Smoothie juices. Part 2

Now we are on vacation in Spain, but here I do not have a juicer, so I only make smoothies. Here are the two options I’ve tried here. Both with parsley – a very healthy herb that I try to eat as often as possible.

Five strawberries, a large handful of raspberries, a large handful of blueberries, a small bunch of parsley. The berries can be either fresh or frozen. Put all ingredients in a blender and grind for 1-2 minutes.

Smoothie # 2: Sour.


A bunch of parsley, a bunch of spinach, two limes, one kiwi, two small cucumbers, one green apple. Peel the limes, kiwi and apple, cut into small pieces and chop along with the rest of the ingredients. This smoothie takes longer to cook as the spinach, parsley, and lime do not chop quickly. If you get a very thick consistency, dilute with water.

Bon Appetit)

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