony muzzle. But he is more selective in terms of habitats – he loves moist forests, shores of reservoirs and sea coasts. Aggression towards a person does not show, tries to avoid meetings.

Gyurza. In Russia, you can meet her in Dagestan – in deserts, semi-deserts, steppes. He loves shrubs and pistachio woodlands, rocky gorges, springs and banks of rivers and canals. Recently, she often crawls to the outskirts of cities – there she hunts rats. It is non-aggressive, but bolder than a viper: if you get too close to it, it will not crawl away – it will attack with lightning speed.

Tiger already. It is found in the Far East near water bodies. It is considered conditionally poisonous, since the poisonous teeth are deep in the mouth – that is, it cannot bite a person with them. There was only one case when a 50-year-old man was poisoned by the bite of this snake.

Signs of a snake bite

The main signs of a snake bite:

  • sharp pain;
  • two wounds – marks from the teeth;
  • bleeding.

First aid for a snake bite

If you are bitten by a snake, the main rule is not to panic. Call an ambulance first.
Maxim ShubinCandidate of Medical Sciences, anesthesiologist-resuscitator

The further scheme of action in anticipation of doctors is as follows:

  • it is important that the affected limb is below the level of the heart;
  • if the snake has bitten through the clothes – take it off, the toxin may remain on the fabric;
  • rinse the place where the snake has bitten with water or wipe with a damp cloth;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • if possible, take an antihistamine – snake bites can provoke an allergic reaction.

What not to do:

  • apply a tourniquet above the bite site – this can cause blood stasis;
  • incise the bite site – the poison spreads through the blood instantly, it already poisons the body, and the incisions will only increase bleeding;
  • apply ice and warm compresses.

Consequences of a snake bite

The consequences of a bite depend on the type of snake.

Vipers. Everything that lives in Russia is considered poisonous, their bites are dangerous. But deaths are rare – as a rule, people who develop a severe allergic reaction to the poison die. And most victims usually feel a sharp pain, after which redness and swelling appear around the bite site. Sometimes there may be dizziness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, a person sweats. Some people have no symptoms at all.

Usually, the symptoms of a viper bite go away after 2 to 4 days.

Shield muzzles. The bites of these snakes are not fatal, but provoke severe pain. At the site of the bite, profuse bleeding begins. For young children, muzzle bites can be dangerous.

The effects of the bite disappear after 7 to 10 days.

Gyurza. This is the most poisonous snake in Russia – people often die from its poison. Toxin, getting into the blood, destroys red blood cells, which are responsible for the transport of oxygen.

After a gyurza bite, it is important to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible – the sooner the antidote is administered, the more likely it is to survive.

Tiger already. If he manages to still bite a person, bleeding and slight swelling may appear at the site of the bite.

Snake bite prevention

The best way to prevent a snakebite is not to meet the snake.

  • do not go barefoot where snakes can live, the best shoes for such trips are high rubber boots;
  • if you spend the night in nature, arrange lodging for the night away from stumps – this is a favorite place for snakes;
  • in thick grass and reeds, where there is no way to see the surroundings, move with the utmost care;
  • sort out the trash in the country – snakes can hide in dumps of building materials, firewood, etc .;

If you find a snake nearby, do not make sudden movements, do not get closer than 20 cm to it – move away and make some noise, for example, tap the ground with a stick – the snake will crawl away by itself.

Popular questions and answers

How to determine which snake has bitten you
If you have not seen the snake itself, then it is almost impossible to determine this, the manifestations are always the same – a sharp pain and two traces of vinegar.
Is it necessary to suck out the poison when bitten by a snake
There is a myth that the poison can be sucked out of the bite, but this will no longer help – the poison has entered the bloodstream. Moreover, if the person who decided to suck the poison from the victim has wounds in the oral cavity, then he, too, is in danger.
What kind of snake bite can you die from?
The most dangerous snake in our country is the gyurza. The bite of vipers in the vast majority of cases is not fatal, but deaths occur if the poison provoked an allergic reaction that can provoke anaphylactic shock.

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