For laboratory microscopic examination of the microflora of the vagina, cervix and urethra, a smear on the flora is used. This test is also called a bacterioscopy, a vaginal smear, or simply a general smear. The resulting biomaterial is applied to glass and stained using a special technique to study the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and the composition of the microflora. With the help of the analysis, it is possible to identify lactobacilli, Trichomonas, fungi and gonococci. A smear for diseases of the urogenital area is an informative diagnostic method, thanks to which it is possible to identify not only inflammatory processes, but also prevent the development of cancer.
Varieties of smears from the vagina
There are three types of smears that are taken from the vagina: a smear for flora oncocytology and latent infections. The most common analysis is bacterioscopy, since on its basis a gynecologist can determine the “purity” of the vagina, detect serious gynecological diseases (thrush, cervicitis, vaginosis, vaginitis) and pathological changes. With the help of a smear on the flora, it is possible to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases, such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.
The essence of the analysis is that various microorganisms are detected that react differently to Gram staining. As a result, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms are detected in the biomaterial. Gram-negative organisms are considered the most dangerous because they are less sensitive to drugs and often cause gynecological diseases in women.
Samples prepared for analysis are examined under a microscope and the number of identically colored microorganisms, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and bacteria is counted. The specialist indicates the parameters, shape, localization of bacteria and other cytological indicators. Together with a general smear, women are cultured for microflora to determine the variety of microorganisms.
Pap test (cytomorphological examination of the epithelium from the cervical canal) is used to diagnose precancerous changes in epithelial cells and cervical cancer. Thanks to a special Papanicolaou biomaterial staining method, a very high sensitivity of the test is achieved, which helps to identify inflammatory processes, pathological neoplasms and dysplasia of the inner layer of the uterus. Gynecologists recommend that women take a Pap test at least once a year.
If you suspect inflammation of the cervical canal, menstrual irregularities, diabetes mellitus, infertility, obesity, the doctor will definitely prescribe an oncocytological study. When planning a pregnancy or taking hormonal drugs, it is also advisable to take a smear for a cytomorphological study. If there are papilloma (condyloma) and genital herpes viruses in the human body, the gynecologist immediately sends the patient for a pap test.
An analysis for latent infectious diseases in modern gynecology is considered very informative, since it immediately reveals the causative agent of the infection. Based on the results of this smear, the doctor can accurately diagnose and begin immediate complex treatment. Asymptomatic latent diseases are the most dangerous, because they can occur in the female body for several months, and then abruptly cause serious complications. If left untreated, latent infections can lead to infertility.
Indications for the procedure (smear on flora)
The indications for taking a general smear are:
- planning for the conception of a child;
- woman’s pregnancy;
- scheduled examination by a doctor;
- therapy with hormones, antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroids, anticancer drugs for a long period of time;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- copious discharge from the vagina;
- itching and pain during intercourse.
Gynecologists recommend taking a smear on the flora when changing a sexual partner and pain during intimacy with a man. The analysis is needed to diagnose gynecological diseases of the genital area and allows you to detect inflammatory processes in the early stages. It is advisable to visit a doctor every six months for a preventive examination and passing the necessary tests.
Preparing for the procedure
A smear for flora is taken taking into account the menstrual cycle: it is recommended to take biomaterial a few days before the onset of menstruation or 3-4 days after they end. Before manipulation, the use of vaginal suppositories, ointments, gels and tampons is prohibited. The woman should stop douching for a few days.
If the patient has inflammation, which is accompanied by copious discharge, you must first undergo treatment, and then come for bacterioscopy. 2-3 days before the day of taking a smear on the flora, it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse. It is not recommended to use intimate hygiene products 1 day before the procedure. It is undesirable to empty the bladder before the procedure. The patient is not required to switch to dietary nutrition and refrain from playing sports.
Features of passing a smear on the flora
Before taking a general smear, a woman must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, during which the walls of the vagina are visually assessed and biomaterial is collected from the external opening of the urinary canal, vagina and cervix with a sterile spatula. The resulting sample is evenly applied to the glass surface for further laboratory testing of the material.
Biomaterial from the urethra, vagina, cervix and uterine cavity is located on different parts of the glass, with a mark on the reverse side to identify the site of material sampling.
Manipulations are usually painless, but discomfort may be present.
The duration of taking a smear takes from 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes. The results of the analysis will be ready the next day.
Explanation of results
The normal indicators of a general smear are as follows: no more than 15 squamous epithelial cells (a deviation to a greater extent indicates inflammation, and a smaller deviation indicates a hormonal failure), no more than 10 leukocytes in the vagina and no more than 30 leukocytes in the cervix, there should be a lot of Dederlein sticks , since if there is a deviation from the norm, the doctor will diagnose a violation of the microflora of the vagina.
The smear should contain a moderate amount of mucus. Abundant discharge is a sign of inflammation and infection. Fungi and pathogenic microorganisms in the biomaterial should not be observed, otherwise their presence indicates gynecological diseases. There are also 4 degrees of “purity” of the vagina: the first and second are a normal indicator, and the third and fourth require treatment, after which a second smear is taken for the flora.
The interpretation of the results of the study contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. An accurate diagnosis is made by the doctor, using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: history, results of other examinations, etc.
- Sources of
- Savicheva AM – Procedure for microscopic examination of smears from the urogenital tract. Guidelines for specialists in laboratory diagnostics / Savicheva A. M., Sokolovsky E. V., Domeika M. – M .: N-L, 2007. – 521 p.