Smile with pleasure

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During the pre-holiday bustle, it is important not to miss a visit to the dentist. And this time you need not only to heal your teeth, but also to develop a plan called “Hollywood smile” or something like that.

If the teeth are safe and sound, then proceed to the next stage. Different methods of whitening are practiced in modern dental clinics. For example, photodynamic whitening based on the use of a green laser and an alkaline gel gives excellent results. Laser whitening enhances the natural whiteness of teeth by 10-12 tones, and also strengthens, protects and restores enamel. If there is no time to go to the clinic, you can undergo a course of home bleaching (under the supervision of a doctor).

Veneers – thin onlays that are glued to the teeth with a special composition – will help you get a Hollywood smile. But it is better to start with correcting the bite by contacting an orthodontist. With a slight curvature of the dentition, it is worth trying to wear a trainer – a trainer made of reinforced polymer. In difficult cases, the wearing of plates or braces (braces) is prescribed. Having made an impression of your teeth before the holidays, already in January you will be able to wear braces (for example, self-ligating), and a year later – please with a Hollywood smile.

Correcting the bite increases the service life of the dentition, and also has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system as a whole. An improper fit of the jaws overloads some teeth and excludes others from chewing. Due to insufficient chewing, the stomach suffers.

Petra Sukhova, 70b



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