Smoking is a disease!

This is, of course, a mental shortcut, because the disease is nicotine addiction, not the act of smoking itself. But it’s time to acknowledge once and for all that tobacco addiction is a lethal disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized it as a chronic and relapsing disease.

On your own wish

Smoking is in some ways a fascinating phenomenon. First of all: when a person still has something to say about smoking, that is, before lighting the first cigarette, he is not discouraged by the fact that he will stink, he will spend a lot of money to blow it up right after that, perhaps he is taking up to 20 years. life and that it increases the risk of lung cancer many times over. He turns a blind eye to all this, just to introduce 4 substances harmful to health (including radioactive polonium and lead!) Straight into his lungs, including 40 carcinogens.

Now imagine that someone on the street comes up to him and says:

– Listen, I have a proposal: you will pay me seven zlotys for each dose of a special mixture that will make you stink, your teeth will turn yellow, you will cough up like an old tuberculosis, and in addition, watch out now, because this is a special promotion, your chance to get sick. cancer of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, as well as for stroke, heart attack and respiratory diseases, and that’s not all !, it will increase up to twenty times!

After all, he would knock his head and blow away where pepper grows! So why does he go to the kiosk and buy a packet of cigarettes that gives him exactly the same?

And there is no safe amount of cigarettes that you can smoke, so it’s not worth smoking even one to try:

– Cancer is the result of a combination of many factors, so you never know when the damage to the gene that will start the cancer process will occur. This can be done by the first and only cigarette in your life. The same cannot be said about cigarettes as about alcohol: that at a certain age and in a certain amount, it has a positive effect. Every cigarette is harmful – says Marek Jaworski, general director of the “Health Promotion” foundation.

Tragic consequences

It is also interesting that nicotine addiction, being a disease in itself, causes many other potentially fatal diseases. Finally, it is also a disease that is not obviously contagious. After all, a smoker who poisons himself of his own free will is at the same time a deadly threat to all who are around him when he lights a cigarette. A child, wife, friend, dog – they all inhale the same 40 carcinogens as the smoker. They can get sick and they can get sick and they die !, just like smokers. Though they’ve never had an orange filter wrapper in their mouths. This is the shocking power of smokers, but even more shocking is their ignorance.

Smoking is therefore both a disease, a cause of disease and a weapon of mass destruction.

Cigarettes are bad, what a truism. Big, black-screaming warnings from cigarette boxes roll over smokers like ducks. However, it must be repeated ad nauseam that smoking causes:

– lung cancer

– esophageal cancer

– throat cancer

– oral cancer

– and also: cancer of the stomach, kidney pelvis, kidney parenchyma, bladder, pancreas, liver, cervix and blood (myeloid leukemias)

– chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, asthma

– stroke

– cardiovascular diseases: coronary artery disease, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, hypertension

– impotence (it also has a negative effect on the quantity and quality of sperm)

– premature aging and premature menopause

– allergies in children


It’s easy to let go of it until it touches you or a loved one.

I smoke, you smoke …

– Most often, people in their fifties quit smoking – says Magdalena Cedzyńska, psychologist and head of the Smoker Aid Clinic at the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention of the Oncology Center in Warsaw. – Then they begin to feel the health effects of smoking to such an extent that they cannot ignore it anymore. That’s when their friends start dying too.

In the most dramatic circumstances it turns out that there is no reason why the statistics should apply to all people in the world except us. Every 8 seconds someone dies from inhaling tobacco smoke. It is very, very common.

– What is worse, people probably do not fully believe in the harmfulness of passive smoking – admits Magdalena Cedzyńska sadly.

Research conducted in 25 European Union countries shows that in 2002, passive smoking in the workplace caused one death every 17 minutes, and passive smoking at home – one death every 7 minutes. All these non-smoking people died like the smokers.

Importantly, the research also shows that air ventilation, which we can count on at home or at work, does not significantly reduce the concentration of tobacco smoke components in the air. So you cannot justify yourself with the air conditioning on or the window open. The authors of the experiment concluded that the real air purity would be achieved only by creating the conditions in the workplace that prevail in the wind tunnel …

From the begining

– One of my patients – says Magdalena Cedzyńska – smoked for 20 years. She lived in a block of flats on the second floor and in those twenty years she had never managed to climb the stairs to the second floor without at least two stops to cough up and catch her breath. After just 3 weeks of non-smoking, she entered her floor in one row for the first time in twenty years. At this point, it was not important to her that her heart attack risk was lowered, the climb up the stairs was such a measurable success. And it was a gigantic strengthening to persevere in abstinence.

Organisms of smokers, poisoned, smoky, stuck with phlegm and tar, all the time waiting for an opportunity to regenerate. Because they can regenerate, even after several decades of addiction! Our blood pressure is normalized just 20 minutes after smoking the last cigarette. After eight hours, the smoker is freed from harmful carbon monoxide. After two days, his senses of smell and taste will begin to sharpen. After 5 years, the risk of developing cancer of the lung, mouth, larynx and esophagus will be halved (!), As well as the risk of a stroke will be reduced. And after 15 years, the risk of lung cancer for an ex-smoker will be the same as for a person who has never smoked.

And finally, easily forgotten, man will finally be free from addiction. Deciding for yourself is a great privilege, and it makes no sense to give away a handful of toxin-laden tobacco wrapped in tissue paper.

For more information:


Also read: Electronic cigarettes – What is inside e-cigarettes?

Telephone Support Center for Smokers: 0 801-108-108

open from Monday to Friday from 11 to 19, Saturdays from 11 to 15

Text: Julia Wolin

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