Snacks for cognac – choose the best dishes

The selection of dishes significantly affects the sensations received from a particular alcoholic drink. The effect can be both positive and negative. Next, I will tell you how to properly snack cognac without interrupting its taste. In this matter, we are a unique country that has chosen its own path of development, choosing a simple, but not the most successful snack.

Russian reality

Thanks to Nicholas II, a strange tradition of eating cognac with lemon took root in our country. There is no point in this approach, because citric acid drowns out the receptors of the tongue for several minutes, interrupting the taste of any even the most sophisticated drink. This combination is justified only in two situations: when the quality of cognac leaves much to be desired (typical for most cheap brands) or a person just decided to get drunk.

Snacks for cognac – choose the best dishes
Ice and lemons are the worst thing to serve with cognac

In the second case, it is easier to choose alcohol without taste, for example, vodka, or switch to tequila, the European culture of drinking which is unthinkable without salt and lemon, although the Mexicans “inventors” of tequila consider this wildness.

World practice

When it comes to long-term cognacs (10-25 years), connoisseurs of elite spirits drink them without snacks. The organoleptic properties (color, taste, smell) of such drinks have been formed over the years, third-party products will spoil everything. If cognac tasting involves acquaintance with several brands, after each sample, the mouth is refreshed with mineral water without gas to refresh the receptors.

In France, short-aged cognacs (up to 10 years) are served with chocolate or pâtés. But most gourmets prefer to follow the rule of three “C” (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare). Moreover, at first they drink a cup of coffee, then take a few sips of cognac, and only after that they smoke a fragrant cigar.

Snacks for cognac – choose the best dishes
French classics

The disadvantage of the rule of three “C”: you can drink no more than 100-150 ml of cognac without being very drunk, and for Russians this is a ridiculous dose. During a long feast, an appetizer must be served with cognac, while it is important to preserve the taste of the drink.

Options for a feast

Dishes should not be spicy and greasy. Suitable fruits growing in the area where the drink is made: grapes, apples, pears, strawberries, etc. Olives, hard cheeses, seafood (caviar sandwiches, fried oysters, salmon) and white lean meat without hot spices, such as poultry or veal, go well with cognac. You can drink cognac with white grape juice or non-carbonated mineral water.

When compiling the menu, I advise you to take into account the preferences of the guests, having previously learned what they like to eat cognac with. Habit is second nature, sometimes more important than the right combination of drinks and dishes. If a person is used to eating cognac with lemon and doesn’t want to change anything, it’s useless to argue with him, it’s easier to put a plate of chopped lemons on the table, preserving the holiday atmosphere. Recipes for simple dishes and options for their beautiful presentation are shown in the video.

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