Smoking cessation: aromatherapy to fight against the symptoms of a lack of nicotine

Smoking cessation: aromatherapy to fight against the symptoms of a lack of nicotine

At the start of the year, many of us are making new resolutions, in particular that of putting an end to bad habits that are harmful to our health. Among them, quitting smoking often comes up, and for good reason! It is a habit that greatly affects our health and which is difficult to break, because the lack of nicotine can cause bothersome symptoms. Find out in this article how aromatherapy can help you fight against the symptoms of nicotine deficiency.

What symptoms after the last cigarette?

Like any drug, nicotine causes addiction, and the stop is accompanied by a number of symptoms which represent the smoking cessation.

Among them, we can of course cite the urge to light a cigarette : the body demands its dose of nicotine! An urge that disappears over time, but which can be difficult to control in the first few days, or even the first weeks.

Other symptoms, which vary from person to person, can also appear: weight gain, irritability, depression, trouble sleeping, fatigue, cough, increased appetite and taste for sugary foods.

Fortunately, the essential oils can help you cope with the symptoms of smoking cessation.

Against the urge to smoke

A study published in 1994 by the Nicotine Reseach Laboratory at Duke University in the United States showed that inhalation through the mouth ofblack pepper essential oil reduces the urge to smoke by mimicking the sensations experienced when inhaling tobacco.

Against the depression

Quitting smoking can cause stress, anxiety, irritability and depression. When these very annoying symptoms occur, it is important not to crack, because smoking again will only give you a very fleeting feeling of well-being. As soon as you squash your cigarette, you will feel guilty that you ruined your efforts to quit.

On the contrary, the use of aromatherapy can help you to relax and unwind for a long time, because you can use it whenever you feel the need. Thereby, mandarin essential oil soothes stress and anxieties, true lavender essential oil fights irritability, stress and anxiety and bigarade petit grain essential oil acts against low morale.

Against insomnia

Sometimes stopping smoking leads to sleep disturbances. Essential oils of mandarin and true lavender can help you fall asleep thanks to their calming and soothing properties. The essential oil of noble chamomile as for it will allow you to find a restful sleep.

Against cravings

Smoking cessation is often accompanied by weight gain, because tobacco suppresses hunger and causes loss of taste for food. By stopping smoking, we therefore regain our appetite and the pleasure of eating. You may also want to compensate for smoking with food and in particular small sweet pleasures.

To reduce these snacking cravings, you can use essential oils of mandarin and grapefruit which have an interesting appetite suppressant effect.

Against fatigue

Because nicotine is an stimulant, people who quit smoking often experience fatigue during the quitting phase. Tonic and stimulating, these are essential oils of peppermint and black spruce that will best help you regain energy.

Against constipation

When you stop smoking, constipation problems can arise because nicotine stimulates intestinal transit. Aromatherapy can overcome this problem with mandarin essential oil which, in addition to its calming and relaxing properties, is known to stimulate transit and peppermint essential oil which acts positively on digestion.



Pranarôm is a player of choice and a world reference in the aromatherapy market. To help people who decide to quit smoking get through their smoking cessation period smoothly, Pranarôm has developed a range of 100% natural and nicotine-free products.


The Forte Support Global Pranarôm capsules facilitate the withdrawal period thanks to a comprehensive approach to withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to the actions of the essential oil of sage with lavender leaves and true lavender, the capsules act both on the physical aspect of the lack: metabolic disturbance and weight gain; and on the psychological aspect: irritability, depression and fatigue.




The Instant Quick Release Spray Pranarôm helps manage occasional cravings. By combining the actions of the essential oils of true lavender, tangerine and peppermint, this spray instantly overcomes the irresistible urge to smoke.





Pranarôm Quick Release chewing gums contain essential oils of copaiba, black pepper and spearmint, to help you overcome both the urge to smoke and the cravings you feel during the smoking cessation phase. Sugar-free and made by cold compression, this chewing gum is chewable for 5 to 10 minutes.





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