Smartphone addiction: interesting facts and videos

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! The article “Smartphone Addiction: Interesting Facts and Videos” provides useful information on this topic. Tips on how to get rid of smartphone addiction.

What is nomophobia

Nomophobia (English nomophobia, from no mobile-phone phobia). This is the fear (phobia) of being left without a mobile phone or being away from it.

Friends, how many times a day do you check your phone? According to the survey, the typical American checks his smartphone every 6,5 minutes. In young people, loyalty to their own gadgets is felt especially keenly. This is smartphone addiction (nomophobia). Fear (phobia) of being left without a mobile phone.

53% of respondents aged 15-30 said that they would rather give up their own taste buds than a smartphone. This strongly suggests that many of them may be addicted to their phones.

Smartphone addiction: interesting facts and videos

The fact that 80 to 90% of people use their phones while driving a vehicle is responsible for 6000 deaths and several billion dollars in reimbursed damages each year. This is a vivid example of the fact that the problem is significant enough.

College teachers also see the smartphone as the main reason for distracting students from their studies.

There are studies that suggest that certain personality types are more prone to addiction. On this basis, it is possible to analyze the dependence on modern phones.

Staggering level of infatuation

Scientists have delved a little further into the extent of people’s fascination with smartphones. They conducted a study to determine how much time young people spend on their phones. It turned out that students spend an average of 8 hours and 48 minutes looking at information on their phones. per day.

This number adds to a whole host of other findings that suggest over-infatuation. Researches show:

  • 79% of us, within 15 minutes after a night’s sleep, reach for our phone;
  • 68% keep it under their pillow;
  • 67% check their phone even when there are no calls;
  • 46% admit that they absolutely “cannot live without their iPhones”.

Smartphone addiction: interesting facts and videos

However, there is still a category of people who are less likely to become addicted to phones. They rarely use them or generally shy away from them.

They are on the other end of the spectrum from people who have lost control of their phone use and who show some of the classic signs of addiction (euphoria, aggressiveness, conflict).

To find out what people who are prone to smartphone addiction are capable of, scientists recently conducted a survey. He had to find out which personality traits are more prone to smartphone addiction.

Scientists analyzed a group of 347 average students and determined which personal qualities of the respondents are more likely to lead to such a disorder. They also drew attention to the degree of impulsivity of each of the subjects.

Status symbol and high-tech pacifier

The results of the study allowed scientists to better understand exactly what role certain traits of a person play in the gradual development of his smartphone addiction. It became clear that high impulsivity and low concentration of attention are in direct dependence of people on their smartphones.

The study found that the average attention span of the average person is 8,25 seconds – even shorter than the 9-second attention span of Carassius Auratus (goldfish).

Almost four seconds less than the average human attention span detected 15 years ago (then it was 12 seconds).

“Feeling connected”

In terms of personality traits, three of them do affect the likelihood that you might develop an addiction to your cellular device.

Emotional instability. Temperamental people are more dependent on their smartphones than their stable partners.

It turns out that these people are using smartphones to search for things that can calm and distract them. Constantly checking messages or scrolling through the news feed helps in this, playing the role of the so-called “high-tech nipples”.

Extroverts who seek to be in the center of the action and connect with more people around them are more likely to be addicted to their smartphones than introverts. Scientists have found that “feeling connected” is the most important emotional aspect of using a smartphone.

Materialist students found themselves heavily dependent on their gadgets. It may seem strange, although considering the main trends, modern phones now play an important role in the lives of young people. Therefore, this conclusion can be considered a regularity.

Young people are constantly using their mobile phones in public to showcase the brand and characteristics of their iPhone. For them, it tells the world a lot about who they are. In essence, their iPhones have become a status sign just like an expensive wallet or watch.

Our unhealthy addiction to smartphones is a prime example of what has been called the “technology paradox.” This device gives us the ability to do what we could only dream of until recently. They also, in a sense, made us.

Has smartphone use reached a tipping point where the tool does more harm than good? This is a question only for you.


This video compilation provides additional information on smartphone addiction.

After Watching You Won’t Use Your Phone Again | Why is smartphone addiction dangerous?

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