“Smecta” for a child: benefits and dosage. Video

“Smecta” for a child: benefits and dosage. Video

“Smecta” is an effective enterosorbent that is used to treat diarrhea and eliminate abdominal discomfort resulting from increased gas production, bloating and heartburn. The main advantage of the drug is that it is approved for use even in infants.

Indications for the use of “Smekty”

The main indication for the appointment of “Smekta” is diarrhea caused by infection, eating disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other problems.

However, in children, the medicine can be used in other cases:

  • with intestinal colic
  • with abdominal pain
  • with reflux esophagitis, which may be accompanied by frequent regurgitation, pain, vomiting and heartburn
  • with diseases of the large intestine

“Smecta” can be prescribed both for the treatment of the listed diseases, and for the prevention of diarrhea when switching to a new mixture, with the introduction of complementary foods and allergies. The medicine has a pleasant taste and, as a rule, is well tolerated by both children over a year and infants.

Like any other medicine, “Smecta” should be prescribed by a doctor who knows the characteristics of the child and the medical history. Otherwise, it is highly likely that the drug will not benefit, but cause a complication, such as constipation.

How to cook and give “Smecta” to a child

“Smecta” is produced in the form of a powder, which must be stirred in 100 ml of warm water until a homogeneous solution is obtained. For a baby, this amount of medicine will be enough for exactly one day. In babies older than a year, the daily intake of the drug is twice as high. Children aged two to three years can drink up to three packets of “Smekty” a day. You can take the medicine as a single dose or in a course of 3–7 days.

Freshly prepared Smecta solution can be stored for no more than a day. If the medicine has stood for a while, you need to mix it thoroughly again to prevent the formation of sediment. It is better for the infant to give the drug from a spoon or from a bottle. You can mix it with formula, juice, or breast milk. Only one thing is important: you need to drink the daily norm of the solution not in one sitting, but in 3-4 doses, evenly distributed throughout the day.

For children over one year old, it is advisable to drink “Smecta” not during feeding, but between meals. Only with esophagitis is it permissible to take the medicine immediately after eating.

Contraindications to the reception of “Smekty”

In some cases, “Smecta” is prohibited for use due to the fact that the risk from taking it may exceed the intended benefit.

The grounds for discontinuation of the drug are:

  • individual intolerance
  • intestinal obstruction
  • constipation
  • fructose intolerance

It is worth stopping the treatment even if it does not have an effect for 3-5 days. In such a situation, you should call the doctor again and reconsider his appointment.

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