Smooth-haired fox terrier: all you need to know about this breed

Smooth-haired fox terrier: all you need to know about this breed

The smooth-haired fox terrier is an active and energetic dog. He is a small hunter with a huge personality. This dog is considered an excellent pet. However, they are also a special dog who need a lot of physical activity, so they are not suitable for all types of families.

This dog is originally from England where it was used as a fox hunter, hence its name. This dog is renowned for being friendly and sociable, however, he must be actively socialized and educated.

Origin and history of the fox terrier

The fox terrier is one of the oldest terriers, apparently it already existed in the middle of the XNUMXth century in England. Like many other terriers, this breed was used by English farmers to kill the foxes and rats that were rampant in England at the time.

According to many authors, the Wire-haired Fox Terrier, a sister breed of the smooth-haired one, appeared simultaneously, but from different crosses. Over time, however, the two varieties crossed and were considered the same breed until the mid-1980s. It was only then that these two varieties were recognized as separate breeds, such as we know them today.

The smooth-haired fox terrier is less popular than its cousin the wire-haired fox terrier, however, and its use as a hunting dog has declined.

Smooth-haired Fox Terrier personality

These terrier dogs are very curious, active and alert. They require a lot of exercise and companionship. The smooth-haired fox terrier is perhaps one of the most active dog breeds and demands physical and mental activity. These dogs are therefore excellent pets for people who can meet their high exercise needs, but will be a problem for sedentary and inexperienced dog owners.

They can be good pets for families with large, responsible children. However, they are reactive dogs which can react in a very negative or even dangerous way to the disorderly solicitations of children. Likewise, smooth-haired fox terrier dogs are very responsive to other dogs and other animals if they have not been well socialized. Therefore, they can be difficult with other pets in the same household.

Two other behavioral characteristics of these dogs are worth noting, because they are potentially unpleasant for many people: they bark a lot and love to dig in the garden. They are very loud animals.

Care instructions

The care of the coat of this breed is very simple. Regular brushing is sufficient. However, they regularly shed hair, so they are not a good choice for people with allergies.

They need lots of exercise and companionship. It is not advisable to leave them alone for long periods of time. When bored, they tend to destroy whatever they find and dig in the garden. To own one of these dogs, it is necessary to have enough time to train and exercise them properly. In addition, dog toys are necessary. One of the most popular and useful with this breed is the kong.

Although they can live in an apartment, it is necessary to take them for a walk every day. The walks should preferably be long enough for them to exercise and socialize. We also recommend that you participate in dynamic dog sports, such as agility or freestyle. This way this breed will have a great opportunity to channel their energy.

Education and socialization

Dog training and early socialization are fundamental for this breed. The former allows for some control (depending on the level at which the training is taken), while the latter allows the terrier to communicate better with other dogs and people. If this breed is not socialized early on, it tends to get a bit wild, and at times uncontrollable, very responsive with other characters and pets. For this reason, socialization should be one of the top priorities in raising a smooth-haired fox terrier puppy.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the smooth-haired fox terrier dog has a natural predisposition to obedience, especially if one regularly uses positive reinforcement. Devoting time and effort to learning different commands and performing different activities will result in a happy, sociable, and obedient dog.


The smooth-haired fox terrier does not, as a breed, present any significant hereditary problems. However, depending on his breeding lines, he may have more or less propensity to develop certain diseases. Among these diseases are:

  • deafness ;
  • dislocation of the shoulder;
  • cataracts.

It is important to detect any disease early. As soon as you notice any symptom or strange behavior, we suggest you go see a vet. You must follow your vaccination and deworming schedule.

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