Smell is the memory of our emotions

Any smell in itself is neither bad nor good. It is our brain that interprets it according to our experiences and more or less pleasant memories, according to olfactory experts.

Psychologies: What is smell?

Patrick McLeod: The smell itself does not exist. We perceive it only at that particular moment when the molecules of a certain substance coming from the external environment reach the upper part of the cavities inside our nose. This “meeting” lasts only one or two seconds, but it is it that creates the smell and gives rise to our sensations. Thus, we are not talking about the properties of a substance, but about the phenomenon of its meeting with our olfactory receptors, located five millimeters from the brain. So the smell depends on 50% of the substance, and 50% on the people themselves. This is a scientifically established fact.

And artificially created aroma?

This is a special smell, composed by an expert who knows how to create a work of art based on a combination of odorous substances. Aroma relates to these substances in the same way that a painting relates to paints: it’s all about the artist’s vision.

Why are we sensitive to smells?

When faced with a smell, we analyze it on three levels. First of all – pleasant or unpleasant. Then the “qualitative aspect”: are we able to recognize or classify this smell? And finally, intensity: is this smell so strong that it permeates everything around, or, conversely, is it barely perceptible? If the olfactory sensation is not of particular interest to us, we stop at the first level. But if it leads to some kind of memory, awakens some kind of emotion or causes disgust, then our brain selects it and remembers it.

What is the smell for?

It makes a significant contribution to the information that our brain receives about the environment. This allows us to prepare ourselves to adapt our behavior accordingly. Memory plays a vital role in this process. After all, by its nature, no smell is neither good nor bad. Our brain gives it an interpretation, assigning a certain qualitative definition to the smell. We perceive such a “hedonistic label” only depending on our life experience. So, if a certain aroma turned out to be associated with a feeling for some person, then it will forever be imprinted in our memory.

Why do some unfamiliar fragrances fascinate us, while others do not?

Perfumers create new compositions based on the cultural context. Using only substances with a pleasant smell or those whose smell is considered pleasant, they turn to easily recognizable landmarks: the aromas of flowers, wood, spices. These are all seductive smells that help us to like an unfamiliar aroma.

Can aroma influence our behavior?

We have never been able to observe in a person the slightest change in behavior under the influence of the smell of perfume. But we also have no evidence to the contrary.

Why is perfume associated with seduction for some women?

Because perfume simultaneously expands the space occupied by a woman and increases the time of her presence: professionals call this “volume” and “loop”. A fragrance that announces its presence attracts attention. He is remembered later. A woman thus “marks” her territory.

Why is it so hard to describe the smell?

There can be no consensus on the issue of a particular smell: each person perceives it in his own way. It is impossible to create an accurate vocabulary for describing smells, you have to constantly resort to metaphors. These images, tied to our memories, take us back to some pleasant or nostalgic moment. Less well known is the fact that smell is directly related to taste: the nasal and oral cavities communicate directly with each other. So smell and taste are closely related. When we find a dish tasty, we can share this feeling with others, but this cannot be said unequivocally about the smell – its interpretation remains very personal.

About the expert: Patrick Mac Leod is a French neurophysiologist, president of the Institute of Taste, one of the world’s leading experts in the neurophysiology of the senses.

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