Smoked pear tincture

Smoked pear tincture is remembered for its rich pear aroma, taste with hints of smoked meat and a light duchesse aftertaste. A good option for alcohol when traditional fruit tinctures are already fed up.

A pear cannot be dried whole, so the craftsmen came up with another way to store fruits for a long time – smoking. Smoked pear can be purchased at the market or in the supermarket. Any variety will do, it is only important that the fruits have a pleasant smell, and there is no mold and rot on the surface.

As an alcohol base, you can take store-bought vodka, double-distilled fruit or sugar moonshine, diluted to 40-45% ethyl alcohol or cognac. In the latter case, the tincture will have aging notes that go well with the pear.

Smoked pear tincture recipe


  • smoked pear – 25-40 g;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 l;
  • orange zest – from half a medium fruit (optional);
  • raisins – 20 g (optional);
  • sugar – to taste.

The more smoked pears, the stronger the pear aroma and the richer the taste of the tincture, but at high concentrations the drink becomes too sharp. Orange peel enriches the organoleptic with citrus notes, and raisins give a slight sweetness and soften the taste. Sugar is best added at the end, adjusting the sweetness of the drink from tincture to liquor.

Technology of preparation

1. Lightly rinse the smoked pear in warm water and place in a container for infusion. If desired, add raisins and orange zest (pre-wash the orange in hot water and wipe dry, remove only the zest without white bitter pulp).

2. Pour in the alcohol base. Mix, seal tightly.

3. Infuse for 2 days in a dark place at room temperature.

If only a pear was used, strain the drink through cheesecloth and bottle for storage.

If there are other ingredients in the tincture (raisins, orange peel), remove the pear and insist for another 4 days, then strain through cheesecloth, slightly squeezing the pomace.

Smoked pear can be reused by increasing the infusion time to 3-4 days.

4. Taste the drink, sweeten with sugar if desired. Pour into bottles for storage. Leave in the refrigerator or cellar for at least 2 days to stabilize the taste.

Fortress of homemade smoked pear tincture – 32-37% vol. Shelf life away from direct sunlight – up to 3 years.

Smoked pear tincture
On cognac

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