Snacks for wine: do’s and don’ts

Sommeliers and connoisseurs of quality alcohol say that good wine does not require any culinary delights.

A glass of decent drink is self-sufficient and good without snacks.

But this rule is enforceable only in a narrow circle or during the tasting. If you are planning a celebration, friendly gatherings or a festive dinner, it is important to think about the combination of dishes and wines.

What is better to exclude from the menu

There are products that are not suitable for wines in general.

They can ruin even the most beautiful bouquet. These include:

  1. Nuts

    Good with beer, but not with wine.

    The taste of nuts will kill the aroma of the drink and spoil the pleasure.

  2. Dishes with harsh, fatty dressings

    Vinegar and mayonnaise should not be combined with wine.

    Too heavy for a harmonious duet with a delicate wine bouquet.

  3. Spices and Herbs

    A pronounced aroma can overshadow the taste of the drink.

    Seasoning dishes should be done with care, without using strong additives.

What can be served

The main rule is: good wines require simple dishes.

There are foods that have been paired with grape drinks long before sommeliers.

Traditional snacks include: olives; bread; cheese.

Another well-known rule states that wines are in harmony with meat: white – with white, red – with red.

If you do not want to go into the details of tasting, you can follow these recommendations and do not read further.

Those who want to master the nuances of drinking different categories of drinks should familiarize themselves with the rest of the material.

What is most often served with wine

Let’s start with basic recommendations. Foods with strong aromas and harsh tastes, as well as cigarettes, interrupt the taste. You will not even understand what kind of drink you drank – dry or semi-sweet, you will not feel the opening of the wine bouquet. Therefore, do not combine smoking with wine tasting. What else to consider when choosing a snack:

  • to emphasize the taste of wine, serve the national dishes of the country where the drink came from;
  • the shade of the dish continues the color scheme of the wine, but there are universal options.

appetizers for wine

As an appetizer for red and white wine, dishes from the following products are most often used:

  • hard, semi-hard and soft cheeses;
  • meat (cutting, meat dishes);
  • bread, biscuits, crackers;
  • fruits;
  • fish;
  • chips, potato and fruit;
  • olives.

If there is no time for long preparations, quick snacks for wine in a hurry will become a lifesaver.

The simplest and most versatile options:

  • unflavored potato chips (classic, with salt), fruit chips (banana or apple);
  • cheese plate (cut 3-5 varieties of cheese, in addition, you can put walnuts on the plate);
  • fruit slices (a standard plate includes seedless grapes, apples, pears);
  • vegetable cutting (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, dill and parsley);
  • dried fruits (dates, dried pineapples, kiwi);
  • large olives in combination with unsweetened crackers or biscuits.

The sizes of the pieces are made such that it is convenient to eat them in one sitting. Cut fruits, vegetables and cheese right before serving so that the dish does not weather. If some time must pass between preparing food and eating it, cover the slices with cling film – and when serving, the dish will look fresh and appetizing.

Red wines: what to serve

A good addition to all dark grape drinks will be meat (fried, barbecue) and grilled vegetables.

Tender meat is suitable for light wine, tougher – for tart.

The rest of the snacks are chosen based on the type of drink:

  1. Dry wines

    They harmonize with cold cuts, sausages, pates, cheeses.

    Italian cuisine is well suited: pasta, spaghetti, pizza.

    Any combination of cheeses and meats, for example, in salads and tartlets, is also suitable.

    Such dishes allow you to neutralize the astringency and acidity inherent in dry drinks.

    Fruits should not be abused. Pear, peach, orange or melon are allowed in small quantities, but not everyone will like these combinations.

  2. Semi-dry/semi-sweet wines

    Game, other lean and light meats are well suited.

    Ideally combined: cheese slices, vegetables (asparagus, cauliflower), fruits and airy desserts.

  3. Sweet wines

    Harmonize with spicy, spicy and salty foods.

    Successful combinations: red fish, dark chocolate, unsweetened fruits, spiced meats, blue cheeses.

  4. Fortified and dessert wines

    Good as an aperitif or hot drink ingredient.

    They can be combined with barbecue, soup, spicy cheeses, meat and chocolate desserts.

White wines: what to serve

For light drinks, light seafood and fish dishes are prepared.

From meat, only white varieties are allowed: turkey or chicken, but these are not the most successful snacks.

You can also choose additions in accordance with the category of wine:

  1. Dry wines

    Suitable fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, simple desserts without chocolate.

  2. Semi-sweet wines

    Good with cheese, sausage, fish paste, white bread, fruit.

  3. Sweet wines

    They harmonize with cheeses, sausages (low-fat), ice cream, pastries, fruits.

What to pair with rosé wines

Almost everything is suitable for light drinks with a salmon tint: cheeses, meat, fruits, desserts.

Pate, bread, seafood and delicate soups will be a good addition.

What to serve with champagne and other sparkling wines

Sparkling drinks are considered festive and require appropriate meals.

Snacks depend on wine categories:

  1. Brut and dry

    Can be topped with goat cheese, seafood or caramelised fruit.

  2. Semi-sweet

    It goes well with red fish, sushi, cheeses. As a festive addition, pineapples and foie gras are suitable.

  3. Sweet

    Pairs well with desserts: white chocolate, candied almonds, fruit and chocolate fondue.

When compiling the menu, it is worth considering the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Each drink, especially from the elite category, has an original taste, which is well complemented by certain dishes.

Biggest Mistakes You're Making When Drinking Wine

Low calorie wine snacks

Among those who like to uncork a bottle or two, there are many people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. It is believed that moderate wine consumption is good for health, especially if the drink is of high quality and is drunk with a good snack. A short list of snacks that are easy for the body to digest, promote good digestion and keep your waistline:

Vegetable plate. As a hearty and light addition to the classic composition of vegetable cuts, we suggest trying avocado – an excellent lean product that contains many useful trace elements.

  • Fruit plate. Despite the high content of fructose in fruits, they are well absorbed and do not contribute to weight gain.
  • Grilled vegetables. Sliced ​​​​bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables, cooked on fire or on an electric grill, contribute to rapid saturation.
  • Sandwiches on black bread with butter, slightly salted fish and herbs.

When preparing the table, exclude fatty, spicy dishes and sweets from the list. Chocolate can be taken bitter – it looks appropriate in combination with dry red wine. For white it is better to take fruit.

Useful tips for those who love wine

To refresh the taste sensations, wine is served with neutral drinks along with snacks. It can be mineral water without gas in bottles or a jug and juice. If you plan to taste several types of wines, it is advisable to prepare a separate dish with refreshments for each serving. And remember that the strongest drink is served last.

Serving plays an important role in serving. To ensure that the wine drinking experience is exceptionally pleasant and nothing distracts guests, serve snacks on wide plates and put a sufficient number of toothpicks or canapé forks. For hot dishes, provide the required number of cutlery. Napkins will also not be superfluous. In case the wine spills, stock up on a cotton towel.

The wine glass is transparent and has a special shape that allows you to enjoy the light and color play of the drink. But if you do not brush off drops of water from the washed glass, smudges will remain on the walls, clearly visible in the light. So it’s worth spending a couple of minutes and carefully wiping the glasses with a clean and dry cotton cloth, just like a real movie bartender.

Buying wine and not sure which appetizer is best? Choose a universal option based on color, grape variety and degree of alcohol. You can enjoy wine with the simplest dishes, this is the charm and magic of this great drink.

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